Activities of crucial enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle, glycolysis, and oxidative pentose phosphate cycle (PPC) were investigated in green calli of sugar beet {Beta vulgaris L.) during the transitíon from photoheterotrophic to photoautotrophic growth. The actívities of the Calvin cycle enzymes were increased by lowering the sucrose concentration of the medium, whereas the actívities of dissimilatíon related enzymes were either decreased or not inftuenced. The photoautotrophic culture cultívated on sucrose-free medium and 2 % CO2 grew at a rate six tímes slower than the photoheterotrophic one. Its growth continued on polyurethane pads soaked with agar-free medium and was fully inhibited by 0.5 pM DCMU.
Silicomolybdate (SiMo) is an electron acceptor that has many characteristics, the ignorance of which makes an interpretation of the results quite troublesome. In photoinhibitíon experiments the photosystem 2 (PS 2) actívity can be best monitored if 1 pM dibromotíiymoquinone (DBMIB) is added after photoinhibitory treatment and SiMo is added in the light. Diuron (DCMU) may complicate interpretation of the results as it is also a competítíve inhibitor of SiMo binding at pH 7.6. The binding niche of SiMo is probably located at the stroma side between the fourth and fifth helix of the Dl and D2 proteins close to Q^- The whole chain actívity was much more affected by the photoinhibitory treatment than the PS 2 actívity itself Uncoupling of electron flow by addition of ammonium chloride accelerated the rate of photoinhibitíon. Photoinhibitory treatment decreased not only the Hill actívity at photon saturation, but also decreased the quantum yield and increased the photon flux density yielding half maximum rate of electron flow (K^). Decrease of quantum yield indicated that the photochemistry of PS 2 was afiected; increase of indicated a coiďormational change of the SiMo binding site. In experiments on PS 2 actívity monitored witíi SiMo, DCMU had no protectíve effect on the damage of the electron transport chain between water and QA.
The potential impact of climate change on the mean monthly runoff in the upper Hron River basin, which was chosen as a representative mountainous region in Central Slovakia, was evaluated. A conceptual hydrological balance model calibrated with data from the period 1971-2000 was used for modelling changes in runoff with monthly time steps. Changes in climate variables in the future were expressed by two different climate change scenarios developed within the framework of the CECILIA (Central and Eastern Europe Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessment) project. The climate change scenarios were constructed using the pattern scaling method from the outputs of transient simulations made by 2 GCMs - ECHAM4/OPYC3 and HadCM2 (Dubrovský et al., 2005). The runoff change scenarios for the selected basin in the future time horizons of 2025, 2050 and 2100 show changes in the runoff distribution within a year. Changes in the seasonal runoff distribution were compared with previous results (Danihlík et al., 2004), which were achieved with climate change scenarios developed from the outputs of the CCCM97 and GISS98 global circulation models. and Článok sa zaoberá skúmaním vplyvu možnej zmeny klímy na sezónne rozdelenie odtoku na povodí horného Hrona. Na modelovanie priemerných mesačných prietokov bol použitý koncepčný model hydrologickej bilancie v mesačnom kroku, s parametrami kalibrovanými na referenčné obdobie 1971-2000. Zmeny klimatických charakteristík boli vyjadrené podľa 2 klimatických scenárov, spracovaných pre povodie horného Hrona v rámci projektu 6 RP CECILIA (Central and Eastern Europe Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessment). Klimatické scenáre boli spracované na základe výstupov tranzietných simulácií 2 globálnych cirkulačných modelov ECHAM4/OPYC3 a HadCM2 (Dubrovský et al., 2005) pre budúce časové horizonty 2025, 2050 a 2100. Podľa hydrologických scenárov priemerných mesačných prietokov možno v budúcnosti na povodí horného Hrona predpokladať zmeny sezónneho rozdelenia odtoku. Predpokladané zmeny sezónneho rozdelenia odtoku sú konzistentné s výsledkami dosiahnutými v predchádzajúcich prácach (Danihlík et al., 2004), v ktorých boli hydrologické scenáre odtoku na povodí horného Hrona spracované na základe klimatických scenárov, založených na výstupoch globálnych cirkulačných modelov CCCM97 a GISS98.