Příspěvek informuje o přírodovědné soutěži pro třináctileté až patnáctileté děti z jihomoravského regionu, kterou v rámci podzimního Festivalu vědy již tradičně pořádá Přírodovědecká a Pedagogická fakulta Msarykovy univerzity a Mendelova univerzita v Brně spolu s Turistickým informačním centrem města Brna. and Lenka Czudková.
Učebnicovou rolí žírných buněk je účast na alergických reakcích. Ukazují se ale být nezbytnými pro udržování integrity a funkce tkání, ovlivňují významně naši nervovou soustavu a zejména jsou klíčové pro minimalizaci účinků jedů. and The textbook role of mast cells is their participation in allergic reactions, but they also prove to be vital in preservation of tissue integrity and functions, they influence our nervous system and they are a key factor in minimizing the effects of animal venoms.
In the first third of 19th century the romantic movement inspired interest in folklore. Folk art was collected, published and reworked by professional artists, especially as concerned epic folklore genres. Authentic legends, published in Vienna by Alois
Mednyanský, include a romantic novella in a remarkable way utilising a folklore theme from two different European cultures. The study traces and analyses the folklore theme used for the story and tries to reconstruct the path through which the theme from the remote Scotland reached Mednyanský. The novella intentionally
creates an impression to be a historic legend set in the times of
Hussite wars, being interlaced with strongly pro-Catholic criticism of the period happenings. The story adopts the character of the Bohemian sorcerer called Žito 74 and uses elements of Moravian life and institutions. A Moravian patrician in the role of a romantic
pilgrim sets off for a dangerous journey with a tragic end. The description of Scottish life documents profound knowledge and understanding of Scottish legends and local names by the author. In addition it documents period fascination with Scottish history. Past of the novella analyses the ritual of taghairm nan caht - its variants and functions in the traditional Gaelic culture - its description is the literary apogee of the novella and was probably taken over from the London paper The Literary Gazette.