This article examines the mutual relationship between King Sigismund of Luxembourg and his sister-in-law, Czech Queen Sophia of Bavaria. Sophia of Bavaria, the wife of Czech King Wenceslas IV, was forced to leave the Kingdom of Bohemia; accompanied by Wenceslas’ brother Sigismund, she left for Hungary. She spent the last several years of her life (1422-1428) in exile in Bratislava. The sojourn of the Queen in Bratislava is surrounded by many legends that originated primarily as a result of unilateral interpretations of Sophia’s correspondence with her brothers, Dukes Ernest and Wilhelm of Bavaria. This study attempts to confront this correspondence with available written sources from the Hungarian province. and Daniela Dvořáková.
The paper deals with the determination of the basic characteristics of flow at the crest of a rectangular broad-crested weir and in detail with the characteristics of flow separation at the upstream edge of the weir crest. The determination of the characteristics is made on the basis of measurement of the water surface level, the pressure head and the velocity field using the Particle Image Velocimetry method. The characteristics are expressed dimensionless in relation to the energy overflow head and the critical depth. and Článek pojednává o stanovení základních charakteristik proudu na široké koruně pravoúhlého přelivu a detailně o charakteristikách odtržení proudu za návodní hranou koruny přelivu. Charakteristiky jsou stanoveny na základě měření úrovně hladiny, tlakové výšky a rychlostního pole metodou Particle Image Velocimetry. Charakteristiky jsou vyjádřeny bezrozměrně ve vztahu k energetické přepadové výšce a kritické hloubce.