Dne 18. února 2015 převzal v sídle Akademie věd ČR na Národní třídě v Praze pamětní medaili Jana Patočky za zásluhy v humanitních vědách Adolf Filáček z Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, čestnou oborovou medaili Karla Engliše za zásluhy v sociálních a ekonomických vědách obdržel Václav Pavlíček z Ústavu státu a práva AV ČR a Právnické fakulty UK, čestnou oborovou medaili Františka Palackého za zásluhy v historických vědách Petr Sommer z Archeologického ústavu AV ČR, Praha, a Centra medievistických studií při Filosofickém ústavu AV ČR. Medaili Za zásluhy o Akademii věd ČR obdržela Drahoslava Vaníčková. O den později u příležitosti Kolokvia ÚMCH AV ČR 2015 obdržel čestnou oborovou medaili Jaroslava Heyrovského za zásluhy v chemických vědách prof. Karel Ulbrich z Ústavu makromolekulární chemie AV ČR. and redakce Akademického bulletinu.
Čestnou medaili Vojtěcha Náprstka, kterou od roku 2003 uděluje předseda Akademie věd ČR jako ocenění za dlouholetou popularizaci vědeckých poznatků, převzali 28. ledna 2015 etnografka Jitka Staňková, bohemistka Markéta Pravdová a redaktor Marek Janáč. and Gabriela Adámková.
Brain Awareness Week is a series of global events held in many parts of the world to increase public awareness of the brain. Every March BAW brings together the efforts of universities, hospitals, patient groups, government associations worldwide in a week-long commemoration of the brain. Founded and coordinated by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and the European Dana Alliance for the Brain, BAW is observing its fifteenth anniversary campaign in 2010. More than 1,000 students heard lectures by top Czech scientists as part of the annual Brain Awareness Week that took place in the administration building of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 15-21 March 2010. and Gabriela Adámková.
During the Brain Awareness Week, held worldwide annually in March, neuroscientists and other brain scientists seek to promote understanding of the progress and benefits of brain research by informing the general public concerning their research activities and their achievements. Brain Awareness Week was created in the USA by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives in 1996. The fourteenth year of the Brain Awareness Week in the Czech Republic occurred on March 12, 2012. Events were held the ASCR’s main building. We feature an interview in this issue with neurosurgeon Professor Eduard Zvěřina, who is the founder of microsurgery in the Czech Republic. and Gabriela Adámková.
Podle časopisů Science a Nature se vědeckou metodou roku 2010 stala optogenetika. O badatelích, kteří ji vyvinuli, se dokonce hovoří jako o žhavých kandidátech na Nobelovu cenu. Letos poprvé s jejími principy seznámil během Týdne mozku českou veřejnost dr. Tomáš Hromádka z Oddělení neurofyziologie sluchu Ústavu experimentální medicíny AV ČR. Jak se pomocí této slibné metody odhaluje tajemství činnosti nervových buněk? and Gabriela, Adámková.
The Learned Society’s two-day General Assembly took place at the Hall of Patriots of the Carolinum May and at the ASCR’s main building 17-18 May, 2010. The Society primarily encourages the free development of science in all its aspects through dissemination of scientific ideas and concepts to the general public, by awakening a thirst for and delight in scientific knowledge within society, and through supporting the enhancement of the level of education and a creative, rational and humanly responsible climate in this country. At this General Assembly, Ivan Hlaváček, well-known historiographer, and Karel Štulík, renowned chemist and former president of the Czech Science Foundation, were bestowed the Medal of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for their contributions to the advancement of science. The Scientist Awards were presented to embryologist and histologist Jan Evangelista Jirásek of the Institute for the Care of Mother and Child, and sinologist Oldřich Král of Charles University. The Junior Scientist Awards were given to Jan Dušek also of Charles University and Jiří Šedý of Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR. The Learned Society Awards were presented to pedagogues Jarmila Ichová and Helena Kommová for their significant work in advancement of science among young students. The Grammar School Student Awards were presented to 11 students from Czech primary schools. and Marina Hužvárová, Gabriela Adámková.