The study focuses on up–to–date sociological surveys mapping attitudes, values and aspirations of the Arab youth before so called „Arab spring“. It describes a clash between professional, consume and life ambitions of the young generation and the economical and political reality of the Middle Eastern regimes. It focuses especially on generational allienation of the power elite, marriage crisis, demographic marginalization, the rise of free time and extremely troubled situation at the labour market.
The text focuses on the Czech Province of the Dominican Order roughly in the period of 1650 - 1721. It is based chiefly on two sources - the diaries of the provincials and the Rule of the Order. It aims at reconstruction of certain aspects of the life of the Order concerning health, illness and prevention. The paper pays attention mainly to two themes very well documented in the given sources: (a) visits of thermal baths/spas and (b) two last plague epidemics (1679-1681, 1713-1716)., Karel Černý., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The study is based on social survey among more than 10 000 fourteen years old pupils in four European countries: England, France, Belgium and Italy. It compares Muslim immigrant background pupils (first and second generation) and mainstream background pupils in terms of their feelings of justice inside as well as outside school. There are no huge differences between these two groups in any country under survey except of France (young Muslims in France report rather more negative feelings concerning justice). The survey results contradict common notions that there are widespread feelings of injustice, frustration and discrimination among young European Muslims.
The study is based on social survey among more than 10 000 fourteen years old pupils in four European countries: England, France, Belgium and Italy. It compares Muslim immigrant background pupils (first and second generation) and mainstream background pupils in terms of their feelings of justice inside as well as outsider school. There are no huge differences between these two groups in any country under survey except of France (young Muslims in France report rather more negative feelings concerning justice). The survey results contradict common notions that there are widespread feelings of injustice, frustration and discrimination among young European Muslims.
Sazná nemoc kůry je méně známé onemocnění způsobené houbou Cryptostroma corticale (Ascomycota), s ostrůvkovitým výskytem v Evropě. Postihuje zejména javory kleny (Acer pseudoplatanus) a jejich hromadná vymírání byla zaznamenána u stromů oslabených stresem, především po nadprůměrně suchých a horkých letních měsících. Nedávný výskyt onemocnění v České republice podnítil studium druhu C. corticale a jeho rozšíření v Praze. Výsledek naší čtyřleté studie prokázal, že napadena je minimálně čtvrtina klenů v pražských parcích., Sooty bark disease is a less known disease caused by fungal species Cryptostroma corticale (Ascomycota), with patchy incidence in Europe. It mainly affects Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), and its mass dieback was observed in trees weakened by stress, especially after the exceptionally dry and hot summer months. Recent record of the disease in the Czech Republic prompted the research of C. corticale and its occurrence in Prague. The results of our four-year study showed that at least 25 % of Sycamore trees in Prague parks are infected., and Ivana Kelnarová, Ondřej Koukol, Karel Černý.