11. Třicet let sborníku Česká bibliografie / Creator: Kovář, Blahoslav, Type: text and studie Language: Czech Description: Thirty years of the collection of works Česká bibliografie (Czech Bibliography). Rights: unknown
12. Vývoj názoru na vztah adjektiva a substantiva v předmětovém hesle v ČSSR od roku 1945 do současnosti (k / Creator: Kovář, Blahoslav, Type: text and studie Language: Czech Description: The development of the opinions on the relations of an adjective and a noun in the subject entry in the CSSR since 1945 up to the present time. (The article concerns Czechoslovak state standard which is being prepared. Rights: unknown
13. Ze studijního stipendijního pobytu v italské Sieně / Creator: Kovář, Blahoslav, Type: text and studie Language: Czech Description: On Experiences from My Research Journey to Sienna in Italy. Rights: unknown