Actress Anna Ondráková with her husband, boxer Max Schmelling, in Když hvězdy svítí (When the Stars Shine, dir. Hans H. Zerlett, 1938). The following footage includes clips showing Anna Ondráková in several other film roles, such as Velbloud uchem jehly (Camel Through the Eye of a Needle, dir. Karel Lamač, 1926), with the last clip being from Únos bankéře Fuxe (The Kidnapping of Fux the Banker, dir. Karel Anton, 1923).
Emil František Burian during a guest performance in Zlín in a segment from Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1939, issue no. 41B. Burian at his desk in a segment from Československý filmový týdeník (Czechoslovak Film Weekly Newsreel) 1954, issue no. 25.
Dancer Josef Fuksa with an unidentified woman on Bohumil Veselý's balcony. A dance performance by Josef Fuksa and Inka Košťálová in Holka nebo kluk? (Girl or Boy?, dir. Vladimír Slavínský, 1938).
Singer-songwriter Karel Hašler with actress Růžena Nasková in Ahasver (Ahasuerus, dir. Jaroslav Kvapil, 1915). Footage of Hašler on the day of his 60th birthday, 31 October 1939, in a segment from Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1939, issue no. 46B. Hašler with his son Gino and three-month-old grandson in a segment from Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1941, issue no. 30B.
Trailer for Eva tropí hlouposti (Eva Fools Around, dir. Martin Frič, 1939). Actresses Nataša Gollová and Adina Mandlová in Šťastnou cestu (Happy Journey, dir. Otakar Vávra, 1943).
Opera singer Otakar Mařák as a patient at Na Bulovce Hospital in Prague as included in his obituary in a segment from Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1939, issue no. 28. The footage with the artist was shot in spring 1938.
Director Otakar Vávra with cinematographer Jan Roth during the shooting of Humoreska (Humoresque, dir. Otakara Vávra, 1939) in a segment from Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1939, issue no. 41B.