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DARIAH-CZ National Workshop 2021

Date: Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021, online on Zoom

Program Commitee

  • Jan Hajič (Charles University)
  • Barbora Hladká (Charles University)
  • Pavel Straňák (Charles University)
  • Tomáš Foltýn (National Library of the Czech Republic)
  • Martin Lhoták (Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences)


DARIAH is a research infrastructure for arts and humanities scholars working with computational methods. DARIAH-CZ is part of LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ which is included at the Czech Large Infrastructures Roadmap.

Aim of the one-day DARIAH-CZ National Workshop is to raise awareness about national infrastructure for digital humanities and to share experiences with building of research infrastructures at other European countries as well as building DARIAH-EU ERIC infrastructure at the European level. The workshop program will cover an extensive range of topics related to both infrastructure building and its use in research.

The workshop will be held in English, registration is free of charge. It is necessary to register to attend the event by filling in the registration form


9:10-9:15 WELCOME Martin Lhoták, National coordinator of DARIAH-CZ (Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 

9:15-11:00 INTERNATIONAL SESSION (Session Chair: Martin Lhoták)

9:15-9:20 Jan Hajič, Chair of LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)

9:20-10:00 Jennifer Edmond, DARIAH-EU ERIC Director (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
A superhighway for the villages? The DARIAH research infrastructure for the arts and humanities, then, now and in the future

Annotation: This talk will explore the foundations of contemporary conceptualisations of research infrastructure, and how they can be used to serve the sometimes different needs of the arts and humanities.  It will focus specifically on how the DARIAH ERIC realises this interpretation, and how it brings value to institutions and individuals across Europe.

10:00-10:30 Edward Gray, DARIAH-EU National Coordination Officer (Huma-Num, Paris, France)
What Can DARIAH Central Do For You? The DARIAH Coordination Office and Fostering Arts and Humanities Research in Europe

Annotation: This talk will examine the ways in which DARIAH Central Office helps foster research across Europe, touching on actions for both national and local research infrastructures, as well as opportunities for individual researchers. It will provide concrete examples of what DARIAH can and has done for arts and humanities research, spanning from the training and education, to financial support, logistical aid, and creating a space where researchers can meet and exchange.

10:30-11:00 Walter Scholger, Austrian National Coordinator for DARIAH-EU and CLARIN ERIC (University of Graz, Austria)
Stronger together - the CLARIAH-AT consortium of Austrian stakeholders in Digital Humanities 

Annotation:  CLARIAH-AT is the consortium of Austrian universities and research institutions that coordinates and drives Austrian activities in the European ESFRI research infrastructures CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) and DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities). The consortium brings together Austrian institutions with relevant expertise in research, development and teaching in the field of digital humanities as well as in the establishment and sustainable operation of research (data) infrastructures, which also play an active role in the Austrian development of digital humanities and the establishment and expansion of technical and social infrastructures for the humanities in general.

11:00-11:15 BREAK

11:15-12:45 INTERNATIONAL SESSION (Session Chair: Pavel Straňák)

11:15-11:45 Nanette Rissler-Pipka, National Coordinator for DARIAH-DE (Göttingen State and University Library, Germany)
Highlights and Challenges: the landscape of services in DARIAH-DE and CLARIAH-DE

Annotation: DARIAH-DE is one of the initial national nodes of the DARIAH-ERIC and was continued via project-based funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in three phases from 2011 to 2019. During this long period many important services were created and maintained. Apart from the actual production and creation of new services a concept to measure the service life cycle and the impact of each service was developed. In 2019 DARIAH-DE partly merged into CLARIAH-DE and was continued as an operating cooperation by most of the initial partners until 2021. The challenges of sustainability, changing funding programs and a highly dynamic and heterogeneous community are leading us to an exciting future.

11:45-12:15 Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, DARIAH-EU Open Science Officer (DARIAH EU Office, Berlin, Germany)
Open Science, EOSC and DARIAH

Annotation: Having a vision and a strong commitment to open research has always been important to DARIAH as it brings on collaborative and innovative means of digitally enabled research. As Open Science practices are becoming a central condition of research funding, it is even more important to establish a dedicated discourse and community practices around the open research culture as it makes sense in the arts and humanities disciplines. The presentation aims to outline discipline-specific, yet widely interoperable models of Open Science emerging from community practices of arts and humanities. It will be shown how Open Science activities in DARIAH-EU build an open agenda for arts and humanities research that is firmly grounded in disciplinary realities. This includes:

  • Providing a strong voice for arts and humanities research communities to be heard in European and national research policy debates, with special focus on career assessment.
  • Supporting our communities in navigating themselves in this whole new world and providing Open Science advocacy to them in all career stages and levels of expertise.
  • Making arts and humanities’ contributions to the open research culture more visible both inside and outside the arts and humanities research communities.
  • Facilitating access to Cultural Heritage data.
  • Building infrastructural components that enable open research practices across arts and humanities disciplines.


12:15-12:45 Martin Wynne, National Coordinator in the UK for CLARIN (The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, UK)
Forty-five Years of the Oxford Text Archive: from magnetic tapes to CLARIN-UK

Annotation: For forty-five years the Oxford Text Archive has been collecting digital resources and making them available for researchers in the Humanities. The archive started in 1976, and is the oldest digital text repository in continuous existence. Early work involved creating the Oxford Concordance Programme, and the use of a Kurzweil Data Entry Machine for digitizing texts. The OTA has continued through a number of important technological and institutional changes, and now has a role as a trusted repository within the digital research infrastructure in the UK and as a CLARIN centre. This talk with examine some of the key lessons learned over this period, and explain the current status and ambitions of CLARIN-UK.

12:45-13:45 BREAK

13:45-15:00 NATIONAL SESSION (Session Chair: Barbora Vidová Hladká)

13:45-14:10 Jan Hajič, Chair of LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Information about current state of LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ

Annotation: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is a Large Research Infrastructure established as LINDAT/CLARIN in 2010. It is part of the CLARIN ERIC and DARIAH ERIC networks, and it is also firmy established on the Czech Republic's Roadmap of LRIs. Since 2019, it has been working in current form as a consortium of 11 independent institutions, among them universities, institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences and national institutions such the National Library, National Film Archive and National Gallery. The primary aim of LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is to serve researchers and educators in all humanities' fields by providing data, tools and services useful for their research or teaching. In addition, LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ provides a host of tools for linguistic research and the development of language technology and its applications (such as machine translation) - not only for researchers, but also to commercial enterprises and public institutions.  

14:10-14:35 Pavla Horčáková, Václava Horčáková (Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences,  Prague, Czech Republic)
Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands

Annotation: The Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands is a continuous program of creating, processing and appraising of a comprehensive bibliographic database of literature dedicated to Czech studies and it stands as the basic information source for the historical sciences and related fields. Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands provides a free public access to the internet databases (

14:35-15:00 Pavel Ircing (University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic)
Fulltext search interface for Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies

Annotation: TBD

15:00-15:15 BREAK

15:15-16:30 NATIONAL SESSION (Session Chair: Tomáš Foltýn)

15:15-15:40 Pavel Straňák (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)

Power of APIs for Integration of LINDAT Services
We demonstrate integration of selected language-analysing (NLP) services into various platforms, demonstrating how the REST API of the LINDAT web services provides a great flexibility of the ways and environments in which a service can be used. To demonstrate this we shall present integration in CLARIN's Language Resource Switchboard (, in the powerful workflow management system LAPPS Grid Galaxy (, and in a desktop operating system, facilitating use directly in native desktop applications.

15:40-16:05 Martin Lhoták, Deputy Director for R&D and technology (Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic)
DL4DH – Digital Libraries for Digital Humanities – new solution for digital libraries data mining

Annotation: Almost every single central or large library stores a big amount of data in a digital form. The data are usually described by the high-quality metadata, which enables to browse these collections, to create various virtual exhibitions etc. They are stored in digital libraries or different repositories, whose design and basic functionalities are primarily intended just for the content viewing. To increase the level of their usability for the special research group of the data scientists is needed to enrich the metadata content and to develop the appropriate interfaces to extract the data to make the heuristic part of the research more effective than todayThe aim of the introduced DL4DH project is to design a set of the new functionalities and independent tools that enables the extensive data mining procedures in digital libraries to cover the digital humanities researchers needs.

16:05-16:30 Jan Hajič, Chair of LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ development plans

Annotation: LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is constantly looking to improve its services and data offerings to the field of both language technology and Digital Humanities. After its substantial expansion in 2019, when many new institutions having something to offer in the area of Digital Humanities have joined this infrastructural effort, LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ has started looking for additional fields, namely in the area of Holocaust research. The goal is to join the Holocaust-related efforts of the Center for Visual History Malach, which has been established also in 2010 and is now part of LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ, with the larger activities of the Czech EHRI consortium, led by prof. Frankl and the Masaryk Institutes and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences. After successful evaluation by an international panel, the addition of four new institutions will take place in 2023. In the talk, some new activities in other fields of Digital Humanities and in improving LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Technology-related datasets, tools and services will also be presented.

16:30 Closing