The end of the century was the cause to publish this anniversary ethnographic Yearbook. The yearbook informs about the history of the Ethnographic Society that was founded in Prague in 1891. Its development was a mirror of the development of all social sciences in the troubled waters of the twentieth century. After the report on the Ethnographic Society comes the chapter on ethnographic university departments and research centres. It is followed by informations about ethnographic periodicals, bibliography, and the preservation of monuments. The user can also find * informations about museums with ethnographic collections. The address of the museum is always concluded. An individual person can be found in the Register of Czech Ethnographers and Folklorists. It informs you about the date and place of birth, education, address of work and home, specialization. The Ethnographic Society has a netwok of correspondence. Although they change, some of them remain for a long time, and send the outcome of their research to the archives of the society, so that they enrich the professional quarters. The yearbook gives you the names and addresses of the current correspondents The yearbook is closed with the picture appendix that contains the works awarded in the Most-Important-Deed-in-the-Field Survey. Since it was not possible to get the informations from all institutions or individuals that were wanted, we apologize for possible incompleteness. It is not our fault. We hope that this anniversary yearbook is the first step of the future tradition of regular evaluating yearbooks. and Anglický abstrakt s šifrou (lv) uveden na str. 192.
Since 1972, the District Homeland Museum (Okresní vlastivědné muzeum) for the district of Karviná with its seat in Český Těšín has been publishing Studies on Cieszyn Silesia. The new printed material offered publication opportunities for the professional community, especially for more comprehensive historical, linguistic, ethnographic studies which have not been suitable for the
non-fiction nature of the magazine Těšínsko (Cieszyn Silesia) due to their extent and scope. The thematic range of the ethnographically conceived contributions is very wide, ranging from memoirs to text editing, bibliography, texts thematically covering
material and non-material cultures. Essays of some homeland specialists and chroniclers are also beneficial. Since the first issues of the Studies on Cieszyn Silesia were designed as internal museum materials, awareness of their content is very low. Therefore, J. Veselská prepared a selective bibliography of ethnographically conceived papers in this publication.
. and Tento astrakt je společný rovněž pro předchozí článek Lidová kultura na stránkách Studií o Těšínsku 1972-2012 (str. 52-56)