Zobrazit minimální záznam

dc.contributor.author Zeman, Daniel
dc.contributor.author Nivre, Joakim
dc.contributor.author Abrams, Mitchell
dc.contributor.author Ackermann, Elia
dc.contributor.author Aepli, Noëmi
dc.contributor.author Aghaei, Hamid
dc.contributor.author Agić, Željko
dc.contributor.author Ahmadi, Amir
dc.contributor.author Ahrenberg, Lars
dc.contributor.author Ajede, Chika Kennedy
dc.contributor.author Akkurt, Salih Furkan
dc.contributor.author Aleksandravičiūtė, Gabrielė
dc.contributor.author Alfina, Ika
dc.contributor.author Algom, Avner
dc.contributor.author Alnajjar, Khalid
dc.contributor.author Alzetta, Chiara
dc.contributor.author Andersen, Erik
dc.contributor.author Antonsen, Lene
dc.contributor.author Aoyama, Tatsuya
dc.contributor.author Aplonova, Katya
dc.contributor.author Aquino, Angelina
dc.contributor.author Aragon, Carolina
dc.contributor.author Aranes, Glyd
dc.contributor.author Aranzabe, Maria Jesus
dc.contributor.author Arıcan, Bilge Nas
dc.contributor.author Arnardóttir, Þórunn
dc.contributor.author Arutie, Gashaw
dc.contributor.author Arwidarasti, Jessica Naraiswari
dc.contributor.author Asahara, Masayuki
dc.contributor.author Ásgeirsdóttir, Katla
dc.contributor.author Aslan, Deniz Baran
dc.contributor.author Asmazoğlu, Cengiz
dc.contributor.author Ateyah, Luma
dc.contributor.author Atmaca, Furkan
dc.contributor.author Attia, Mohammed
dc.contributor.author Atutxa, Aitziber
dc.contributor.author Augustinus, Liesbeth
dc.contributor.author Avelãs, Mariana
dc.contributor.author Badmaeva, Elena
dc.contributor.author Balasubramani, Keerthana
dc.contributor.author Ballesteros, Miguel
dc.contributor.author Banerjee, Esha
dc.contributor.author Bank, Sebastian
dc.contributor.author Barbu Mititelu, Verginica
dc.contributor.author Barkarson, Starkaður
dc.contributor.author Basile, Rodolfo
dc.contributor.author Basmov, Victoria
dc.contributor.author Batchelor, Colin
dc.contributor.author Bauer, John
dc.contributor.author Bedir, Seyyit Talha
dc.contributor.author Behzad, Shabnam
dc.contributor.author Belieni, Juan
dc.contributor.author Bengoetxea, Kepa
dc.contributor.author Benli, İbrahim
dc.contributor.author Ben Moshe, Yifat
dc.contributor.author Berg, Ansu
dc.contributor.author Berk, Gözde
dc.contributor.author Bhat, Riyaz Ahmad
dc.contributor.author Biagetti, Erica
dc.contributor.author Bick, Eckhard
dc.contributor.author Bielinskienė, Agnė
dc.contributor.author Bilgin Taşdemir, Esma Fatıma
dc.contributor.author Bjarnadóttir, Kristín
dc.contributor.author Blaschke, Verena
dc.contributor.author Blokland, Rogier
dc.contributor.author Bobicev, Victoria
dc.contributor.author Boizou, Loïc
dc.contributor.author Bonilla, Johnatan
dc.contributor.author Borges Völker, Emanuel
dc.contributor.author Börstell, Carl
dc.contributor.author Bosco, Cristina
dc.contributor.author Bouma, Gosse
dc.contributor.author Bowman, Sam
dc.contributor.author Boyd, Adriane
dc.contributor.author Braggaar, Anouck
dc.contributor.author Branco, António
dc.contributor.author Brokaitė, Kristina
dc.contributor.author Burchardt, Aljoscha
dc.contributor.author Campos, Marisa
dc.contributor.author Candito, Marie
dc.contributor.author Caron, Bernard
dc.contributor.author Caron, Gauthier
dc.contributor.author Carvalheiro, Catarina
dc.contributor.author Carvalho, Rita
dc.contributor.author Cassidy, Lauren
dc.contributor.author Castro, Maria Clara
dc.contributor.author Castro, Sérgio
dc.contributor.author Cavalcanti, Tatiana
dc.contributor.author Cebiroğlu Eryiğit, Gülşen
dc.contributor.author Cecchini, Flavio Massimiliano
dc.contributor.author Celano, Giuseppe G. A.
dc.contributor.author Čéplö, Slavomír
dc.contributor.author Cesur, Neslihan
dc.contributor.author Cetin, Savas
dc.contributor.author Çetinoğlu, Özlem
dc.contributor.author Chalub, Fabricio
dc.contributor.author Chamila, Liyanage
dc.contributor.author Chauhan, Shweta
dc.contributor.author Chen, Yifei
dc.contributor.author Chi, Ethan
dc.contributor.author Chika, Taishi
dc.contributor.author Cho, Yongseok
dc.contributor.author Choi, Jinho
dc.contributor.author Chontaeva, Bermet
dc.contributor.author Chun, Jayeol
dc.contributor.author Chung, Juyeon
dc.contributor.author Cignarella, Alessandra T.
dc.contributor.author Cinková, Silvie
dc.contributor.author Collomb, Aurélie
dc.contributor.author Çöltekin, Çağrı
dc.contributor.author Connor, Miriam
dc.contributor.author Corbetta, Claudia
dc.contributor.author Corbetta, Daniela
dc.contributor.author Costa, Francisco
dc.contributor.author Courtin, Marine
dc.contributor.author Crabbé, Benoît
dc.contributor.author Cristescu, Mihaela
dc.contributor.author Cvetkoski, Vladimir
dc.contributor.author Dale, Ingerid Løyning
dc.contributor.author Daniel, Philemon
dc.contributor.author Davidson, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.author de Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo
dc.contributor.author Dehouck, Mathieu
dc.contributor.author de Laurentiis, Martina
dc.contributor.author de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine
dc.contributor.author de Paiva, Valeria
dc.contributor.author Derin, Mehmet Oguz
dc.contributor.author de Souza, Elvis
dc.contributor.author Diaz de Ilarraza, Arantza
dc.contributor.author Díaz Hernández, Roberto Antonio
dc.contributor.author Dickerson, Carly
dc.contributor.author Dinakaramani, Arawinda
dc.contributor.author Di Nuovo, Elisa
dc.contributor.author Dione, Bamba
dc.contributor.author Dirix, Peter
dc.contributor.author Do, Hoa
dc.contributor.author Dobrovoljc, Kaja
dc.contributor.author Döhmer, Caroline
dc.contributor.author Doyle, Adrian
dc.contributor.author Dozat, Timothy
dc.contributor.author Droganova, Kira
dc.contributor.author Duran, Magali Sanches
dc.contributor.author Dwivedi, Puneet
dc.contributor.author Ebert, Christian
dc.contributor.author Eckhoff, Hanne
dc.contributor.author Eguchi, Masaki
dc.contributor.author Eiche, Sandra
dc.contributor.author Eiselen, Roald
dc.contributor.author Eli, Marhaba
dc.contributor.author Elkahky, Ali
dc.contributor.author Ephrem, Binyam
dc.contributor.author Erina, Olga
dc.contributor.author Erjavec, Tomaž
dc.contributor.author Eslami, Soudabeh
dc.contributor.author Essaidi, Farah
dc.contributor.author Etienne, Aline
dc.contributor.author Evelyn, Wograine
dc.contributor.author Facundes, Sidney
dc.contributor.author Farkas, Richárd
dc.contributor.author Favero, Federica
dc.contributor.author Ferdaousi, Jannatul
dc.contributor.author Fernanda, Marília
dc.contributor.author Fernandez Alcalde, Hector
dc.contributor.author Fethi, Amal
dc.contributor.author Foster, Jennifer
dc.contributor.author Fransen, Theodorus
dc.contributor.author Freitas, Cláudia
dc.contributor.author Fujita, Kazunori
dc.contributor.author Gajdošová, Katarína
dc.contributor.author Galbraith, Daniel
dc.contributor.author Galy, Edith
dc.contributor.author Gamba, Federica
dc.contributor.author Garcia, Marcos
dc.contributor.author Gärdenfors, Moa
dc.contributor.author Gaustad, Tanja
dc.contributor.author Genç, Efe Eren
dc.contributor.author Gerardi, Fabrício Ferraz
dc.contributor.author Gerdes, Kim
dc.contributor.author Gessler, Luke
dc.contributor.author Ginter, Filip
dc.contributor.author Godoy, Gustavo
dc.contributor.author Goenaga, Iakes
dc.contributor.author Gojenola, Koldo
dc.contributor.author Gökırmak, Memduh
dc.contributor.author Goldberg, Yoav
dc.contributor.author Gómez Guinovart, Xavier
dc.contributor.author González Saavedra, Berta
dc.contributor.author Griciūtė, Bernadeta
dc.contributor.author Grioni, Matias
dc.contributor.author Grobol, Loïc
dc.contributor.author Grūzītis, Normunds
dc.contributor.author Guillaume, Bruno
dc.contributor.author Guiller, Kirian
dc.contributor.author Guillot-Barbance, Céline
dc.contributor.author Güngör, Tunga
dc.contributor.author Habash, Nizar
dc.contributor.author Hafsteinsson, Hinrik
dc.contributor.author Hajič, Jan
dc.contributor.author Hajič jr., Jan
dc.contributor.author Hämäläinen, Mika
dc.contributor.author Hà Mỹ, Linh
dc.contributor.author Han, Na-Rae
dc.contributor.author Hanifmuti, Muhammad Yudistira
dc.contributor.author Harada, Takahiro
dc.contributor.author Hardwick, Sam
dc.contributor.author Harris, Kim
dc.contributor.author Hassert, Naïma
dc.contributor.author Haug, Dag
dc.contributor.author Heinecke, Johannes
dc.contributor.author Hellwig, Oliver
dc.contributor.author Hennig, Felix
dc.contributor.author Hladká, Barbora
dc.contributor.author Hlaváčová, Jaroslava
dc.contributor.author Hociung, Florinel
dc.contributor.author Hoefels, Diana
dc.contributor.author Hohle, Petter
dc.contributor.author Huang, Yidi
dc.contributor.author Huerta Mendez, Marivel
dc.contributor.author Hwang, Jena
dc.contributor.author Ikeda, Takumi
dc.contributor.author Iliadou, Inessa
dc.contributor.author Ingason, Anton Karl
dc.contributor.author Ion, Radu
dc.contributor.author Irimia, Elena
dc.contributor.author Ishola, Ọlájídé
dc.contributor.author Islamaj, Artan
dc.contributor.author Ito, Kaoru
dc.contributor.author Iurescia, Federica
dc.contributor.author Jagodzińska, Sandra
dc.contributor.author Jannat, Siratun
dc.contributor.author Jelínek, Tomáš
dc.contributor.author Jha, Apoorva
dc.contributor.author Jiang, Katharine
dc.contributor.author Jobanputra, Mayank
dc.contributor.author Johannsen, Anders
dc.contributor.author Jónsdóttir, Hildur
dc.contributor.author Jørgensen, Fredrik
dc.contributor.author Juutinen, Markus
dc.contributor.author Kaşıkara, Hüner
dc.contributor.author Kabaeva, Nadezhda
dc.contributor.author Kahane, Sylvain
dc.contributor.author Kanayama, Hiroshi
dc.contributor.author Kanerva, Jenna
dc.contributor.author Kara, Neslihan
dc.contributor.author Karahóǧa, Ritván
dc.contributor.author Kåsen, Andre
dc.contributor.author Kayadelen, Tolga
dc.contributor.author Kengatharaiyer, Sarveswaran
dc.contributor.author Kettnerová, Václava
dc.contributor.author Kharatyan, Lilit
dc.contributor.author Kirchner, Jesse
dc.contributor.author Klementieva, Elena
dc.contributor.author Klyachko, Elena
dc.contributor.author Kocharov, Petr
dc.contributor.author Köhn, Arne
dc.contributor.author Köksal, Abdullatif
dc.contributor.author Kopacewicz, Kamil
dc.contributor.author Korkiakangas, Timo
dc.contributor.author Köse, Mehmet
dc.contributor.author Koshevoy, Alexey
dc.contributor.author Kotsyba, Natalia
dc.contributor.author Kovačić, Barbara
dc.contributor.author Kovalevskaitė, Jolanta
dc.contributor.author Krek, Simon
dc.contributor.author Krishnamurthy, Parameswari
dc.contributor.author Kübler, Sandra
dc.contributor.author Kuqi, Adrian
dc.contributor.author Kuyrukçu, Oğuzhan
dc.contributor.author Kuzgun, Aslı
dc.contributor.author Kwak, Sookyoung
dc.contributor.author Kyle, Kris
dc.contributor.author Laan, Käbi
dc.contributor.author Laippala, Veronika
dc.contributor.author Lambertino, Lorenzo
dc.contributor.author Lando, Tatiana
dc.contributor.author Larasati, Septina Dian
dc.contributor.author Lavrentiev, Alexei
dc.contributor.author Lee, John
dc.contributor.author Lê Hồng, Phương
dc.contributor.author Lenci, Alessandro
dc.contributor.author Lertpradit, Saran
dc.contributor.author Leung, Herman
dc.contributor.author Levina, Maria
dc.contributor.author Levine, Lauren
dc.contributor.author Li, Cheuk Ying
dc.contributor.author Li, Josie
dc.contributor.author Li, Keying
dc.contributor.author Li, Yixuan
dc.contributor.author Li, Yuan
dc.contributor.author Lim, KyungTae
dc.contributor.author Lima Padovani, Bruna
dc.contributor.author Lin, Yi-Ju Jessica
dc.contributor.author Lindén, Krister
dc.contributor.author Liu, Yang Janet
dc.contributor.author Ljubešić, Nikola
dc.contributor.author Lobzhanidze, Irina
dc.contributor.author Loginova, Olga
dc.contributor.author Lopes, Lucelene
dc.contributor.author Lusito, Stefano
dc.contributor.author Lutgen, Anne-Marie
dc.contributor.author Luthfi, Andry
dc.contributor.author Luukko, Mikko
dc.contributor.author Lyashevskaya, Olga
dc.contributor.author Lynn, Teresa
dc.contributor.author Macketanz, Vivien
dc.contributor.author Mahamdi, Menel
dc.contributor.author Maillard, Jean
dc.contributor.author Makarchuk, Ilya
dc.contributor.author Makazhanov, Aibek
dc.contributor.author Mambrini, Francesco
dc.contributor.author Mandl, Michael
dc.contributor.author Manning, Christopher
dc.contributor.author Manurung, Ruli
dc.contributor.author Marşan, Büşra
dc.contributor.author Mărănduc, Cătălina
dc.contributor.author Mareček, David
dc.contributor.author Marheinecke, Katrin
dc.contributor.author Markantonatou, Stella
dc.contributor.author Martínez Alonso, Héctor
dc.contributor.author Martín Rodríguez, Lorena
dc.contributor.author Martins, André
dc.contributor.author Martins, Cláudia
dc.contributor.author Mašek, Jan
dc.contributor.author Matsuda, Hiroshi
dc.contributor.author Matsumoto, Yuji
dc.contributor.author Mazzei, Alessandro
dc.contributor.author McDonald, Ryan
dc.contributor.author McGuinness, Sarah
dc.contributor.author Mehta, Maitrey
dc.contributor.author Ménard, Pierre André
dc.contributor.author Mendonça, Gustavo
dc.contributor.author Merzhevich, Tatiana
dc.contributor.author Meurer, Paul
dc.contributor.author Miekka, Niko
dc.contributor.author Milano, Emilia
dc.contributor.author Miller, Aaron
dc.contributor.author Mischenkova, Karina
dc.contributor.author Missilä, Anna
dc.contributor.author Mititelu, Cătălin
dc.contributor.author Mitrofan, Maria
dc.contributor.author Miyao, Yusuke
dc.contributor.author Mojiri Foroushani, AmirHossein
dc.contributor.author Molnár, Judit
dc.contributor.author Moloodi, Amirsaeid
dc.contributor.author Montemagni, Simonetta
dc.contributor.author More, Amir
dc.contributor.author Moreno Romero, Laura
dc.contributor.author Moretti, Giovanni
dc.contributor.author Mori, Shinsuke
dc.contributor.author Morioka, Tomohiko
dc.contributor.author Moro, Shigeki
dc.contributor.author Mortensen, Bjartur
dc.contributor.author Moskalevskyi, Bohdan
dc.contributor.author Muischnek, Kadri
dc.contributor.author Munro, Robert
dc.contributor.author Murawaki, Yugo
dc.contributor.author Müürisep, Kaili
dc.contributor.author Nainwani, Pinkey
dc.contributor.author Nakhlé, Mariam
dc.contributor.author Navarro Horñiacek, Juan Ignacio
dc.contributor.author Nedoluzhko, Anna
dc.contributor.author Nešpore-Bērzkalne, Gunta
dc.contributor.author Nevaci, Manuela
dc.contributor.author Nguyễn Thị, Lương
dc.contributor.author Nguyễn Thị Minh, Huyền
dc.contributor.author Nikaido, Yoshihiro
dc.contributor.author Nikolaev, Vitaly
dc.contributor.author Nitisaroj, Rattima
dc.contributor.author Norrman, Victor
dc.contributor.author Nourian, Alireza
dc.contributor.author Nunes, Maria das Graças Volpe
dc.contributor.author Nurmi, Hanna
dc.contributor.author Ojala, Stina
dc.contributor.author Ojha, Atul Kr.
dc.contributor.author Óladóttir, Hulda
dc.contributor.author Olúòkun, Adédayọ̀
dc.contributor.author Omura, Mai
dc.contributor.author Onwuegbuzia, Emeka
dc.contributor.author Ordan, Noam
dc.contributor.author Osenova, Petya
dc.contributor.author Östling, Robert
dc.contributor.author Ott, Annika
dc.contributor.author Øvrelid, Lilja
dc.contributor.author Özateş, Şaziye Betül
dc.contributor.author Özçelik, Merve
dc.contributor.author Özgür, Arzucan
dc.contributor.author Öztürk Başaran, Balkız
dc.contributor.author Paccosi, Teresa
dc.contributor.author Palmero Aprosio, Alessio
dc.contributor.author Panova, Anastasia
dc.contributor.author Pardo, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro
dc.contributor.author Park, Hyunji Hayley
dc.contributor.author Partanen, Niko
dc.contributor.author Pascual, Elena
dc.contributor.author Passarotti, Marco
dc.contributor.author Patejuk, Agnieszka
dc.contributor.author Paulino-Passos, Guilherme
dc.contributor.author Pedonese, Giulia
dc.contributor.author Peljak-Łapińska, Angelika
dc.contributor.author Peng, Siyao
dc.contributor.author Peng, Siyao Logan
dc.contributor.author Pereira, Rita
dc.contributor.author Pereira, Sílvia
dc.contributor.author Perez, Cenel-Augusto
dc.contributor.author Perkova, Natalia
dc.contributor.author Perrier, Guy
dc.contributor.author Petrov, Slav
dc.contributor.author Petrova, Daria
dc.contributor.author Peverelli, Andrea
dc.contributor.author Phelan, Jason
dc.contributor.author Pierre-Louis, Claudel
dc.contributor.author Piitulainen, Jussi
dc.contributor.author Pinter, Yuval
dc.contributor.author Pinto, Clara
dc.contributor.author Pintucci, Rodrigo
dc.contributor.author Pirinen, Tommi A
dc.contributor.author Pitler, Emily
dc.contributor.author Plamada, Magdalena
dc.contributor.author Plank, Barbara
dc.contributor.author Plum, Alistair
dc.contributor.author Poibeau, Thierry
dc.contributor.author Ponomareva, Larisa
dc.contributor.author Popel, Martin
dc.contributor.author Pretkalniņa, Lauma
dc.contributor.author Pretorius, Rigardt
dc.contributor.author Prévost, Sophie
dc.contributor.author Prokopidis, Prokopis
dc.contributor.author Przepiórkowski, Adam
dc.contributor.author Pugh, Robert
dc.contributor.author Puolakainen, Tiina
dc.contributor.author Purschke, Christoph
dc.contributor.author Pyysalo, Sampo
dc.contributor.author Qi, Peng
dc.contributor.author Querido, Andreia
dc.contributor.author Rääbis, Andriela
dc.contributor.author Rademaker, Alexandre
dc.contributor.author Rahoman, Mizanur
dc.contributor.author Rama, Taraka
dc.contributor.author Ramasamy, Loganathan
dc.contributor.author Ramisch, Carlos
dc.contributor.author Ramos, Joana
dc.contributor.author Rashel, Fam
dc.contributor.author Rasooli, Mohammad Sadegh
dc.contributor.author Ravishankar, Vinit
dc.contributor.author Real, Livy
dc.contributor.author Rebeja, Petru
dc.contributor.author Reddy, Siva
dc.contributor.author Regnault, Mathilde
dc.contributor.author Rehm, Georg
dc.contributor.author Riabi, Arij
dc.contributor.author Riabov, Ivan
dc.contributor.author Rießler, Michael
dc.contributor.author Rimkutė, Erika
dc.contributor.author Rinaldi, Larissa
dc.contributor.author Rituma, Laura
dc.contributor.author Rizqiyah, Putri
dc.contributor.author Rocha, Luisa
dc.contributor.author Rögnvaldsson, Eiríkur
dc.contributor.author Roksandic, Ivan
dc.contributor.author Romanenko, Mykhailo
dc.contributor.author Rosa, Rudolf
dc.contributor.author Roșca, Valentin
dc.contributor.author Rovati, Davide
dc.contributor.author Rozonoyer, Ben
dc.contributor.author Rudina, Olga
dc.contributor.author Rueter, Jack
dc.contributor.author Ruffolo, Paolo
dc.contributor.author Rúnarsson, Kristján
dc.contributor.author Sadde, Shoval
dc.contributor.author Safari, Pegah
dc.contributor.author Sahala, Aleksi
dc.contributor.author Saleh, Shadi
dc.contributor.author Salomoni, Alessio
dc.contributor.author Samardžić, Tanja
dc.contributor.author Samson, Stephanie
dc.contributor.author Sánchez-Rodríguez, Xulia
dc.contributor.author Sanguinetti, Manuela
dc.contributor.author Sanıyar, Ezgi
dc.contributor.author Särg, Dage
dc.contributor.author Sartor, Marta
dc.contributor.author Sarymsakova, Albina
dc.contributor.author Sasaki, Mitsuya
dc.contributor.author Saulīte, Baiba
dc.contributor.author Savary, Agata
dc.contributor.author Sawanakunanon, Yanin
dc.contributor.author Saxena, Shefali
dc.contributor.author Scannell, Kevin
dc.contributor.author Scarlata, Salvatore
dc.contributor.author Schang, Emmanuel
dc.contributor.author Schneider, Nathan
dc.contributor.author Schuster, Sebastian
dc.contributor.author Schwartz, Lane
dc.contributor.author Seddah, Djamé
dc.contributor.author Seeker, Wolfgang
dc.contributor.author Sellmer, Sven
dc.contributor.author Seraji, Mojgan
dc.contributor.author Shahzadi, Syeda
dc.contributor.author Shen, Mo
dc.contributor.author Shimada, Atsuko
dc.contributor.author Shirasu, Hiroyuki
dc.contributor.author Shishkina, Yana
dc.contributor.author Shohibussirri, Muh
dc.contributor.author Shvedova, Maria
dc.contributor.author Siewert, Janine
dc.contributor.author Sigurðsson, Einar Freyr
dc.contributor.author Silva, João
dc.contributor.author Silveira, Aline
dc.contributor.author Silveira, Natalia
dc.contributor.author Silveira, Sara
dc.contributor.author Simi, Maria
dc.contributor.author Simionescu, Radu
dc.contributor.author Simkó, Katalin
dc.contributor.author Šimková, Mária
dc.contributor.author Símonarson, Haukur Barri
dc.contributor.author Simov, Kiril
dc.contributor.author Sitchinava, Dmitri
dc.contributor.author Sither, Ted
dc.contributor.author Smith, Aaron
dc.contributor.author Soares-Bastos, Isabela
dc.contributor.author Solberg, Per Erik
dc.contributor.author Sonnenhauser, Barbara
dc.contributor.author Sourov, Shafi
dc.contributor.author Sprugnoli, Rachele
dc.contributor.author Stamou, Vivian
dc.contributor.author Steingrímsson, Steinþór
dc.contributor.author Stella, Antonio
dc.contributor.author Stephen, Abishek
dc.contributor.author Straka, Milan
dc.contributor.author Strickland, Emmett
dc.contributor.author Strnadová, Jana
dc.contributor.author Suhr, Alane
dc.contributor.author Sulestio, Yogi Lesmana
dc.contributor.author Sulubacak, Umut
dc.contributor.author Suzuki, Shingo
dc.contributor.author Swanson, Daniel
dc.contributor.author Szántó, Zsolt
dc.contributor.author Taguchi, Chihiro
dc.contributor.author Taji, Dima
dc.contributor.author Tamburini, Fabio
dc.contributor.author Tan, Mary Ann C.
dc.contributor.author Tanaka, Takaaki
dc.contributor.author Tanaya, Dipta
dc.contributor.author Tavoni, Mirko
dc.contributor.author Tella, Samson
dc.contributor.author Tellier, Isabelle
dc.contributor.author Testori, Marinella
dc.contributor.author Thomas, Guillaume
dc.contributor.author Tıraş, Tarık Emre
dc.contributor.author Tonelli, Sara
dc.contributor.author Torga, Liisi
dc.contributor.author Toska, Marsida
dc.contributor.author Trosterud, Trond
dc.contributor.author Trukhina, Anna
dc.contributor.author Tsarfaty, Reut
dc.contributor.author Türk, Utku
dc.contributor.author Tyers, Francis
dc.contributor.author Þórðarson, Sveinbjörn
dc.contributor.author Þorsteinsson, Vilhjálmur
dc.contributor.author Uematsu, Sumire
dc.contributor.author Untilov, Roman
dc.contributor.author Urešová, Zdeňka
dc.contributor.author Uria, Larraitz
dc.contributor.author Uszkoreit, Hans
dc.contributor.author Utka, Andrius
dc.contributor.author Vagnoni, Elena
dc.contributor.author Vajjala, Sowmya
dc.contributor.author Vak, Socrates
dc.contributor.author van der Goot, Rob
dc.contributor.author Vanhove, Martine
dc.contributor.author van Niekerk, Daniel
dc.contributor.author van Noord, Gertjan
dc.contributor.author Varga, Viktor
dc.contributor.author Vedenina, Uliana
dc.contributor.author Venturi, Giulia
dc.contributor.author Villemonte de la Clergerie, Eric
dc.contributor.author Vincze, Veronika
dc.contributor.author Vissamsetty, Anishka
dc.contributor.author Vlasova, Natalia
dc.contributor.author Vligouridou, Eleni
dc.contributor.author Wakasa, Aya
dc.contributor.author Wallenberg, Joel C.
dc.contributor.author Wallin, Lars
dc.contributor.author Walsh, Abigail
dc.contributor.author Wang, John
dc.contributor.author Washington, Jonathan North
dc.contributor.author Wendt, Maximilan
dc.contributor.author Widmer, Paul
dc.contributor.author Wigderson, Shira
dc.contributor.author Wijono, Sri Hartati
dc.contributor.author Wille, Vanessa Berwanger
dc.contributor.author Williams, Seyi
dc.contributor.author Wirén, Mats
dc.contributor.author Wittern, Christian
dc.contributor.author Woldemariam, Tsegay
dc.contributor.author Wong, Tak-sum
dc.contributor.author Wróblewska, Alina
dc.contributor.author Wu, Qishen
dc.contributor.author Yako, Mary
dc.contributor.author Yamashita, Kayo
dc.contributor.author Yamazaki, Naoki
dc.contributor.author Yan, Chunxiao
dc.contributor.author Yasuoka, Koichi
dc.contributor.author Yavrumyan, Marat M.
dc.contributor.author Yenice, Arife Betül
dc.contributor.author Yılandiloğlu, Enes
dc.contributor.author Yıldız, Olcay Taner
dc.contributor.author Yu, Zhuoran
dc.contributor.author Yuliawati, Arlisa
dc.contributor.author Žabokrtský, Zdeněk
dc.contributor.author Zahra, Shorouq
dc.contributor.author Zeldes, Amir
dc.contributor.author Zhou, He
dc.contributor.author Zhu, Hanzhi
dc.contributor.author Zhu, Yilun
dc.contributor.author Zhuravleva, Anna
dc.contributor.author Ziane, Rayan
dc.date.accessioned 2024-05-15T11:12:44Z
dc.date.available 2024-05-15T11:12:44Z
dc.date.issued 2024-05-15
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-5502
dc.description Universal Dependencies is a project that seeks to develop cross-linguistically consistent treebank annotation for many languages, with the goal of facilitating multilingual parser development, cross-lingual learning, and parsing research from a language typology perspective. The annotation scheme is based on (universal) Stanford dependencies (de Marneffe et al., 2006, 2008, 2014), Google universal part-of-speech tags (Petrov et al., 2012), and the Interset interlingua for morphosyntactic tagsets (Zeman, 2008).
dc.language.iso grc
dc.language.iso ara
dc.language.iso eus
dc.language.iso bul
dc.language.iso hrv
dc.language.iso ces
dc.language.iso dan
dc.language.iso nld
dc.language.iso eng
dc.language.iso est
dc.language.iso fin
dc.language.iso fra
dc.language.iso deu
dc.language.iso got
dc.language.iso ell
dc.language.iso heb
dc.language.iso hin
dc.language.iso hun
dc.language.iso ind
dc.language.iso gle
dc.language.iso ita
dc.language.iso jpn
dc.language.iso lat
dc.language.iso nor
dc.language.iso chu
dc.language.iso fas
dc.language.iso pol
dc.language.iso por
dc.language.iso ron
dc.language.iso slv
dc.language.iso spa
dc.language.iso swe
dc.language.iso tam
dc.language.iso cat
dc.language.iso zho
dc.language.iso glg
dc.language.iso kaz
dc.language.iso lav
dc.language.iso rus
dc.language.iso tur
dc.language.iso cop
dc.language.iso san
dc.language.iso slk
dc.language.iso ukr
dc.language.iso uig
dc.language.iso vie
dc.language.iso bel
dc.language.iso kor
dc.language.iso lit
dc.language.iso urd
dc.language.iso bxr
dc.language.iso kmr
dc.language.iso sme
dc.language.iso hsb
dc.language.iso afr
dc.language.iso yue
dc.language.iso mar
dc.language.iso srp
dc.language.iso swl
dc.language.iso tel
dc.language.iso amh
dc.language.iso hye
dc.language.iso bre
dc.language.iso fao
dc.language.iso kpv
dc.language.iso pcm
dc.language.iso fro
dc.language.iso tgl
dc.language.iso tha
dc.language.iso wbp
dc.language.iso yor
dc.language.iso akk
dc.language.iso bam
dc.language.iso myv
dc.language.iso mlt
dc.language.iso cym
dc.language.iso wol
dc.language.iso aii
dc.language.iso lzh
dc.language.iso orv
dc.language.iso krl
dc.language.iso gun
dc.language.iso bho
dc.language.iso koi
dc.language.iso olo
dc.language.iso mdf
dc.language.iso gla
dc.language.iso sms
dc.language.iso gsw
dc.language.iso sqi
dc.language.iso isl
dc.language.iso aqz
dc.language.iso apu
dc.language.iso ckt
dc.language.iso kfm
dc.language.iso glv
dc.language.iso myu
dc.language.iso nyq
dc.language.iso otk
dc.language.iso soj
dc.language.iso ajp
dc.language.iso tpn
dc.language.iso bej
dc.language.iso fry
dc.language.iso gub
dc.language.iso urb
dc.language.iso xnr
dc.language.iso quc
dc.language.iso nds
dc.language.iso mpu
dc.language.iso ess
dc.language.iso hyw
dc.language.iso ben
dc.language.iso jav
dc.language.iso arr
dc.language.iso lij
dc.language.iso nap
dc.language.iso tat
dc.language.iso sjo
dc.language.iso sah
dc.language.iso hbo
dc.language.iso ceb
dc.language.iso grn
dc.language.iso hit
dc.language.iso grg
dc.language.iso eme
dc.language.iso xum
dc.language.iso abq
dc.language.iso aln
dc.language.iso mal
dc.language.iso yrl
dc.language.iso sin
dc.language.iso nhi
dc.language.iso xav
dc.language.iso say
dc.language.iso bor
dc.language.iso kir
dc.language.iso arq
dc.language.iso sga
dc.language.iso xcl
dc.language.iso kat
dc.language.iso hat
dc.language.iso azz
dc.language.iso mkd
dc.language.iso frm
dc.language.iso vep
dc.language.iso abk
dc.language.iso aze
dc.language.iso bar
dc.language.iso cpg
dc.language.iso egy
dc.language.iso guj
dc.language.iso hau
dc.language.iso ltg
dc.language.iso ltz
dc.language.iso ota
dc.language.iso pad
dc.language.iso tsn
dc.publisher Universal Dependencies Consortium
dc.relation.isreferencedby https://doi.org/10.1162/coli_a_00402
dc.relation.replaces http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-5287
dc.rights Licence Universal Dependencies v2.14
dc.rights.uri https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/page/license-ud-2.14
dc.source.uri https://universaldependencies.org/
dc.subject treebank
dc.subject dependency
dc.subject syntax
dc.subject morphology
dc.subject harmonized annotation
dc.subject interset
dc.subject universal tagset
dc.subject stanford dependencies
dc.title Universal Dependencies 2.14
dc.type corpus
metashare.ResourceInfo#ContentInfo.mediaType text
dc.rights.label PUB
has.files yes
demo.uri https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/services/pmltq/#!/treebanks
contact.person Joakim Nivre joakim.nivre@lingfil.uu.se Uppsala University
contact.person Daniel Zeman zeman@ufal.mff.cuni.cz Charles University, ÚFAL
sponsor Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky LM2023062 LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ: Digitální výzkumná infrastruktura pro jazykové technologie, umění a humanitní vědy nationalFunds
size.info 1906050 sentences
size.info 31541523 tokens
size.info 32179731 words
files.size 665218868
files.count 3

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Publicly Available

Licence: Licence Universal Dependencies v2.14
GNU General Public License, version 3.0 Distributed under Creative Commons
527.83 MB
Treebank data
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 Náhled souboru  
  • ud-treebanks-v2.14
    • UD_Italian-PUD
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • it_pud-ud-test.txt123 kB
      • README.md5 kB
      • it_pud-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • LICENSE.txt19 kB
    • UD_Latvian-Cairo
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      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • lv_cairo-ud-test.txt982 B
    • UD_Telugu-MTG
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      • README.md1 kB
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      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • te_mtg-ud-train.txt72 kB
      • te_mtg-ud-dev.txt9 kB
    • UD_Swedish-Talbanken
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      • fi_ood-ud-test.txt134 kB
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      • LICENSE.txt202 B
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    • UD_Czech-PUD
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      • cs_pud-ud-test.txt114 kB
      • cs_pud-ud-test.conllu2 MB
    • UD_French-Sequoia
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      • fr_sequoia-ud-dev.conllu623 kB
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    • UD_German-GSD
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      • stats.xml11 kB
      • de_gsd-ud-train.conllu18 MB
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    • UD_Akuntsu-TuDeT
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    • UD_Komi_Permyak-UH
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      • koi_uh-ud-train.txt2 kB
    • UD_Japanese-PUD
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      • stats.xml3 kB
      • README.md5 kB
      • LICENSE.txt19 kB
      • ja_pud-ud-test.conllu6 MB
    • UD_Italian-Valico
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      • it_valico-ud-test.conllu520 kB
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    • UD_Turkish_German-SAGT
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      • stats.xml15 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Luxembourgish-LuxBank
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      • LICENSE.txt202 B
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    • UD_Moksha-JR
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    • UD_Azerbaijani-TueCL
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    • UD_Irish-Cadhan
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      • ga_cadhan-ud-test.conllu340 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Turkish-PUD
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      • tr_pud-ud-test.conllu1 MB
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    • UD_Turkish-Tourism
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    • UD_Polish-LFG
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      • stats.xml14 kB
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    • UD_Romanian-ArT
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • ro_art-ud-test.conllu44 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • ro_art-ud-test.txt2 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Komi_Zyrian-Lattice
      • stats.xml25 kB
      • README.md7 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • kpv_lattice-ud-test.txt78 kB
      • kpv_lattice-ud-train.txt1 kB
      • kpv_lattice-ud-test.conllu725 kB
      • kpv_lattice-ud-train.conllu14 kB
    • UD_Italian-ParTUT
      • README.md4 kB
      • it_partut-ud-dev.txt15 kB
      • it_partut-ud-test.txt19 kB
      • it_partut-ud-train.txt259 kB
      • stats.xml9 kB
      • it_partut-ud-test.conllu234 kB
      • it_partut-ud-dev.conllu189 kB
      • LICENSE.txt18 kB
      • it_partut-ud-train.conllu3 MB
    • UD_Indonesian-CSUI
      • stats.xml7 kB
      • README.md3 kB
      • id_csui-ud-test.txt59 kB
      • id_csui-ud-train.txt108 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • id_csui-ud-test.conllu589 kB
      • id_csui-ud-train.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Lithuanian-ALKSNIS
      • lt_alksnis-ud-train.txt317 kB
      • README.md4 kB
      • lt_alksnis-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • lt_alksnis-ud-train.conllu4 MB
      • lt_alksnis-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • lt_alksnis-ud-test.txt69 kB
      • stats.xml13 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • lt_alksnis-ud-dev.txt78 kB
    • UD_Kyrgyz-TueCL
      • stats.xml6 kB
      • ky_tuecl-ud-test.txt9 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • ky_tuecl-ud-test.conllu93 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Livvi-KKPP
      • stats.xml10 kB
      • README.md4 kB
      • olo_kkpp-ud-train.txt808 B
      • olo_kkpp-ud-test.conllu103 kB
      • olo_kkpp-ud-test.txt9 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • olo_kkpp-ud-train.conllu15 kB
    • UD_German-PUD
      • stats.xml10 kB
      • README.md5 kB
      • LICENSE.txt19 kB
      • de_pud-ud-test.txt126 kB
      • de_pud-ud-test.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Haitian_Creole-Autogramm
      • stats.xml5 kB
      • ht_autogramm-ud-test.conllu203 kB
      • ht_autogramm-ud-test.txt15 kB
      • README.md2 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Urdu-UDTB
      • README.md2 kB
      • ur_udtb-ud-train.txt853 kB
      • ur_udtb-ud-test.txt117 kB
      • ur_udtb-ud-train.conllu15 MB
      • ur_udtb-ud-test.conllu2 MB
      • stats.xml11 kB
      • ur_udtb-ud-dev.txt115 kB
      • LICENSE.txt247 B
      • ur_udtb-ud-dev.conllu2 MB
    • UD_Kaapor-TuDeT
      • stats.xml4 kB
      • README.md2 kB
      • urb_tudet-ud-test.txt2 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • urb_tudet-ud-test.conllu24 kB
    • UD_Akkadian-PISANDUB
      • stats.xml3 kB
      • README.md871 B
      • akk_pisandub-ud-test.txt15 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • akk_pisandub-ud-test.conllu99 kB
    • UD_Finnish-FTB
      • README.md4 kB
      • fi_ftb-ud-train.conllu10 MB
      • fi_ftb-ud-test.txt116 kB
      • fi_ftb-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • stats.xml17 kB
      • LICENSE.txt43 kB
      • fi_ftb-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • fi_ftb-ud-train.txt904 kB
      • fi_ftb-ud-dev.txt111 kB
    • UD_Galician-TreeGal
      • stats.xml9 kB
      • README.md5 kB
      • gl_treegal-ud-test.txt50 kB
      • gl_treegal-ud-train.conllu1 MB
      • LICENSE.txt14 kB
      • gl_treegal-ud-train.txt76 kB
      • gl_treegal-ud-test.conllu668 kB
    • UD_Ottoman_Turkish-DUDU
      • stats.xml10 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • ota_dudu-ud-test.conllu63 kB
      • ota_dudu-ud-test.txt5 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Portuguese-GSD
      • pt_gsd-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • README.md4 kB
      • pt_gsd-ud-train.conllu12 MB
      • pt_gsd-ud-train.txt1 MB
      • pt_gsd-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • pt_gsd-ud-test.txt153 kB
      • stats.xml10 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • pt_gsd-ud-dev.txt156 kB
    • UD_Gheg-GPS
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • README.md2 kB
      • aln_gps-ud-test.txt71 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • aln_gps-ud-test.conllu984 kB
    • UD_Romanian-TueCL
      • stats.xml11 kB
      • ro_tuecl-ud-test.txt22 kB
      • README.md838 B
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • ro_tuecl-ud-test.conllu358 kB
    • UD_Italian-PoSTWITA
      • it_postwita-ud-test.conllu759 kB
      • it_postwita-ud-train.txt526 kB
      • README.md4 kB
      • it_postwita-ud-dev.conllu732 kB
      • it_postwita-ud-train.conllu5 MB
      • stats.xml9 kB
      • LICENSE.txt18 kB
      • it_postwita-ud-dev.txt64 kB
      • it_postwita-ud-test.txt67 kB
    • UD_Hausa-NorthernAutogramm
      • stats.xml9 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • ha_northernautogramm-ud-test.txt21 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • ha_northernautogramm-ud-test.conllu505 kB
    • UD_Finnish-TDT
      • fi_tdt-ud-train.txt1 MB
      • fi_tdt-ud-train.conllu12 MB
      • fi_tdt-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • stats.xml20 kB
      • fi_tdt-ud-test.txt154 kB
      • LICENSE.txt24 kB
      • README.txt3 kB
      • fi_tdt-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • fi_tdt-ud-dev.txt136 kB
    • UD_Old_East_Slavic-Ruthenian
      • README.md1 kB
      • orv_ruthenian-ud-test.txt91 kB
      • orv_ruthenian-ud-test.conllu916 kB
      • orv_ruthenian-ud-train.txt739 kB
      • orv_ruthenian-ud-train.conllu7 MB
      • stats.xml18 kB
      • orv_ruthenian-ud-dev.txt52 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • orv_ruthenian-ud-dev.conllu557 kB
    • UD_Hebrew-IAHLTwiki
      • README.md2 kB
      • he_iahltwiki-ud-train.conllu8 MB
      • he_iahltwiki-ud-dev.txt60 kB
      • he_iahltwiki-ud-dev.conllu713 kB
      • he_iahltwiki-ud-test.conllu810 kB
      • he_iahltwiki-ud-train.txt762 kB
      • stats.xml12 kB
      • he_iahltwiki-ud-test.txt68 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Czech-Poetry
      • stats.xml13 kB
      • cs_poetry-ud-test.txt32 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • cs_poetry-ud-test.conllu591 kB
    • UD_Swedish-PUD
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • README.md4 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • sv_pud-ud-test.txt115 kB
      • sv_pud-ud-test.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Polish-PDB
      • pl_pdb-ud-train.txt1 MB
      • README.md5 kB
      • pl_pdb-ud-dev.conllu3 MB
      • pl_pdb-ud-test.txt203 kB
      • pl_pdb-ud-train.conllu27 MB
      • pl_pdb-ud-dev.txt210 kB
      • stats.xml16 kB
      • LICENSE.txt384 B
      • pl_pdb-ud-test.conllu3 MB
    • UD_Ancient_Hebrew-PTNK
      • README.md3 kB
      • hbo_ptnk-ud-dev.txt98 kB
      • hbo_ptnk-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • hbo_ptnk-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • hbo_ptnk-ud-train.txt172 kB
      • stats.xml10 kB
      • hbo_ptnk-ud-train.conllu1 MB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • hbo_ptnk-ud-test.txt95 kB
    • UD_Amharic-ATT
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • am_att-ud-test.txt53 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • am_att-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_North_Sami-Giella
      • stats.xml10 kB
      • README.md2 kB
      • sme_giella-ud-train.txt107 kB
      • sme_giella-ud-train.conllu1 MB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • sme_giella-ud-test.conllu668 kB
      • sme_giella-ud-test.txt70 kB
    • UD_Korean-Kaist
      • ko_kaist-ud-test.conllu3 MB
      • README.md1 kB
      • ko_kaist-ud-train.txt2 MB
      • ko_kaist-ud-dev.txt233 kB
      • ko_kaist-ud-test.txt255 kB
      • ko_kaist-ud-dev.conllu2 MB
      • stats.xml4 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • ko_kaist-ud-train.conllu32 MB
    • UD_Old_Irish-DipWBG
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • README.md2 kB
      • sga_dipwbg-ud-test.txt1 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • sga_dipwbg-ud-test.conllu31 kB
    • UD_Xibe-XDT
      • stats.xml16 kB
      • sjo_xdt-ud-test.txt217 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • sjo_xdt-ud-test.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Bambara-CRB
      • stats.xml6 kB
      • README.md2 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • bm_crb-ud-test.txt51 kB
      • bm_crb-ud-test.conllu873 kB
    • UD_Ukrainian-IU
      • README.md9 kB
      • uk_iu-ud-train.txt900 kB
      • uk_iu-ud-test.txt177 kB
      • uk_iu-ud-test.conllu2 MB
      • uk_iu-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • uk_iu-ud-dev.txt128 kB
      • stats.xml17 kB
      • LICENSE.txt172 B
      • uk_iu-ud-train.conllu12 MB
    • UD_Norwegian-Nynorsk
      • no_nynorsk-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • README.md5 kB
      • no_nynorsk-ud-test.txt135 kB
      • no_nynorsk-ud-dev.txt166 kB
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • no_nynorsk-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • LICENSE.txt68 B
      • no_nynorsk-ud-train.txt1 MB
      • no_nynorsk-ud-train.conllu14 MB
    • UD_Old_East_Slavic-Birchbark
      • README.md4 kB
      • orv_birchbark-ud-dev.txt90 kB
      • orv_birchbark-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • orv_birchbark-ud-train.txt66 kB
      • orv_birchbark-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • orv_birchbark-ud-test.txt90 kB
      • stats.xml14 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • orv_birchbark-ud-train.conllu981 kB
    • UD_Guajajara-TuDeT
      • stats.xml13 kB
      • gub_tudet-ud-test.txt47 kB
      • README.md3 kB
      • gub_tudet-ud-test.conllu705 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Galician-PUD
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • gl_pud-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • gl_pud-ud-test.txt117 kB
      • README.md4 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Georgian-GLC
      • stats.xml22 kB
      • README.md3 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • ka_glc-ud-test.conllu323 kB
      • ka_glc-ud-test.txt41 kB
    • UD_Italian-VIT
      • it_vit-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • README.md5 kB
      • it_vit-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • it_vit-ud-train.conllu13 MB
      • it_vit-ud-dev.txt151 kB
      • it_vit-ud-test.txt130 kB
      • stats.xml10 kB
      • LICENSE.txt232 B
      • it_vit-ud-train.txt1 MB
    • UD_Romanian-SiMoNERo
      • ro_simonero-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • README.md2 kB
      • ro_simonero-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • ro_simonero-ud-test.txt93 kB
      • ro_simonero-ud-train.txt719 kB
      • ro_simonero-ud-dev.txt91 kB
      • ro_simonero-ud-train.conllu9 MB
      • stats.xml11 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_Scottish_Gaelic-ARCOSG
      • gd_arcosg-ud-train.txt340 kB
      • README.md7 kB
      • gd_arcosg-ud-dev.txt52 kB
      • gd_arcosg-ud-test.conllu610 kB
      • gd_arcosg-ud-test.txt51 kB
      • gd_arcosg-ud-train.conllu3 MB
      • stats.xml9 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • gd_arcosg-ud-dev.conllu619 kB
    • UD_Old_French-PROFITEROLE
      • README.md11 kB
      • fro_profiterole-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • fro_profiterole-ud-dev.txt106 kB
      • fro_profiterole-ud-test.txt106 kB
      • fro_profiterole-ud-train.conllu12 MB
      • stats.xml7 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • fro_profiterole-ud-train.txt810 kB
      • fro_profiterole-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Malayalam-UFAL
      • stats.xml19 kB
      • README.md866 B
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • ml_ufal-ud-test.txt47 kB
      • ml_ufal-ud-test.conllu415 kB
    • UD_Hittite-HitTB
      • stats.xml9 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • hit_hittb-ud-test.conllu115 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • hit_hittb-ud-test.txt10 kB
    • UD_Chinese-HK
      • stats.xml4 kB
      • README.md4 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • zh_hk-ud-test.conllu872 kB
      • zh_hk-ud-test.txt41 kB
    • UD_Japanese-GSD
      • ja_gsd-ud-dev.txt58 kB
      • README.md8 kB
      • ja_gsd-ud-dev.conllu2 MB
      • ja_gsd-ud-train.conllu37 MB
      • stats.xml4 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • ja_gsd-ud-test.conllu2 MB
      • ja_gsd-ud-train.txt804 kB
      • ja_gsd-ud-test.txt62 kB
    • UD_Maghrebi_Arabic_French-Arabizi
      • qaf_arabizi-ud-dev.conllu222 kB
      • README.md3 kB
      • qaf_arabizi-ud-train.txt81 kB
      • qaf_arabizi-ud-test.conllu220 kB
      • qaf_arabizi-ud-dev.txt11 kB
      • qaf_arabizi-ud-train.conllu1 MB
      • stats.xml6 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • qaf_arabizi-ud-test.txt11 kB
    • UD_Kangri-KDTB
      • stats.xml10 kB
      • xnr_kdtb-ud-test.conllu317 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • xnr_kdtb-ud-test.txt29 kB
    • UD_English-ParTUT
      • README.md4 kB
      • en_partut-ud-train.txt229 kB
      • en_partut-ud-test.conllu183 kB
      • en_partut-ud-test.txt18 kB
      • en_partut-ud-train.conllu2 MB
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • LICENSE.txt18 kB
      • en_partut-ud-dev.conllu148 kB
      • en_partut-ud-dev.txt13 kB
    • UD_Czech-CAC
      • cs_cac-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • cs_cac-ud-test.txt71 kB
      • README.md6 kB
      • cs_cac-ud-train.conllu51 MB
      • cs_cac-ud-dev.txt72 kB
      • cs_cac-ud-train.txt2 MB
      • stats.xml18 kB
      • LICENSE.txt265 B
      • cs_cac-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Faroese-OFT
      • stats.xml7 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • fo_oft-ud-test.txt58 kB
      • fo_oft-ud-test.conllu784 kB
      • LICENSE.txt822 B
    • UD_Upper_Sorbian-UFAL
      • stats.xml11 kB
      • hsb_ufal-ud-test.conllu730 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • hsb_ufal-ud-train.conllu31 kB
      • hsb_ufal-ud-test.txt64 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • hsb_ufal-ud-train.txt2 kB
    • UD_English-Pronouns
      • stats.xml5 kB
      • en_pronouns-ud-test.conllu138 kB
      • README.md9 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • en_pronouns-ud-test.txt7 kB
    • UD_Bororo-BDT
      • stats.xml13 kB
      • README.md2 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • bor_bdt-ud-test.txt38 kB
      • bor_bdt-ud-test.conllu497 kB
    • UD_Czech-PDT
      • cs_pdt-ud-train.conllu144 MB
      • README.md12 kB
      • cs_pdt-ud-test.conllu21 MB
      • cs_pdt-ud-test.txt1 MB
      • cs_pdt-ud-dev.txt989 kB
      • cs_pdt-ud-dev.conllu19 MB
      • stats.xml18 kB
      • LICENSE.txt311 B
      • cs_pdt-ud-train.txt7 MB
    • UD_Swedish_Sign_Language-SSLC
      • stats.xml2 kB
      • swl_sslc-ud-test.txt15 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • LICENSE.txt19 kB
      • swl_sslc-ud-test.conllu79 kB
    • UD_Catalan-AnCora
      • README.md4 kB
      • ca_ancora-ud-test.txt297 kB
      • ca_ancora-ud-dev.conllu5 MB
      • ca_ancora-ud-test.conllu5 MB
      • ca_ancora-ud-train.conllu37 MB
      • stats.xml11 kB
      • ca_ancora-ud-train.txt2 MB
      • ca_ancora-ud-dev.txt290 kB
      • LICENSE.txt189 B
    • UD_Arabic-PUD
      • stats.xml9 kB
      • README.md5 kB
      • ar_pud-ud-test.txt168 kB
      • LICENSE.txt19 kB
      • ar_pud-ud-test.conllu2 MB
    • UD_Erzya-JR
      • stats.xml31 kB
      • myv_jr-ud-test.txt107 kB
      • README.md6 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • myv_jr-ud-test.conllu1 MB
      • myv_jr-ud-train.txt104 kB
      • myv_jr-ud-train.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Spanish-AnCora
      • README.md5 kB
      • es_ancora-ud-train.txt2 MB
      • es_ancora-ud-test.conllu4 MB
      • es_ancora-ud-dev.conllu4 MB
      • es_ancora-ud-test.txt277 kB
      • stats.xml12 kB
      • es_ancora-ud-train.conllu40 MB
      • es_ancora-ud-dev.txt276 kB
      • LICENSE.txt189 B
    • UD_Mbya_Guarani-Dooley
      • stats.xml7 kB
      • gun_dooley-ud-test.conllu560 kB
      • README.md3 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • gun_dooley-ud-test.txt23 kB
    • UD_Kurmanji-MG
      • stats.xml9 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • kmr_mg-ud-train.conllu17 kB
      • kmr_mg-ud-test.txt49 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • kmr_mg-ud-train.txt1 kB
      • kmr_mg-ud-test.conllu729 kB
    • UD_Javanese-CSUI
      • stats.xml7 kB
      • jv_csui-ud-test.txt77 kB
      • README.md3 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • jv_csui-ud-test.conllu936 kB
    • UD_Portuguese-PUD
      • stats.xml7 kB
      • README.md5 kB
      • LICENSE.txt19 kB
      • pt_pud-ud-test.txt119 kB
      • pt_pud-ud-test.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Arabic-NYUAD
      • README.md2 kB
      • ar_nyuad-ud-test.conllu5 MB
      • stats.xml6 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • ar_nyuad-ud-dev.txt123 kB
      • ar_nyuad-ud-train.txt982 kB
      • ar_nyuad-ud-train.conllu44 MB
      • ar_nyuad-ud-test.txt123 kB
      • ar_nyuad-ud-dev.conllu5 MB
      • merge.jar91 kB
    • UD_Old_Irish-DipSGG
      • stats.xml8 kB
      • README.md3 kB
      • sga_dipsgg-ud-test.txt2 kB
      • LICENSE.txt15 B
      • sga_dipsgg-ud-test.conllu35 kB
    • UD_Ottoman_Turkish-BOUN
      • stats.xml12 kB
      • ota_boun-ud-train.conllu146 kB
      • ota_boun-ud-test.conllu502 kB
      • ota_boun-ud-train.txt13 kB
      • README.md1 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
      • ota_boun-ud-test.txt48 kB
    • UD_Chinese-CFL
      • stats.xml4 kB
      • zh_cfl-ud-test.conllu636 kB
      • README.md7 kB
      • zh_cfl-ud-test.txt30 kB
      • LICENSE.txt202 B
    • UD_English-EWT
      • en_ewt-ud-dev.conllu1 MB
      • en_ewt-ud-test.txt123 kB
      • en_ewt-ud-train.conllu13 MB
      • README.md13 kB
      • en_ewt-ud-train.txt989 kB
      • en_ewt-ud-dev.txt123 kB
      • stats.xml12 kB
      • LICENSE.txt19 kB
      • en_ewt-ud-test.conllu1 MB
    • UD_Latin-ITTB
      • la_ittb-ud-train.txt2 MB
      • README.md13 kB
      • la_ittb-ud-dev.txt168 kB
      • la_ittb-ud-test.conllu3 MB
      • la_ittb-ud-dev.conllu3 MB
      • stats.xml18 kB
      • LICENSE.txt19 kB
      • la_ittb-ud-test.txt169 kB
      • la_ittb-ud-train.conllu39 MB
    • UD_Italian-ParlaMint
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      • LICENSE.txt202 B
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      • gu_gujtb-ud-test.conllu121 kB
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      • it_isdt-ud-dev.conllu814 kB
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      • LICENSE.txt202 B
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      • is_icepahc-ud-test.conllu11 MB
    • ... too many files ...0 B
105.72 MB
 Stáhnout soubor  Náhled
 Náhled souboru  
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          • Agglutination.html8 kB
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    • ... too many files ...0 B
875.38 KB
 Stáhnout soubor  Náhled
 Náhled souboru  
  • ud-tools-v2.14
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      • long-token-to-text-correct.txt332 B
      • long-token-to-text.conllu2 kB
      • tanl.conll471 B
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    • survey_paradigms.pl20 kB
    • test-cases
      • nonvalid
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        • lowercase-feature-value-in-empty.conllu251 B
        • empty-head.conllu114 B
        • invalid-deps-id.conllu173 B
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        • empty-sentence.conllu163 B
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        • head-0-deprel-not-root.conllu133 B
        • multiple-sent_id.conllu736 B
        • malformed_deps.conllu683 B
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        • lowercase-feature.conllu238 B
        • duplicate-value.conllu137 B
        • tanl-broken.conllu690 B
        • misordered-layered-feature.conllu239 B
        • whitespace_nonv.conllu274 B
        • misplaced-comment-end.conllu429 B
        • nonsequential-empty-node-id.conllu238 B
        • dos-newlines.conllu698 B
        • invalid-head.conllu164 B
        • cyclic-deps.conllu227 B
        • duplicate-layered-feature.conllu182 B
        • id-with-extra-0.conllu140 B
        • duplicate-feature.conllu142 B
        • overlapping-multiword.conllu387 B
        • token_with_cols_filled.conllu385 B
        • self-cycle-deps.conllu164 B
        • nonsequential-id.conllu176 B
        • space-in-field.conllu127 B
        • extra-empty-line.conllu287 B
        • lowercase-feature-in-empty.conllu244 B
        • non-proj.conllu109 B
        • no-sent_id.conllu686 B
        • id-starting-from-2.conllu247 B
        • misindexed-empty-node.conllu235 B
        • self-cycle-head.conllu190 B
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        • uppercase-deprel.conllu184 B
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        • lowercase-value.conllu237 B
      • valid
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        • whitespace.conllu294 B
        • multiple-features.conllu295 B
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        • empty-nodes.conllu324 B
        • id_test_part1.conllu375 B
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    • enhanced_collapse_empty_nodes.pl8 kB
    • check_files.pl3 kB
    • klcpos3.pl1 kB

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