Search Results
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Ztracená závěť
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- (Lidové ceny 1--3 Kč)
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Falešná milenka / Falsche Geliebte, Die
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Zač.: 1/4 5, 1/4 7, 1/4 9 hod. and August der Starke / galante König, Der
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Jeho nejlepší přítel / Sein bester Freund
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/4 5, 1/4 7, 1/4 9 hod., 1/4 5, 1/4 7, 1/4 9 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Nesmrtelný valčík / Unsterblicher Walzer
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/2 5. 1/2 7. 1/2 9. hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- 2 srdce ve 3/4 taktu; Dvě srdce ve 3/4 taktu
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Prvotřídní varietní program
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Jizdní hlídka; Jízdní hlídka
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Císař z Kalifornie; Císař Kalifornie / Kaiser von Kalifornien, Der
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/2 5., 1/2 7., 1/2 9. hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Slepí pasažéři / Pat und Patachon. Blinde Passagiere; Blinde Passagiere
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/4 5, 1/4 7, 1/4 9., Zač. 1/4 5, 1/4 7, 1/4 9.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Psí dny / Hundstage
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Veselohra, Zač. 1/4 5, 1/4 7, 1/4 9 hod
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Srdce v zajetí
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Začátek: 16.15, 18.15, 20.15 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0