Mezinárodní vědecký časopis rostlinných biologů, který vydává Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, představoval v době svého založení, v roce 1959, jedno z mála dostupných spojení s mezinárodní vědeckou komunitou a zároveň nabízel i nastupující generaci prostor pro uplatnění prvních výsledků. Spojil iniciativu a entuziasmus Bohdana Slavíka s věhlasem nestora botaniků Bohumila Němce a v průběhu šedesátých let minulého století byl většinovým publikačním médiem nastupující vědecké generace zabývající se rostlinnou fyziologií, anatomií, cytologií, fyziologickou ekologií a fytopatologií. and Jan Krekule, Jana Pospíšilová.
The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AS CR) established a new public research institution, the Institute of Biotechnology AS CR, v. v. i. The primary ambition of this new institute is to develop cutting-edge basic and oriented research on topics opening for diagnostic and therapeutic applicatons in human medicine. In particular, the institute was established to serve as a nucleation center of BIOCEV, the joined Biotech & Biomed Research Center of the Academy of Sciences with Charles University, to be built at Vestec near Prague by the year 2012 with the support of the European Regional Development Funds in frame of the Operational Program R&D for Innovation., Peter Šebo, -red-., and Tři otázky pro ředitele připravila -red-
The Swedish Royal Technology Mission 2012, which included King Carl XVI Gustaf, met on May 9, 2012 at the headquarters of th n n the ASCR with the representatives of Academy of Sciences. At the opening, President of the ASCR Jiří Drahoš briefly introduced the ASCR and its role in our system of science and research, including international cooperation projects. The Swedish delegation then was acquainted with the Tokamak COMPASS project, the PALS system and with the future superlaser ELI. The day before, the Swedish guests were welcomed at the Institute of Botany in Průhonice, where the Swedish King also inspected and expressed great interest the complex of Průhonice Park. The purpose of the Royal Technology Mission visit was to acquire more detailed information of the strategies, initiatives and opportunities in countries of the EU that have industrial, technological and scientific traditions similar to Sweden's. Of the new members of the EU, the ČR is the second largest trading partner of this advanced Scandinavian country; approximately 200 Swedish companies operate here. While in the ČR, the Royal Technology Mission discussed cooperation particularly in three key areas in information technology, nanotechnology and medicine. and Petr Zuna.