AlbNER Named Entity Recognition in Albanian =========================================== AlbNER is a Named Entity Recognition corpus of Wikipedia sentences in Albanian, consisting of 900 records. The sentence tokens are manually labeled complying with the CoNLL-2003 shared task annotation scheme explained at that uses I-ORG, B-ORG, I-PER, B-PER, I-LOC, B-LOC, I-MISC, B-MISC and O tags. From the total of 900 records, 500 of them should be used for model training (file train.txt), 100 for model developmen (file dev.txt) and remaining 300 (file test.txt) for model testing. License ------- AlbNER corpus data are released under CC-BY license ( Download -------- AlbNER corpus can be download from: Publications ------------ If using AlbMoRe data, please cite the following paper: Çano Erion. AlbNER: A Corpus for Named Entity Recognition in Albanian. CoRR, abs/2309.08741, 2023. URL