The article on the Romani migration from Slovakia to the territory of the Czech Republic is based on the field research realized by the organization „Člověk v tísni" (People in Need) in
the year 2003. Analysis of this probe has shown that the non-asylum Romani migration was in the year 2003 much stronger than the migration of asylum seekers; that in the case of non-asylum migration this was in the first place an innovation migration, while in the case of
asylum seekers it was a so called survival migration. The non-asylum migration was usually a chain migration either of individuals or families and utilises family relations in the country of
origin as well as in the country of final destination. The information is being handed on not only through families, but also in settlements; some of them even specialize in some kind of
migration. The migration of Romani between the Czech Republic and Slovakia is bid-irectional, but more Romani migrate into the Czech Republic then to Slovakia, due to better economic situation there. Romani migration is a dynamic phenomenon and because of its character, based on close family relations of Romani residents on Czech and Slovak territory, it will for sure continue in future.
Ve 30. letech 20. století se Martin Heidegger pokusil vysvětlit „dějiny Bytí“ vedoucí ke stavu, jejž nazýval „zapomněním Bytí“. Zaměřil se přitom na vliv moderní vědy, jež je podle něj jistým druhem metafyziky. Základní povaha moderní vědy podle Heideggera spočívá v jejím mathématickém charakteru. Řecký výraz " to mathéma“ znamená "to, co se lze naučit“ a "co je předchůdně známo“. Heideggerovým cílem je ukázat, že mathématický charakter moderní vědy rozhoduje o obecném chápání významu "bytí“ a že moderní věda nahrazuje metafyziku, v níž tkví její původ., In the mid of 1930s Martin Heidegger attempted to explain the
“history of Being” leading to what he called “the oblivion of Being". In this he focused on the impact of modern science, which he grants to be a sort of metaphysics. According to Heidegger, the main feature of the modern science consists in what he calls the mathéma -character. Th e Greek word “to mathéma” means “that what can be learned” and “what must be know beforehand.” It is Heidegger’s intention to show that the mathéma-character of modern science is deciding about the general understanding of the meaning of “being” and that modern science is replacing the metaphysics, which is the origin of the modern science., and Aleš Novák.