The study is focused on the phenomenon of collective violence
that took place in the territory of the Czech lands during the spring and summer 1945. Albeit the war operations had been concluded since the 8th May 1945, general living conditions resembled rather a continuation of the war in the time - at least until the end of the July 1945. Despite the traditional interpretation of the May 1945 as a crucial reversal, the study focuses on the collective violence as a phenomenon overlapping traditional turning points. Remaining high amount of violent interactions is an element connecting the
final war operations with the first weeks and months after. Applying concepts of political sociology (Charles Tilly), social psychology (Philip Zimbardo) and sociology (Randall Collins) the study strives to capture interdependent nature of collective violence between its structural preconditions and situational dynamics. Based on the quantitative evaluation of the acts of collective violence, the first part outlines a macro social topography of collective violence with the main focus on the period between April and August 1945. The main point is an identification of key actors of the politics of collective
violence and their correlation to basic configurations of particular political regimes (i.e. occupational regime of the so called Protectorate and limited democratic regime of Czechoslovakia after May 1945). The second part evaluates social and cultural mechanisms facilitating escalation of violent situations into mass atrocities.The study identifies impulsive acts of collective violence as limited to temporary transitive violent rituals and turns attention
to the important role of the state organised specialists in concrete violent situations. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Surrogacy can be already considered as one of the common parts of assisted reproduction which is due to its nature associated with a number of controversies. The aim of our article will be to point out the fact that the use of this procedure is connected not only to the discussed ethical and legal problems but also to associated and often neglected psychosocial consequences. In this regard, we will focus on a specific area of international surrogacy as a new form of reproductive tourism which develops dynamically and uncontrollable on the market principle and against the background of the globalization and the absence of supranational rules. This situation leads to the social and legal uncertainty of the applicants to this procedure, the surrogate mother and the child. The global closure of state borders and restrictions on movement due to the handling SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic only exacerbated the situation, or more precisely created unexpected barriers to communication between the surrogate mother and the applicants, including takeover of child care, what has implications for the live of all parties involved. and Náhradní mateřství lze již v dnešní době považovat za jednu z běžných součástí asistované reprodukce, se kterou je z povahy věci spojena řada kontroverzí. Cílem našeho článku bude poukázat na skutečnost, že využívání daného způsobu získání dítěte je kromě diskutovaných eticko-právních problémů spojeno rovněž s často opomíjenými důsledky psychosociálního charakteru. V tomto ohledu se zaměříme na specifickou oblast mezinárodní surrogace, jakožto novou formu reprodukční turistiky, která se na tržním principu dynamicky a do značné míry nekontrolovatelně rozvíjí na pozadí globalizace a absence nadnárodních pravidel. Uvedený stav pochopitelně vede k sociální a právní nejistotě jak žadatelů o danou proceduru, tak náhradní matky a dítěte. Celosvětové uzavírání státních hranic a omezování pohybu v důsledku zvládání pandemie koronaviru SARS-CoV-2 pak danou situaci jen prohloubilo, respektive náhle vytvořilo neočekávané překážky navázání komunikace mezi náhradní matkou a žadateli, včetně převzetí dítěte do péče, což má dopady do života všech zúčastněných osob.