Animals and Philosophy. The article aims at explaining the meaning of animals appearing in erotic scenes of Ancient Greek initiatory rites (in vase paintings from 6-4 centuries B. C.). What role could be accredited to these scenes in the context of Ancient Greek education and philosophy? Author analyses possible relations of animals to the fooodconsumption, game or fight, to potential attributes of beloved and lover as well and eventually also to the very paederasty and educational process.
Zvěšinec zední a dymnivka žlutá jsou nepůvodní druhy české flóry, pro které jsou charakteristická druhotná stanoviště na zdech. Tyto jihoevropské druhy byly u nás odedávna pěstovány jako okrasné skalničky a časem u nás zcela zdomácněly. Jejich výskyt závisí především na pěstování v minulosti, do okolí se na přilehlé zdi šíří především pomocí mravenců (myrmekochorie). Z ostatních pěstovaných druhů na zdi zplaňují častěji např. některé okrasné stromy a keře, letničky či trvalky – tyto se zde však oproti zvěšinci a dymnivce vyskytují jen krátkodobě a netvoří výraznější porosty. and Cymbalaria muralis and Corydalis lutea are alien plants in the Czech flora, which colonize secondary wall habitats. Their originate from southern Europe and became naturalized in the Czech Republic. The occurrence of these plants mostly depends on their cultivation in the past – they are dispersed mostly by ants (myrmecochory) on adjacent walls.
Charles Darwin is celebrated for his claim that man and primates developed from a common ancestor. Man has been, since Darwin, treated by science as a biological species and scientists often compare his faculties to the instincts of animals. At the same time, the other side of Darwin’s discovery is forgotten – animals are similar to man in their behaviour and emotions. While for Darwin himself an anthropomorphic view of animals was self-evident, many contemporary Darwinists prefer a mechanical model. These two contradictory tendencies are established here by reference to the work of the biologists Richard Dawkins and Frans de Waal. The difference of perspective from which animals are viewed can be best seen in connection with the problem-area of morality and its evolutionary origin. It is shown that the empirical orientation of de Waal is fundamentally closer to the Darwinian tradition of research than Dawkins’ theoretical approach.