Keď som pred dvadsiatmi rokmi v novembri 1992 čítala parte fyzika prof. Jozefa Kvasnicu, DrSc., zaujalo ma jeho motto, ktorým bol citát Alberta Einsteina "Len život, ktorý žijeme pre druhých, stojí za to". Áno, jeho život bol skutočne pre druhých, povedali sme si vtedy s manželom a dcérou, veď sme sa veľmi dobre poznali a spolu komunikovali 35 rokov. and Angela Zentková, Anton Zentko.
In this issue, we feature an essay by Professor Jaroslav Pánek from the Institute of History of the ASCR originally presented as an address a the University of Pardubice on the occasion of his receiving an honorary doctorate. In this essay, Professor Pánek presents his views on the increasing influence of Islam in Europe and highlights the role of Jan Amos Comenius, "the teacher of nations", whose consummate lifetime work is being recalled through an exhibition at the Pedagogical Museum of J. A. Comenius. and Jaroslav Pánek.
This polemical reflection critically investigates the likewise polemical article by Ladislav Hohoš, published in the Filosofický časopis, No.5/2013: “Is social critique exclusively a question of neo-Marxism?”. This piece was itself responding to my polemical study “Social criticism as a problem of neo-Marxism” (Filosofický časopis, No.2/2013). I take Hohoš’s main objections against my polemic in turn, and I reply to them. To this end, I focus on Hohoš’ reproduction, and partial reinterpretation, of Marx’s ideological doctrine of historical materialism, on the basis of which he presents his standpoint. In my polemic I point to the overall unsustainability of his objections, demonstrating the unsustainability of the foundations of Marxist doctrine itself., Miloslav Bednář., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports hosted a prestigious science contest for talented young students entitled European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS). The September 20-24 exhibition took place at the Exhibition Grounds in Prague-Holešovice with 124 participants from 37 countries. A total of 83 projects competed in nine categories: biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environment, mathematics, medicine, physics, and the humanities. The winners were honored at the awards ceremony at Bethlehem Chapel. and Marina Hužvárová, Gabriela Adámková.