This article returns to Kosovo immediately after the end of the last Serbian-Albanian conflict that developed into a conflict of de facto world dimension. In the post-war months of the years 1999-2000, however, in this region could be found not only the material, spiritual and especially human losses, but also such war traces that cannot be simply shrugged off as products of war and grandiloquent nationalism. Behind their often pathetic facade could be seen something more deep, more constant and vitalizing. In this case the matter is music, its musical and textual aspect, its role in the everyday and festive life of Albanians of Kosovo and especially the song as a form of reflection of both old and recent history and present State of Kosovo, its inhabitants and its position in contemporary and future world. After closer examination the distinctive world of Kosovo-Albanian epic song is being revealed, built on ancient foundations of Balkan musical and song tradition. From this tradition ste song stems and this tradition it acknowledges. At the same time the tradition is being developed through natural diffusion of all possible new internal and external musical and non-musical influences. The article deals with the genesis of the Albanian musical tradition as well as with differentiation of many musical streams existing today one by another from the poit of view of their forms and functions. It is also interested in interpreters or composers of this music and their „popularity“ with various groups of Kosovo-Albanian society. Last but not least, it analyses, besides the musical aspects, also the texts that convincingly reflect how the Kosovo—Albanians perceive themselves, the past events and also other partakers of older and recent history. From this it is clear that here we don't face only a revived Albanian nationalism, but also the shaping of the perception of distinctiveness of „Kosovars“ as a peculiar cultural and political entity.