Gas exchange of Carex cinerascens was carried out in Swan Islet Wetland Reserve (29°48' N, 112°33' E). The diurnal photosynthetic course of C. cinerascens in the flooded and the nonflooded conditions were analyzed through the radial basis function (RBF) neural network approach to evaluate the influences of environmental variables on the photosynthetic activity. The inhibition of photosynthesis induced by soil flooding can be attributed to the reduced stomatal conductance (gs), the deficiency of Rubisco regeneration and decreased chlorophyll (Chl) content. As revealed by analysis of artificial neural network (ANN) models, gs was the dominant factor in determining the photosynthesis response. Weighting analysis showed that the effect of water pressure deficit (VPD) > air temperature (T) > CO2 concentration (Ca) > air humidity (RH) > photosynthetical photon flux density (PPFD) for the nonflooded model, whereas for the flooded model, the factors were ranked in the order VPD > C a > RH > PPFD > T. The different photosynthetic response of C. cinerascens found between the nonflooded and flooded conditions would be useful to evaluate the flood tolerance at plant species level. and M. Li ... [et al,.].
Článek sa venuje interakcii studenej plazmy so živými organizmami, predovšetkým jej aplikáciám na bio-dekontamináciu. Popisuje výsledky bio-dekontaminácie v troch typoch jednosmerných elektrických výbojov pri atmosférickom tlaku vo vzduchu a ve vode. Pomocou elektrickej a optickej diagnostiky, porovnávania efektov výbojov a priameho i nepriameho pôsobenia plazmy na mikroorganizmy, bol idenifikovaný vplyv neaktívnych kyslíkových častíc ako dominantný mechanizmus bio-inaktivácie. Článok načrtá aj rôzne biomedicínske aplikácie plazmy tvoriace základ novej vednej disciplíny - plazmovej medicíny., Zdenko Machala., and Obsahuje bibliografii