Invaze nepůvodních druhů žížal vede v severoamerických lesích ke komplexním změnám a to především v severních opadavých lesích, které se od posledního zalednění částečně vyvíjely zcela bez přítomnosti žížal. Článek danou problematiku zasazuje do souvislostí a představuje stav poznání z hlediska příčin, postupu a důsledků těchto invazí., Invasions of exotic earthworms into North American forests lead to complex changes, in particular, in northern deciduous forests that have partially developed after the last glaciation without the presence of earthworms. The paper explains the context of these earthworm invasions and presents the state of knowledge in respect to their causes, spread and consequences., and Jiří Schlaghamerský.
The article focuses on the results of analyses of sociological research on how housing conditions affect the intended labour migration in the Czech Republic. The aim of the article is mainly to show, in reference to studies published in advanced countries, the effect of a housing tenure on the internal labour migration in the Czech environment. For this purpose the authors use a combination of quantitative and qualitative sociological methods (questionnaire surveys, focus groups). The results of the multi-dimensional logit models and the conclusions drawn from focus groups records indicate that housing tenure has a very significant effect on potential internal labour migration, even after controlling for the effect of other factors related to labour migration. This finding should be of substantial significance for the future direction of housing policy in the Czech Republic.
The article compares the level of dependence of four justice ideologies on the structural position of an individual and his/her personal traits. First, the theoretical concept of distributive justice is introduced within the framework of GridGroup Theory. Second, Czech public opinion of justice is analysed with data from the ISJP 2006 survey. Egalitarianism is the most structurally embedded ideology that is infl uenced by all socio-demographic attributes. Nevertheless, psychological factors affect the other ideologies to some extent. Ascriptivism is more characteristic of extroversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness; individualism of openness to experience; fatalism of closeness to experience. Against structural effects, the psychological dimension does not yield considerable improvement in the explanation of justice ideologies., Jiří Šafr, Ivo Bayer., and Seznam literatury
V tomto článku jsou uvedeny výsledky analýzy náhodné drsnosti spodních rozhraní oxidových vrstev vytvořených termickou oxidací povrchů monokrystalů GaAs, které byly získány pomocí mikroskopie atomové síly. Z výsledků této analýzy provedené na drsných površích GaAs vzniklých po rozpuštění oxidových vrstev je zřejmé, že tato spodní rozhraní jsou značně drsná a že jejich zdrsňování probíhá hlavně v počátečních stadiích oxidace, tj. v intervalu oxidačních časů od 0 do 4 hodin. Dále je ukázáno, že zdrsňování spodních rozhraní je silně závislé i na teplotě oxidace a že k nejvýraznějšímu zdrsňování dochází při teplotách oxidace okolo 500° C. Navíc je ukázáno, že drsná spodní rozhraní mají normální (gaussovský) charakter. and Ivan Ohlídal, Petr Klapetek, Daniel Franta.
As the probability to marry is stratified and differs for people with certain characteristics, it can be expected that some marriages are more likely to end in divorce than others. Among others in the literature the divorce risk factors are often mentioned: too low or too high age, marriage, educational level (low or high education) or educational or age heterogamy. This article describes the effects of age and education of both spouses and their combinations (heterogamy or homogamy) on the stability of marriage in the Czech Republic between 1994 and 2007. Analysis (using event history analysis) is based on data from the Czech Statistical Office and examines those individuals who entered into marriage in 1994. Although, the effect of age at marriage itself is found to be weak, the interaction between age at marriage for men and women exhibits more significant effects. The relationship between education and divorce risk takes the form of an inverted U: people with basic education and people with higher education have the lowest risk of divorce. The assumption of greater stability among homogamous couples is not observed; however, the probability of divorce is higher among heterogamous marriages where the woman is older or has higher education than man., Petr Pakosta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper focuses on the issue of surveying older people. Increasing interest in the issue of ageing and old age has been accompanied by infrequent debate on the methodological pitfalls that might influence research into this specific, albeit very heterogeneous population. Interviewers routinely complete post-interview questions that provide important information on such criteria as respondent difficulty in answering the questions posed. This article examines such difficulty in terms of interviewer and respondent characteristics. It investigates three potential explanations of why interviewers judge an interview as difficult: (1) interviewer characteristics (age and gender), (2) socio-demographic characteristics of the respondent and (3) respondents’ sense of well-being. The data used in this study were obtained from four surveys conducted with older people in the Czech Republic between 2007 and 2011. These surveys explored ageing and old age. The findings show the crucial importance of respondents’ sense of well-being and level of education. No interviewer age or gender effects were observed., Marcela Petrová Kafková., and Obsahuje bibliografii