251. Stadion; Dukla: 07.05.1937 Type: programme Subject: Ženy a milenky Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
252. Stadion; Dukla: 07.05.1943 Type: programme Subject: Valentin Dobrotivý / Valentin der Gütige; Geld fällt vom Himmel Language: Czech and German Description: 1/4 5, 1/4 7, 1/4 9. V neděli též 1/4 3 hod.,Zač.: 1/4 5, 1/4 7, 1/4 9 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
253. Stadion; Dukla: 07.06.1932 Type: programme Subject: Muži od ofsidu; Muži v offsidu Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
254. Stadion; Dukla: 07.06.1934 Type: programme Subject: Můj přítel milionář Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
255. Stadion; Dukla: 07.06.1935 Type: programme Subject: Pět povedených děvčátek Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
256. Stadion; Dukla: 07.06.1942 Type: programme Subject: Teď zase my Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
257. Stadion; Dukla: 07.07.1930 Type: programme Subject: Jeho nejsilnější zbraň / Seine stärkste Waffe Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
258. Stadion; Dukla: 07.07.1931 Type: programme Subject: Bouře ve sklenici vody Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
259. Stadion; Dukla: 07.07.1932 Type: programme Subject: Bomby nad Monte Carlem Language: Czech and German Description: 6. a 7. července. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
260. Stadion; Dukla: 07.07.1933 Type: programme Subject: Dámský diplomat Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0