Sledování přítomnosti cizorodých látek v rybách je ovlivněno řadou faktorů a jedním z nich je i výběr samotného monitorovaného, tzv. modelového druhu. Modelové druhy by měly splňovat určité podmínky a ne všechny druhy jsou pro použití k těmto účelům vhodné. Článek shrnuje výhody a nevýhody využití ryb pro monitoring cizorodých látek v říčních systémech a navrhuje nejvhodnější modelový druh - jelec tloušť (Squalius cephalus). and The monitoring of water pollutants in fish is influenced by many factors including the selection of model species (not all of the species are suitable for this purpose). This paper describes the advantages and disadvantages of different fish species for monitoring of water pollutants and suggests the most convenient model species – the European Chub (Squalius cephalus).
Associations of foreigners are generally presented as platforms for meetings, information exchange and social networking. But they are also cultural identity holders and centres for altruistic help and solidarity. During the integration process the associations of foreigners may as well help to reduce the socio-economic disorientation of immigrants in the host society and to facilitate the insertion of immigrants in the labor market.
Příspěvek se v první části věnuje utváření teorií a jejich významu pro poznávání a praxi. V druhé části se autor věnuje oblasti psychoterapie a popisuje dvě (meta)teorie – medicínský a kontextuální model – a jejich důsledky pro výzkum i praxi psychoterapie. and In the first part, the article focuses on the development of theories and their impact on knowledge and practice. The second part is dedicated to psychotherapy, the author describes two (meta-)theories – medical and contextual model – and their impact on research and practice in psychotherapy.
Thirteen deniers and obols from the 10th-12th centuries and one Roman coin were discovered at Staré zámky hillfort. The coins were from the time of Czech prince Boleslav II., king Vladislav II. and three Hungarian kings from the 11th and 12th centuries. The collection consists of several fake (imitation) deniers from the end of the 10th century. In addition, two weights were found within the hillfort-area. This article focuses on the 10th century coins. An increasing number of fake denier finds suggests that these coins were probably minted in Moravia by the locals., Jan Videman., Německé resumé., and Obsahuje seznam literatury