Super-rice hybrids are two-line hybrid rice cultivars with 15 to 20 % higher yields than the raditional three-line hybrid rice cultivars. Response of photosynthetic functions to midday photoinhibition was compared between seedlings of the traditional hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Shanyou63 and two super-rice hybrids, Hua-an3 and Liangyoupeijiu. Under strong midday sunlight, in comparison with Shanyou63, the two super-rice hybrids were less photoinhibited, as indicated by the lower loss of the net photosynthetic rate (PN), the quantum yield of photosystem 2 (ΦPS2), and the maximum and effective quantum yield of PS2 photochemistry (Fv/Fm and Fv'/Fm'). They also had a much higher transpiration rate. Hence the super-rice hybrids could protect themselves against midday photoinhibition at the cost of water. The photoprotective de-epoxidized xanthophyll cycle components, antheraxanthin (A) and zeaxanthin (Z), were accumulated more in Hua-an3 and Liangyoupeijiu than in Shanyou63, but the size of xanthophyll cycle pool of the seedlings was not affected by midday photoinhibition. Compared to Shanyou63, the super-rice hybrids were better photoprotected under natural high irradiance stress and the accumulation of Z and A, not the size of the xanthophyll pool protected the rice hybrids against photoinhibition. and Q. A. Wang, C. M. Lu, Q. D. Zhang.
The paper addresses the issue of the influence of auxiliary optical system used in the measurement chain on the results of measuring the image quality of optical systems. It is shown that if the measurement should not be degraded by the auxiliary optical system (e.g. a microscope lens, collimator, etc.), the residual aberrations of the auxiliary optical system has to be much smaller than the aberrations of the measured optical system. This phenomenon is presented in several examples. and V práci je řešena problematika vlivu pomocné optické soustavy použité v měřicím řetězci na výsledky měření kvality zobrazení měřených optických soustav. Je ukázáno, že nemá-li dojít k degradaci měření vlivem pomocné optické soustavy (např. mikroskopového objektivu, kolimátoru apod.), musí být zbytkové aberace této pomocné optické soustavy mnohem menší, než jsou aberace měřené optické soustavy. Na několika příkladech je tento jev ukázán.