While including gradual long-term flooding of individual residual mining pits, the re-vitalization program of the Podkrušnohorská brown-coal basin area has to assure - beside general water quality standards - satisfactory stability level of future lake banks and their wider environment as required for safe usage of future water lakes. General assessment of factors and conditions influencing bank and/or slope stability of future lakes was realized within the frames of the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences grant project. The grant project solutions include a study of exogenous processes on localities where the mining has been terminated. Also, prognoses were developed on behaviour of future banks during flooding and subsequent operation of future lakes. The presented paper is focused on assessment of mayor factors that participate on initiation and intensity of the bank abrasion and sliding deformations., Tamara Spanilá, Zdeněk Kudrna, Vladislav John, Filip Hartvich and Vladimír Chour., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Lake Śniardwy is the largest among more than 7000 Polish lakes. So far, it has not been a subject of detailed investigations concerning long-term changes in water temperature or ice regime. A considerable change in thermal and ice conditions has been observed in the period 1972–2019. Mean annual water temperature increased by 0.44°C dec–1 on average, and was higher than an increase in air temperature (0.33°C dec–1). In the monthly cycle, the most dynamic changes occurred in April (0.77°C dec–1). In the case of ice cover, it appeared increasingly later (5.3 days dec–1), and disappeared earlier (3.0 days dec–1). The thickness of ice cover also decreased (2.4 cm dec–1). Statistical analysis by means of a Pettitt test showed that the critical moment for the transformations of the thermal and ice regime was the end of the 1980’s. In addition to the obvious relations with air temperature for both characteristics, it was evidenced that the occurrence of ice cover depended on wind speed and snow cover. The recorded changes in the case of Lake Śniardwy are considered unfavourable, and their consequences will affect the course of physical, chemical, and biological processes in the largest lake in Poland.
The Lake Quillwort (Isoëtes lacustris) and Spring Quillwort (I. echinospora) are submerged Lycopods and critically endangered species of Czech flora, each living in a sole lake in the Šumava Mountains (Bohemian Forest). Our 15-year scientific research has been focused on the resistance of these living fossils to the strong acidification of the lakes. Both populations were unable to reproduce for decades and are responding in a quite specific way to the current recovery of the lakes, although this does not quarantee the successful restoration of the quillwort stands. and Martina Čtvrtlíková.
Zaniklé jezero Švarcenberk představuje unikátní lokalitu v rámci severního Třeboňska. Sedimenty jezera uchovaly záznam o proměnách přírodního prostředí mezi koncem vrcholného glaciálu a mladším atlantikem. Vodní hladina přitahovala paleolitické a mezolitické lovce, takže v okolí jezera nacházíme značné množství lokalit těchto období. Tato stať chce upozornit na to, že jezero Švarcenberk není v regionu jediné, naopak je součástí struktury, která obsahovala podobných jezer možná až několik desítek. Všechna tato jezera by měla mít obdobný archeologický potenciál. and Determining the archaeological potential of the landscape using Quaternary geological mapping in the Třeboň region, south Bohemia. Former Lake Švarcenberk is a unique site in the northern part of the Třeboň region. Lake sediments have preserved a record of the transformation of the natural environment between the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Atlantic chronozone. As the water was an attractive location for Palaeolithic and Mesolithic hunters, a great number of sites from these periods are found in the vicinity of the lake. The aim of the essay is to show that Lake Švarcenberk is not the only site in the region but is in fact part of a structure that might have included several dozen similar lakes. All of these lakes could have comparable archaeological potential.