Earthquakes in the Czech Republic. Why do we observe them? The Czech territory is situated far away from the active plate margins. Earthquakes are rare and do not cause any significant damage. Seismic monitoring shows that many faults demonstrate weak mainly in the north-east and western part of the country. The latter seismicity is probably related to the ascent of CO2 of deep origin. Recent results of paleoseismological studies reveal that some of the faults which at present do not show any seismic activity are however associated with large prehistoric earthquakes.
Earthquake in energetic service. Methods of earthquake seismology help to enhance production in oil and gas industry and in exploitation of geothermal energy. In particular, mechanism of micro-earthquakes induced by injection of fluid into the wells during hydrofracture experiments allows detect the mode of fracturing and, thus, check the efficiency of the procedure to increase the permeability of the rock-mass.
V úterý 21. května jsme se dozvěděli smutnou zprávu: zemřel náš kolega a přítel, bývalý dlouholetý vedoucí katedry fyziky Stavební fakulty ČVUT v Praze prof. František Vodák, DrSc. and Pavel Demo.