This article begins with the observation that most contemporary theories of justice pay no attention to the concept of need. And, as my main thesis, I shall argue that this is not correct. First of all (I) I shall explain the reasons for this theoretical deficit and I shall strictly distinguish (II) the concept of “need” from other concepts, such as “wish” and “drive”, which are routinely interpreted as its synonyms. Then (III) I shall offer a definition of need which is based on a complex conception of human personality. I shall introduce an enumeration of the various levels of the person by which various categories of need correspond with various objects. In the next step (IV) I shall tackle the question of whether in some regard it is necessary to treat needs as reasons for conduct. In this context I shall briefly present a historico-naturalistic account which aims to provide a grounding for judgements about questions of human needs. (V). Finally I shall deal with the social dimension of human needs and I will put forward reasons for the view that a theory of social justice should deal with the concept of need as its main theme (VI).
Stať se snaží analyzovat myšlenky málo známého rukopisu Sigmunda Freuda z roku 1895, v němž usiloval o nalezení biologických základů lidské psychiky. Tato práce je pozoruhodná ze dvou důvodů. Jednak představuje úvahy, které se výrazně odlišují od toho, co je pro Freuda v oblasti psychologie tak typické. Freud se zde, až na výjimky, nezabývá psychoanalýzou či studiemi o hysterii, nýbrž popisuje, co by mohlo být základem těchto psychologických jevů na neurofyziologické úrovni. Druhým pozoruhodným faktem je, že tento manuskript byl pozapomenut až do poloviny 20. století, kdy byl vytištěn pod názvem Projekt vědecké psychologie. A jak je známo, neurofyziologická studia lidské mysli spojená s analýzou kognitivních funkcí se v rigorózní podobě objevují až na počátku 60. let. Stať se proto pokouší ukázat základní principy Projektu a naznačit, v čem byl Freud inspirativním průkopníkem moderních neurofyziologických přístupů k lidské mysli., This paper focuses on Sigmund Freud’s manuscript that he wrote in 1895 as a series of letters seeking for biological foundations of human mind. Th is work significantly differs from what is so typical for Freud as a psychologist. With few exceptions, Freud is not engaged here with psychoanalysis and studies on hysteria, but describes what could be the basis of psychological phenomena at neurophysiological level. Another remarkable fact is that this manuscript was forgotten until the mid-twentieth century when it was published under the title Project for Scientific Psychology. And as we know, neurophysiological studies as rigorous studies of the human mind associated with the analysis of cognitive functions appeared first at the beginning of 60’s. The article therefore attempts to show the basic principles of the Project as well as to outline some of the issues that connect Freud to contemporary ideas in neurophysiology of human mind., and Michal Polák.
This text is directed to the summarized description and physical interpretation of the basic structure of a radar from the standpoint of the theory of signal processing. after introductional and functional classification of radars, this text contains the treatise of a representative radar block model and of the characteristic signal properties of partial radar subsystems, containing the radar transmitter with signal waveform generator, radar antenna and radar receiver with the signal and data processor and display. For better orientation in the problems, the english synonyma are added to some established Czech expressions., Tento text je zaměřen k shrnujícímu popisu a fyzikální interpretaci základní struktury radaru z hlediska teorie zpracování signálů. Po vymezení a funkční klasifikaci radarů obsahuje pojednání o reprezentačním blokovém modelu radaru a o charakteristických signálových vlastnostech jeho dílčích subsystémů, k nimž hlavně patří radarový vysílač s tvarovacím signálovým generátorem, radarová anténa a radarový přijímač se signálovým a datovým procesorem a obrazovkou., and Dokončení článku z minulého čísla
This text is directed to the summarized description and physical interpretation of the basic structure of a radar from the standpoint of the theory of signal processing. after introductional and functional classification of radars, this text contains the treatise of a representative radar block model and of the characteristic signal properties of partial radar subsystems, containing the radar transmitter with signal waveform generator, radar antenna and radar receiver with the signal and data processor and display. For better orientation in the problems, the english synonyma are added to some established Czech expressions., Tento text je zaměřen k shrnujícímu popisu a fyzikální interpretaci základní struktury radaru z hlediska teorie zpracování signálů. Po vymezení a funkční klasifikaci radarů obsahuje pojednání o reprezentačním blokovém modelu radaru a o charakteristických signálových vlastnostech jeho dílčích subsystémů, k nimž hlavně patří radarový vysílač stvarovacím signálovým generátorem, radarová anténa a radarový přijímač se signálovým a datovým procesorem a obrazovkou., and Pokračování v příštím čísle
This text is directed to the summarized description and physical interpretation of the basic structure of a radar from the standpoint of the theory of signal processing. after introductional and functional classification of radars, this text contains the treatise of a representative radar block model and of the characteristic signal properties of partial radar subsystems, containing the radar transmitter with signal waveform generator, radar antenna and radar receiver with the signal and data processor and display. For better orientation in the problems, the english synonyma are added to some established Czech expressions., Tento text je zaměřen k shrnujícímu popisu a fyzikální interpretaci základní struktury radaru z hlediska teorie zpracování signálů. Po vymezení a funkční klasifikaci radarů obsahuje pojednání o reprezentačním blokovém modelu radaru a o charakteristických signálových vlastnostech jeho dílčích subsystémů, k nimž hlavně patří radarový vysílač s tvarovacím signálovým generátorem, radarová anténa a radarový přijímač se signálovým a datovým procesorem a obrazovkou., and Pokračování článku z minulého čísla. Pokračování v příštím čísle.
Activities of German-Moravian ethnographic museums in the field of folk culture have undergone a number of transformations and reversions in the course of their development. There was a connection with not only from the interference of ethnographic and museological trends with their activities but also with political and nationalist factors. German groups started to realize the need to preserve materials from the rural environment. In some Moravian regions (Kravaře, Hřebeč, Jihlava areas), groups of ethnographic workers dedicated to folk culture were formed and their activities led to the foundation of several ethnographic museum collections. the influence of the central Viennese institution was, however, evident also in the further development of these institutions (e.g. as a model of classification of national collections, methods of presentation). In the First Republic period, German-Moravian museum workers were with increasing intensity coming closer to their counterparts in the German-language environment in Bohemia as well as in Germany from where numerous stimuli (Pessler, Blau, Jungbauer, Lehmann, Hönigschmid) came, bringing along not only new methodical elements into museum work but some of them also certain shifts in understanding the importance of ethnography in museums, in many aspects foreshadowing the subsequent totalitarian period. and The post-Munich period divided Moravian museums intro three administrative units. In addition to common problems (museum network centralization), certain Nazi elements penetrated their presentation activities. Understanding of ethnographic issue often remained in old, fiercely nationalistic attitudes. During the protectorate, a special status was assumed by German museums that through the Association of Moravian Museums sought to encourage ethnographic efforts of Czech museums in Moravia with a goal to create tendencies centrifugal from the Czech national environment. The takeover of German-Moravian museums by the Czechoslovak administration in 1945 did not mean the end of the activities of Moravian Germans in the area. They were transferred to the area of the Federal Republic of Germany and to Austria where they not only played an important role in the integration of this group into local society but also as a strong evidence of the past life they recalled and still recall the lost homeland.