The present paper focuses on variant forms of personal pronouns on/ono (he/it) and possessive pronouns můj/tvůj/svůj (my/your/oneself's) from the perspective of teaching Czech as a foreign language. The paradigm of these pronouns is characterized by the coexistence of variant forms, which the foreign students have to face at the very beginning of learning Czech. Hence, the textbooks of Czech attempt to reduce the number of variants in order to simplify the complexity of paradigms. On the basis of the data from the synchronic written corpus of Czech SYN2010, the paper aims to find out the frequency and distribution of variant forms in current Czech and to make conclusions with respect to the presentation of pronominal paradigms in Czech for foreigners, which should meet the requirement of adequacy and simplicity and favour frequent and progressive forms.
The paper briefly presents the results of a five-year field research project (2006 to 2011) studying the moral and political transformations amongst extremely poor women participating in the Brazilian Programa Bolsa Família (PBF). Our fundamental hypothesis was that regular monetary income would generate individual growth and an increase in personal autonomy and political inclusion. We analyse the interviews by way of a phenomenology of poverty in Brazil., Alessandro Pinzani, Leão Rêgo Walquíria., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu
The Chemical weed control should apply herbicides which interfere only with the plant-specific processes, like photosynthesis, biosynthesis of pigments or essential amino acids. Accordingly, attention for herbicide development is focused on the chloroplast as a typical plant organelle. This páper reports on the mode of action of so-called bleaching compounds which affect the biosynthesis of carotenoids and chlorophylls, respectively, causing interrupted build-up or degradation of the photosynthetic apparatus. In the first čase such inhibitors lead to accumulation of precursors of P-carotene and xanthophylls, which cannot protéct chlorophyll (Chl) against the photooxidation. Herbicidal inhibitors of Chl biosynthesis result in accumulation of protoporphyrin IX which is sensitised by light thereby inducing radical peroxidative reactions. The peroxidative stress can - under certain circumstances - be counteracted by the antioxidative systém of the plant cell. Basic biochemical studies and molecular genetics in this field of herbicidal inhibitors research are briefly outlined.
The main objective of this study is to develop a model procedure for predicting low flows for a large set of gauged basins located in the Rhine-Meuse area. The methodology is primarily based on the analysis of recession curves, river discharges being essentially provided by groundwater flow during drought period. Our objective is to use recession coefficients in order to calibrate base flow predictions coming out from a groundwater reservoir. Problems related to the temporal variability of recession coefficients are discussed. We come to the conclusion that lows flows prediction can be improved by implementing a new groundwater reservoir into the RR model based on our knowledge of low flow processes. and Jednou z požiadaviek Rámcovej smernice o vode (WFD, 2000/60/EC) je analýza trendov a dlhodobá predpoveď vývoja znečistenia povrchových tokov. Pri odhade vývoja znečistenia toku je potrebné brať do úvahy nielen možné zdroje znečistenia, ale je potrebné uvažovať aj s vývojom množstva vody v tokoch a so zvyšovaním teploty tokov v dôsledku očakávanej klimatickej zmeny a zmeny vo využívaní vodných zdrojov. V príspevku je analyzovaný vývoj mesačných koncentrácií vybraných ukazovateľov kvality vody v toku Dunaja v stanici Bratislava (napr. Chl-a, Ca, EC, SO4 2-, Cl- , O2, BSK5, N-celk, PO4-P, NO3-N, NO2-N a pod.) za obdobie r. 1991-2005. Za účelom dlhodobej predpovede koncentrácií každého ukazovateľa kvality vody sme na základe štatistických testov vybrali najlepší autoregresný Box-Jenkinsov model s dvoma regresormi: 1. prietokmi a 2. teplotami vody. Scenáre pre mesačné prietoky a mesačné teploty vody boli vytvorené pre tri stavy: i) priemerné podmienky - medián prietokov a teploty vody; ii) nízke prietoky a vysoké teploty vody; a iii) vysoké prietoky a nízke teploty vody. Tieto scenárové podmienky boli vypočítané z denných údajov z obdobia 1931-2005 ako percentily (1. percentil, medián, 99. percentil). Použijúc tieto scenáre sme vybranými Box-Jenkinsovými modelmi s dvoma regresormi simulovali extrémne mesačné hodnoty vybraných ukazovateľom kvality vody v Dunaji pre extrémne hydrologické a teplotné podmienky.
Professor Josef Polišenský PhD. (December 16, 1915 - January 11, 2001) was an important Czech historian with a wide range of professional interest. He dedicated himself primarily to the problematics of the Thirty-Year-War and, concretely, to the Uprising of the Czech Estates in 1618 - 1620 in a broad international context. To the many histoirical problems of the Early Modern and Modern period he studied belongs also the problematics of the history of Latin America. His merits in founding the Czech Ibero-American studies were by rights appreciated abroad. The author of the article appraises the Scientific work of Professor Polišenský, from his PhD. dissertation from the year 1939, follows his professional career and his life history in the context of the ups and downs of the Czech national history, in the context of all the decoys, pressures and trials that endangered an intellectual who wasn’t indifferent to the political events. To Professor Polišenský can be given a credit for the fact that the Czech historiography in the years 1948 to 1989 was able to keep up with the European historiographical paradigms and that retained a respectable face at the same time. Unfortunately, at the moment when Polišenský found himself at the height of his Creative power, this couldn’t help him. On the contrary, it did a harm to this excellent schollar in the situation when the regime put ideological and political pressure on the science. The results of the work o f the internationally renowned scholar are and will manifest themselves also in the works of his pupils, many of them foreigners, in the activity of future generations of historians, ethnologists, archivists and specialists of other areas.
Data on divorces are gathered by the Czech Statistical Office and thus widely accessible and well known, but much less information is available about the stability of unmarried cohabitations. This paper focuses on the differences between marriage and unmarried cohabitations in terms of their stability. The authors study the impact of various factors on the stability of marriages and unmarried cohabitations taking into account the different socio -demographic indicators. To explain this phenomenon they use various theoretical approaches emphasizing different factors of partnership instability (from socializing factors to premarital cohabitation, values, education and gender, to factors based on the theory of rational choice). The analysis identified factors that operate in the same manner within both marriages and unmarried cohabitations (e.g. children in the partnership, experience with the previous partnership break-ups) as well as factors that play a different role in the stability of marriages and unmarried cohabitations (e.g. education, duration of partnership, generation). The paper is based on quantitative data from the survey ‘Life-course 2010’, which included 4010 respondents. The authors used the event history approach in their analysis which enabled them to track the dependences of the variables in time., Marta Vohlídalová, Hana Maříková., 1 graf, 1 tabulka, Poznámky na str. 14-15 (14), Biografické poznámky o autorkách článku na str. 15, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 3
Water resources are usually treated as potential resources, directly exploitable by human population on the Earth. Among them, surface water and groundwater can be effectively managed for operational use. Soil water which belongs to the class of subsurface water represents the major volume of terrestrial water resources. The concept of soil water resources as a water source for biosphere was introduced recently by Budagovsky (1985) and is related to the fact, that the soil water is the most important factor of the existence and development of terrestrial vegetation. As a measure of soil water resources, Budagovsky proposed the evapotranspiration rate from the land surface during the frostless period representing the sum of water evaporation by soil and transpiration from stomata of the leaves of terrestrial plants. The primary importance of soil water is in its role as a source of water for biosphere, for the first stage of trophic chain on the Earth. In this review, the role of soil water in biotic and abiotic cycle on the Earth is discussed. Possible directions of the future study of soil water resources in relation to the environment are proposed. and Za zdroje vody na Zemi sa považujú spravidla tie potenciálne zdroje, ktoré môžu byť využité ľudstvom priamo. Priamo môžu byť využité povrchové a podzemné vody. Najväčší objem vody súše na Zemi je reprezentovaný vodami podpovrchovými. Budagovskij (1985) navrhol koncepciu pôdnych vôd ako zdroja vody pre biosféru; táto koncepcia je založená na skutočnosti, že pôdne vody sú najvýznamnejším zdrojom vody pre suchozemskú vegetáciu. Ako mieru zdrojov pôdnej vody Budagovskij navrhol evapotranspiráciu z pevniny počas bezmrazového obdobia, ako súčet výparu z pôdy a transpirácie cez prieduchy suchozemských rastlín. Najvýznamnejšou úlohou vody v pôde je to, že je zdrojom vody pre biosféru, pre prvú časť trofického reťazca na Zemi. Táto práca pojednáva o úlohe vody v pôde v biotickom a abiotickom cykle na Zemi. Sú naznačené tiež možné smery výskumu zdrojov vody v pôde v kontexte k biosfére.
After the formulation of the photosynthetic unit (PSU) concerning the cooperation of 2400 chlorophyll molecules in the reduction of one molecule of C02 by Emerson and Arnold in 1932, the search for a morphological expression of the functional unit began. The quantasome hypothesis is an attempt to relate the structure visible in the electron microscope, the quantasome, and the PSU. The term 'quantasome' was introduced by Park and Calvin as a name for grana subunits. The quantasomes were regarded as the main integral parts of the grana lamellae in the protein lipid layers. Yet it soon became clear that a morphological mit such as the quantasomes did not exist. Nevertheless, the term was still used in various applications till the eighties.