The purpose of this project, coordinated by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, is to support basic research in chemical biology and genetics and offers Open Access to academic researchers. This infrastructure is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that includes an integrated robotic system for highthroughput screening, a system for automated microscopic highcontent analysis and an integrated robotic system for compound storage and management. Its mission is to create a national infrastructure for chemical biology comprised of the national compound collection and the database that enable identification of research tools and probes to be used in basic research and development of potential therapeutics. CZ-OPENSCREEN is a priority project within The National Roadmap of the Large Infrastructures and will serve as a National node in the ESFRI infrastructure EU-OPENSCREEN. and Luděk Svoboda.
Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR se sídlem v areálu akademických pracovišť v pražské Krči zahájil 21. ledna 2014 ve spolupráci se společností Nikon provoz nového centra excelence pro super-rezoluční mikroskopii. Průlomová mikroskopická metoda umožňuje pozorovat především v buněčné biologii menší detaily, než tomu bylo dosud možné prostřednictvím konvenčních mikroskopických metod. and Luděk Svoboda.