The effect of wing length (brachyptery and macroptery) on mating activity was investigated in adult males and females of a flightless wing-polymorphic insect, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.). Mating activity of the brachypterous and macropterous adult bugs was assessed according to 14 different parameters. The competition tests revealed higher numbers of copulations and greater duration of mating activity in brachypterous than in macropterous males. Brachypterous males are between two to four times more successful in competition for females than their macropterous counterparts, depending on the wing morph and physiological status of the females. Decreased mating success of macropterous males is associated with the smaller size of their accessory glands. Lowered competitive ability for mates is a likely penalty associated with macroptery. Receptivity tests showed the highest tendency to mate in reproductive brachypterous females, lower in macropterous females and the least in diapausing brachypterous females. This is the first report of decreased mating propensity of macropterous morphs in insects with non-functional wing polymorphism. The association of lowered mating success with the higher dispersal activity of the macropterous morph in this bug and a trade-off between the ability to reproduce and to disperse in the flightless wing-polymorphic insects is discussed.
Body size is one of the most investigated traits in studies of sexual selection in fruit flies of the genus Drosophila. In D. melanogaster, size has often been correlated with male mating success, i.e. larger males were more successful in achieving copulations both in laboratory and field conditions. In the present paper, we investigated if male body size is a sexually selected trait in competitive conditions, when full-sibs that developed at two different temperatures (18 and 25°C) competed for females. Males developed at a lower temperature were significantly larger than those reared at a higher temperature, but they were not more successful in mating. We conclude that when body size is significantly induced by temperature variability, it is not correlated with male mating success., Sofija Pavkovic-Lučic, Vladimir Kekic., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In this study, aspects of the reproductive performance and behaviour of male Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were investigated. We report that males of clones possessing an autosomal 1,3 translocation conferring insecticide resistance show a weak trend for a reduction in reproductive potential. Clones with the translocation that can produce males but no mating females (androcyclic clones) did not have an additional disadvantage. The age of virgin males and females affected mating success. Young males and females, 0-5 days old, were the most successful with respect to the number of females mated and number of eggs produced. There was a decline in reproductive potential after 9-10 days into adult life for males and after 4-5 days for females. Mating behaviour was observed in the laboratory and described. Some pre-copulatory stroking behaviour by the fore and hind legs of the male was observed. Females occasionally walked in copula sometimes resulting in the disengagement of the male before the termination of mating. Average mating duration in the experimental conditions was 10.5 ± 4.0 minutes and both males and females readily mated more than once.