771. Stadion; Dukla: 21.07.1931 Type: programme Subject: Na západní frontě 1918 (Čtyři od pěchoty.); Na západní frontě 1918 Language: Czech and German Description: O 7. hod. v sále kina, o 9. hod. na letním cvičišti Stadia. Za nepříznivého počasí hraje se v 9. hod. v sále. - Venku na Stadiu lidové ceny. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
772. Stadion; Dukla: 21.07.1937 Type: programme Subject: Stěnka Razin (Volha, Volha) Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
773. Stadion; Dukla: 21.07.1942 Type: programme Subject: Manon Lescaut / Manon Lescout Language: Czech and German Description: O 1/2 7., 1/2 9. hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
774. Stadion; Dukla: 21.07.1944 Type: programme Subject: Kristián / Christian Language: Czech and German Description: 3/4 4, 6, 1/4 9. Předprodej od 3 hod. and 15.45, 18, 20.15. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
775. Stadion; Dukla: 21.08.1930 Type: programme Subject: Pat a Patachon jednou nohou v hrobě Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
776. Stadion; Dukla: 21.08.1931 Type: programme Subject: Vrah Dimitrij Karamazov; Vrah Dimitrij Maramazov; Vrah Karamazov Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
777. Stadion; Dukla: 21.08.1933 Type: programme Subject: Inkognito; Neptám se, kdo jsi Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
778. Stadion; Dukla: 21.08.1934 Type: programme Subject: Její Jasnost prodavačka Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
779. Stadion; Dukla: 21.08.1935 Type: programme Subject: Šerif z Kolorada Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
780. Stadion; Dukla: 21.08.1936 Type: programme Subject: Bouře nad Gran Chacem; Bouře nad Gran-Chacem; Bouře nad Grand Chacem; Bouře nad Chan Chacem Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0