We feature an interview in this issue with Professor Eva Semotanová, director of the Institute of History of the ASC R. As a research worker, she specializes in interdisciplinary fields of science on the intersection between geography and history, namely, historical geography, history of cartography and historical cartography. Professor Semotanová's study includes the history of Czech towns and cities in a historical-geographic context as she seeks to integrate this context into historical processes. She supervises the Institute's cartographic collection. Chair of the Committee for Historical Geography, she also lectures on historical geography. and Marina Hužvárová.
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) celebrates fifty years since the signing of its founding convention. Over the last half century, ESO has become the world's most productive ground-based astronomical observatory. The signing of the ESO Convention on October, 5, 1962 and the foundation of ESO was the culmination of the vision of leading astronomers from five European countries: Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. They had decided to join forces for the purpose of building a large telescope that would give them access to the magnificent and rich southern sky. Operating three unique and world-class observing sites in Chile (at La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor), ESO has become a leader in the astronomical research community. To celebrate the 50th anniversary, ESO and its partners (including the Czech Republic) are organising many events and public initiatives during 2012. and Marina Hužvárová.
Akademie věd ČR hostila v rámci oslav svého založení mezinárodní konferenci, které se 27. května 2015 zúčastnili významní hosté ze zahraničí - mj. viceprezident ALLEA (All European Academies) Ed Noord, výkonný ředitel britských Národních laboratoří Andrew Taylor, Peter Haslinger z Leibnizovy společnosti, Sören Wiesenfeldt z Helmholtzovy společnosti a další hosté z Itálie, Velké Británie či USA. and Gabriela Adámková, Luděk Svoboda, Marina Hužvárová.
This was a comment during an interview with Professor Vaclay Pates, a renowned Czech biochemist, for a feature article in this issue. The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR) has been observing the 20m anniversary of its inception, of which this is a part. Professor PaOes was President of the Academy (2005-2009) and also of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic (2010-2012). His scientific speciality is genomics. His research group was among the first to completely sequence a genome, namely, the DNA of a bacterial virus. In addition, he discovered a specific enzyme involved in the catabolism of the plant hormone cytokinine. He co-authored of the first Czech synthetic gene (the precursor of the neurotransmitter enkefaline). and Marina Hužvárová.
The November 17 was first declared as International Students' Day in 1941 in London by the International Students' Council. Struggle for Freedom and Demo- cracy Day (formely Students' Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day - established in 1990) has been observed as an official holiday in the Czech Republic since 2000. This date is also associated with the origin of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1952-1992), which comprised research institutes, a learned society and a body of academicians and corresponding members. Despite being subjected to heavy ideological pressure until the fall of the communist regime in 1989, Czech science was nevertheless able to maintain its creative energy in a number of instances and to find its way to the world scientific community (although there were disparities within the various fields of sciences during different periods of the regime). and Marina Hužvárová.
The project of restoration and preservation of the Bečov Castle, which received the Europa Nostra European Award in 2010, is described in another story. The project was awarded "for a thoroughly prepared conservation that would preserve the original architectonic element.' The educational part of the project offers a chance to see the development of architecture with concrete examples and the conservation methods applied to similar sights. and Marina Hužvárová, Gabriela Adámková a Markéta Pavlíková.
Má právo na existenci instituce typu Akademie věd? Je to zkostnatělý moloch, nebo součást životního stylu moderní společnosti? Není lepší podpořit aplikace, aby se rychle zhodnotily ve snadno počitatelném finančním efektu, zatímco vědu ponechat studentům na univerzitách? Takové otázky hýbou veřejností a laikové často ani nevědí, že všude ve světě pracují desítky institucí podobných naší Akademii. Rozhodli jsme se, že některé z nich v Akademickém bulletinu představíme. Pro úvodní pozvání do cizích teritoriálních vod jsme požádali předsedu Rady pro zahraniční styky prof. Jana Palouše, s nímž jsme hovořili o Společnosti Maxe Plancka v Německu, která je Akademii svou náplní asi nejpodobnější a pro nás nejznámější, i o souhvězdí evropského výzkumu., Marina Hužvárová., and Rubrika rozhovor