The study reflects some early Belgian administrative issues concerning demography and migration within and outside Ruanda-Urundi. It shows ways of migration from Asia as well as migration of labor force from Ruanda-Urundi to Belgian Congo and the British East Africa due to existence of forced labor in Ruanda-Urundi. Migration of labor force was both spontaneous as well as directed. Although Belgians did not allowed mass migration, a certain number of workers was needed in Belgian Congo to meet the needs of mining industry.
The study deals with the Nile cooperation and the Ethiopian involvement in recent water projects on the Blue Nile. While until the 1990s, the Nile disputes were dominated by Egypt, contemporary situation, influenced by weakening position of Egypt in international affairs, allows other „minor” actors to enter the game with their own new initiatives including the Rennaissance Dam in Ethiopia. The study also reflects internal challenges to the Dam including devastating economic situation of many Ethiopian inhabitants.
The article adresses some key issues of the development of the Oromo nationalism since the 1960s until nowadays. The Oromo studies have been developing as a response to the Ethiopian studies which have traditionally regarded the Amhara/Tigray ruling circles as the superior element in Ethiopia‘s politics. At present, the Oromo studies are filled by emotions and misunderstandings among the main protagonists but serve as the major component of nationalist movements both inside and outside Ethiopia.