An article describes a concept of a conversion formula of sensors containing piezoresistive elastomers. The dependence of resistance on applied pressure in given time period was measured. In this way the characteristics of sensor R = f(p) by t = const. and R = f(t) by p = const. were obtained. These characteristics were also analysed and on this base the transfer formula of the sensor was designed. and Článek popisuje návrh převodního vztahu senzorů s piezorezistivními elastomery. Byla změřena závislost odporu na přiloženém tlaku během určitého časového intervalu. Tímto způsobem byly získány charakteristiky senzoru R = f(p) při t = const. a R = f(t) při p = const. Tyto charakteristiky byly také analyzovány a na jejich základě byl navržen převodní vztah senzoru.
Resine bond grinding wheels are often used for the final grinding of precise aspheric optic. In this paper, the optimization of the circumferential speed of the resin bond grinding wheel with respect to the surface microroughness, the surface imperfections and also to the tool life time is presented. The optimum was searching in the interval of the circumferential speed from 12 m/s to 24 m/s and the wear of the tool was observing in the 1.9 hour intervals. The results of the experiment shows that, the optimum of the circumferential speed was found in the narrow interval around the speed 20 m/s. Out of this narrow interval the surface is affected by many undesirable properties so the accurate optimization of the machining parameters is very important when a resine bond grinding wheel is used. and Brousicí kola s resinovou vazbou jsou velmi často užívána pro finální broušení precizní asférické optiky. Cílem tohoto článku je optimalizace obvodové rychlosti brousicího kola s resinovou vazbou s důrazem na dosažení co nejnižší mikrodrsnosti, minimalizaci vznikajících struktur a škráb, ale také na prodloužení životnosti nástroje. Optimum bylo hledáno v intervalu obvodových rychlostí 12 m/s až 24 m/s a opotřebení nástroje bylo sledováno v intervalech po 1,9 hod. Experiment ukázal,že optimum obvodové rychlosti se nachází v poměrně úzkém intervalu okolo hodnoty 20 m/s. Mimo tuto úzkou oblast vykazuje povrch mnoho nežádoucích vlastností, což značně posiluje význam optimalizace obráběcích parametrů při použití obvodových kol s resinovou vazbou.
The aim of this study was to determine the potential development of water sorptivity of soil aggregates by heating. Soil aggregates were sampled from arable layer of 5 Polish soils: Haplic Luvisol 1 from Czesławice, Haplic Luvisol 2 from Wierzchucinek, Haplic Cambisol from Felin, Gleyic Mollic Cambisol from Chylice, and Haplic Phaeozem from Grabiec. Three aggregates of each soil type with minimum diameter between 4 and 10 mm were heated in the oven for at least 3 hours at temperatures 20, 100, 200, 250, and 360ºC. After each temperature treatment the soil aggregates were conditioned at the room temperature for 16 hours. Laboratory measurements of water sorptivity of soil aggregates were performed under a negative tension h0 = -2 cm using tension infiltrometer. It was found that the exposure to temperatures between 100 and 200°C tends to decrease water sorptivity of aggregates from all the studied soils but one (Haplic Luvisol 1), followed by about two- to four-fold increase in water sorptivity for exposure to temperatures of 250°C (in Haplic Luvisol 1, Haplic Luvisol 2, and Haplic Phaeozem) or 360°C (in Haplic Cambisol and Gleyic Mollic Cambisol).