a1_The study of plant responses to environmental stress factors is essential for management of plant systems and for anticipating their response to climate change. The main goal of this study was to determine morphological and physiological responses of Nothofagus obliqua and N. nervosa seedlings to light and temperature, two of the main stress factors acting in their current natural distribution in NW Patagonia. Responses to light were evaluated analyzing growth and survival, as well as morphological and physiological traits related to them, in seedlings subjected to three contrasting light conditions (full-sun conditions, 50% of sunlight and 20% of sunlight) during one growth season. Temperature photosynthetic responses were evaluated in seedlings subjected to temperature treatments between -5 and 40°C for 2 and 4 h. Growth rate and biomass partition were similar between light treatments in both species. High apical meristem damage and decreased photosynthetic capacity of preformed leaves were observed under full-sun conditions, suggesting that high light levels have a deleterious effect on plant yield. Both species produced neoformed leaves during the growing season with better photosynthetic capacity than preformed leaves under full sun conditions, contributing to plant acclimation. Almost no plasticity was observed in morphological traits in response to shade. Both species differed in optimum temperature for photosynthesis, with a wider temperature range at which high photosynthesis is maintained in N. obliqua. In both species the higher values of net photosynthetic rate were found at higher temperatures than the mean annual temperature of its current natural distribution range., a2_Under no water-stress conditions, future higher temperatures could increase carbon fixation of these species, with a little advantage of N. obliqua if temperature variance is high. Synergy effect of various environmental stress factors, particularly considering cultivation of these species outside their current natural distribution sites require further studies., S. A. Varela ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The diversity of lichen flora is presented and compared with the neighbouring count - ries. The main phytogeographic elements are outlined and illustrated with representative examples. Changes in the flora along with the main causal factors are discussed. and Jiří Liška.
Botanical knowledge can be directly applied especially in nature conservation and ecological restoration. Extensive field experience, good knowledge of plants and thorough theoretical background are important prerequisites. Some applications are also possible in the agricultural, forestry, pharmacy, food and textile industries. and Karel Prach.
Predace semen je strategie, kdy živočich za účelem obživy napadá a zničí mnoho semen rostlin. V tomto krátkém sdělení přibližujeme aktuální poznatky o střevlíkovitých predátorech semen po uvolnění z rostliny. Střevlíkovití brouci zpravidla preferují semena odpovídající velikosti jejich těla, výběr druhů preferovaných semen je však pro daný druh střevlíka typický a během sezony se nemění. Během sezony značně kolísá množství spotřebovaných semen, za optimálních podmínek vysoké hojnosti a aktivity brouků může být denně zničeno až 1000 semen na ploše 1 m2. Střevlíkovití přitom preferují semena hvězdnicovitých rostlin (Asteraceae), jako jsou pampelišky (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia) nebo pcháč oset (Cirsium arvense), dále semena brukvovitých (Brassicaceae), jako je kokoška pastuší tobolka (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Střevlíkovití tak přispívají k udržení biologické rovnováhy., Seed predation is a strategy where an animal attacks and kills the seeds of plants. In this contribution we report on the latest knowledge on carabid beetles (Carabidae) feeding on seeds after dispersal from the plant. In general, carabid beetles prefer seeds of appropriate size to their body size, but the selection of seed species is species-specific and remains stable across the season. The consumption considerably varies throughout the year, and under optimal conditions the carabid beetles may destroy up to 1000 seeds per 1 m2. Carabid beetles prefer seeds of Asteraceae, such as Dandelion (Taraxacum) or Canadian Thistle (Cirsium arvense), and of Brassicaceae, such as the Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). In this way the carabid beetles contribute to the balance in ecosystems., and Pavel Saska, Alois Honěk, Zdenka Martinková.
Anthoxanthum odoratum (Sweet Vernal Grass), is a widespread grass species native to Eurasia and common also in the Czech Republic. Its name is derived from distinct scent, particularly strong in dry state, caused by coumarins. Eight other Anthoxanthum species can be found in Europe, one of which (A. alpinum) occurs in the Czech Republic. It replaces A. odoratum at higher altitudes. The genus encompasses both di - ploids and polyploids that have complex evolutionary history. We used DNA flow cytometry together with molecular markers to gain detailed insights into evolutionary processes shaping the genus. and Zuzana Khodlová, Pavel Trávníček.
Results of the long-term monitoring of spontaneous development in mountain Norway Spruce (Picea abies) forest in the Šumava Mts. after Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) gradation and windthrows are presented. The aim is to show the key role of natural disturbances for this ecosystem. and Magda Edwards Jonášová.
Fungi (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota) form crystals of various inorganic and organic compounds on their mycelium and fruitbodies. Crystals are formed either when fungal metabolites released into the surrounding environment react with compounds already present and then crystallise, or when the metabolites produced in sufficient quantities crystallise directly at optimal conditions. Both examples were observed in nature and also under labora - tory conditions and show a wide spectra of metabolites produced by fungi. and Ondřej Koukol.
podává Norbert Hajnovský., Přívazek zahrnuje pouze I. část celého svazku: Seznam rostlin jevnosnubných v nejbližším okolí mladoboleslavském samorostlých i obecněji pěstovaných, and Přívazek k : Biologické listy: 4-5 (1915-1916)
Přijetím konceptu deskové tektoniky v 60. letech 20. století se od základu změnil náhled na původ latinskoamerické flóry. Zjistilo se, že dnešní kontinent Jižní Ameriky byl před 100 miliony lety součástí pradávného kontinentu Gondwany a její jednotné flóry. Tento poznatek vedl k interpretaci vzniku disjunktních areálů taxonů rozšířených v Jižní Americe a na ostatních částech bývalé Gondwany v důsledku rozpadu dřívějšího kontinuálního areálu výskytu. Po následném oddělení kontinentu Jižní Ameriky od Gondwany přibližně před 100 miliony lety se předpokládalo, že se zde vegetace vyvíjela izolovaně až do vytvoření Panamské šíje před 3 miliony lety. Novější výzkumy a použití tzv. molekulárních hodin však ukazují, že výměna bioty mezi Jižní Amerikou a sousedícími kontinenty v určitých obdobích ještě před uzavřením Panamské šíje přeci jen probíhala., The concept of plate tectonics accepted during the 20th century fundamentally altered general opinion on the origin of Latin American flora. South America formed a part of the ancient continent Gondwana, which had a unique flora. The separation of South America finished about 100 million years ago led to the isolation of its flora until the formation of the Isthmus of Panama about three million years ago. The current disjunctions of widely distributed tropical taxa originated after this disruption. However, recent studies based on molecular clock approaches show that the migration of biota between South America and the rest of the world occurred repeatedly even before the closure of the Isthmus., and Anna Potůčková, Daniel Stančík.