Drought significantly constrains higher yield of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in arid and semiarid areas all over the world. This study evaluated the responses of leaf cuticular wax constituents to drought treatment and their relations to gas-exchange indexes across six alfalfa cultivars widely grown in China. Water deficit was imposed by withholding water for 12 d during branching stage. Cuticular waxes on alfalfa leaves were dominated by primary alcohols (41.7-54.2%), alkanes (13.2-26.9%) and terpenes (17.5-28.9%), with small amount of aldehydes (1.4-3.4%) and unknown constituents (4.5-18.4%). Compared to total wax contents, the wax constituents were more sensitive to drought treatment. Drought decreased the contents of primary alcohol and increased alkanes in all cultivars. Alkane homologs, C25, C27, and C29, were all negatively correlated with photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, and leaf water potential. Under drought conditions, both stomatal and nonstomatal factors were involved in controlling water loss from alfalfa leaves. No direct relationship was observed between wax contents and drought resistance among alfalfa cultivars. An increase in alkane content might be more important in improving drought tolerance of alfalfa under water deficit, which might be used as an index for selecting and breeding drought resistant cultivars of alfalfa., Y. Ni ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The effects of water stress on leaf surface morphology (stomatal density, size, and trichome density of both adaxial and abaxial surfaces) and leaf ultrastructure (chloroplasts, mitochondria, and cell nuclei) of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) were investigated in this study. Higher stomata and trichome densities were observed on abaxial surface compared with the adaxial surface. Compared with well watered (WW) plants, the stomata and trichome density of the abaxial surface increased by 20.39% and 26.23% under water-stress condition, respectively. The number of chloroplasts per cell profile was lesser, the chloroplasts became round in a shape with more damaged structure of membranes, the number of osmiophilic granules increased, and the number of starch grains decreased. The cristae in mitochondria were disintegrated. The cell nuclei were smaller and the agglomerated nucleoli were bigger than those of WW plants. Our results indicated that the morphological and anatomical responses enhanced the capability of plants to survive and grow during stress periods., Q. S. Fu ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Nondestructive methods to estimate individual leaf area (LA) accurately, by leaf length (L) and/or width (W), is helpful for the in situ and successive LA measurements. However, leaf shape and size may covary with environment and thus alter the coefficients of LA estimation models. To test such hypothesis, we carried out an experiment by measuring Saussurea stoliczkai C. B. Clarke leaves along an altitudinal transect in Damxung county, central Tibet. In July 2011, we selected seven sites at about every 150 m in altitude from 4,350 m to 5,250 m a.s.l. A total of 1,389 leaves (182 to 203 leaves for each site) were measured. For each site, models developed by two leaf dimensions [LA = a (L×W) + b] could estimate LA more accurately than those by single dimension. L, W, LA and leaf shape index (L:W ratio) all decreased with increasing altitude, leading to significant differences in coefficients of two-dimension model between almost every two sites. Accordingly, a common
two-dimension model is unlikely to occur for S. stoliczkai across the whole altitudinal transect, indicating that the varying leaf shape may alter the coefficient of LA estimation models., Z. Wang, L. Zhang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Water-lilies (the genus Nymphaea) are one of the most ancient groups of aquatic plants. Two species (N. alba and N. candida) are native to the flora of the Czech Republic, both are critically endangered. Morphological similarities, large phenotypic variation and putative interspecific hybridization pose difficulties for species identification. The amount of nuclear DNA was found to be a reliable characteristic that allows not only species but also their hybrids to be re - cognized. Native species are mainly threa - tened by the loss of suitable habitats and planting of garden cultivars in natural sites. and Klára Kabátová, Petr Vít, Jan Suda.
The Southern Urals are an inspiring place for Czech naturalists. This paper provides basic information on this seldom visited region and describes the impressions of the two Czech biologists from their excursion to this place. The nature of the Southern Urals captivated them with its wildness, unrivalled in present-day Central Europe, its intrinsic order and the similarities with Central European nature. and Jan Roleček, Jan Losík.
In the present studies, we have found a fragment of amino acid sequence, called TFT motif, both in light-dependent protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (LPOR) and in the L subunit of dark-operative (light-independent) protochlorophyllide oxidoreductases (DPOR). Amino acid residues of this motif shared similar physicochemical properties in both types of the enzymes. In the present paper, physicochemical properties of amino acid residues of this common motif, its spatial arrangement and a possible physiological role are being discussed. This is the first report when similarity between LPOR and DPOR, phylogenetically unrelated, but functionally redundant enzymes, is described., M. Gabruk ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Zachovalé pralesovité porosty patří v České republice k ojedinělým úkazům. Přestože lesních rezervací u nás nalezneme celou řadu, ty skutečně málo dotčené nebo dlouhodobě se vyvíjející bez výrazných zásahů člověka představují pouhý zlomek. Zřejmě nejvýznamnějšími pralesům blízkými lesy jsou Boubínský prales nebo Hraničník na Šumavě a Žofínský prales v Novohradských horách. V minulosti byly málo ovlivněny činností člověka a dosti dlouhou dobu se v nich lesnicky nehospodaří. Příznivé podmínky pro přežívání vzácných druhů lišejníků a dalších organismů na těchto lokalitách jsou však omezeny jejich malou rozlohou. S větší plochou pralesa vzrůstají předpoklady pro dlouhodobou koexistenci různých fází vývoje přírodního lesa s dostatečnou variabilitou mikrostanovišť a tím se zároveň zvyšuje šance na přežití úzce specializovaných druhů. Žofínský prales patří k nejstarším chráněným územím v Evropě, je chráněn již od r. 1838. Národní přírodní rezervace Žofínský prales zaujímá v současné době 102 ha; jádrové území s pralesovitými porosty však tvoří jen 74,5 ha. Převažující dřevinou je buk, početně jsou zastoupeny také smrk a jedle. Z lichenologického hlediska jde o zcela unikátní lokalitu. Na území rezervace bylo zaznamenáno 247 druhů lišejníků, což představuje přibližně 16 % všech známých druhů z České republiky. Z hlediska epifytických a zejména epixylických (rostoucích na dřevě v různém stupni rozkladu) lišejníků je Žofínský prales zřejmě místem s největší rozmanitostí lišejníků na našem území., Žofín virgin forest forms a unique landscape, which probably predominated in mountain areas before the arrival of humans. Because of the huge diversity of lichens, the reserve is one of the most valuable lichenological localities in the Czech Republic. Many lichen taxa were recorded here for the first time in this country., and Jiří Malíček, Zdeněk Palice.