Another article is centered on the 600th anniversary of the death of Jan Hus on July 6, 1415. Emerging from this jubilee was a nationwide platform, Jan Hus: A New European Age, with information on all events in the country and available at Historian Jaroslav Šebek of the CAS Institute of History provides an overview of events in his article showing how Hus’ work has relevance in current society. The Czech Academy of Sciences participated as an organizer. and Jaroslav Šebek.
Vyd. Frant. Adamec, Obsahuje přívazek: Výstavní katalog zemské jubilejní včelařské výstavy v Brně roku 1904 CZ-PrNK, and Converted from MODS 3.5 to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2015/06/25)
23. ledna 2015, si Akademie věd ČR připomíná 125. výročí založení České akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění - své přímé předchůdkyně, která se v roce 1952 společně s dalšími dobovými vědeckými institucemi stala základem Československé akademie věd. Idea založení neuniverzitní výzkumné instituce v českých zemích ovšem sahá mnohem dále než pouze do roku 1890, kdy se ji podařilo realizovat. and Luboš Velek.
Czech Academy of Science will start the calibrations of death centenary of Josef Hlavka (1831-1908). Czech architect, builder and patron of Czech science, art and education, was one of the most successful businessman in 19th century. Josef, Maria and Zdenka Hlavka Foundation with Czech Academy of Science have been prepared various kinds of memorial events such as conference on architecture, exhibitions, workshops and other. Academic Bulletin arranged new rubric Gallery that will present collection of art production related with Josef Hlavka in all this year issues. and František Šmahel.
On March 11th, 2008 one hundred years will have passed since the death of Josef Hlavka, one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the 19th century in former Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was a prominent architect and the most distinguished patron of Czech science and the arts and founder and first president of Czech Academy of Science and the Arts, the predecessor of today´s Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The 100th anniversary of the death of Josef Hlávka has been cited by UNESCO as a World Cultural Anniversary. and Josef Pechar.