Studie shrnuje, porovnává a kriticky zhodnocuje koncepty, modely a teorie zabývající se vtahováním dětí do rodičovských konfliktů. Zabývá se modely, které vzešly z praxe systemických terapeutů, jako např. triangulace, perverzní koalice nebo aliance. Dále se věnuje konceptům, které vznikly v rámci studia rozvodových konfliktů jako je syndrom zavrženého rodiče a odcizený rodič. Cílem této studie je představit komplexní, jasný a ucelený popis, který by charakterizoval principy vtahování dětí do konfliktů jak v úplných, tak rozvedených rodinách., The review summarizes, compares, and critically evaluates theoretical constructs, which deal with the inclusion of children into the interparental conflict. The authors review constructs based on the work of systemic therapist, such as triangulation, alliance, perverse coalition, and alliance, and psychosomatization. Either, they review theories based on studies of divorced families, such as parental alienation syndrome, and parental alienation. The goal of this study is to introduce enough complex, clear, and comprehensive description, which embrace the principles of inclusion of children into interparental conflicts, both in non-divorced and divorced families., Olga Trampotová, Lenka Lacinová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The contemporary ethnic movement of the Seri has been little pronounced up to now. It is evident that in the community Punta Chueca a fundamental cultural change is taking place. Even though it is a long-term process, only in the 1970's the community had opened up to the surrounding world, in the first place because of the building of better infrastrueture between Punta Chueca and the Mexican village Bahia de Kino. The no madic culture radically changed because of the settled life-style and many aspects of the culture lost its function in the present world. For preservation of the cultural identity it is necessary to substitute such aspects with new ones, or to accentuate the existing aspects. The substitution and advocacy of certain cultural aspects is connected with different reflection of the state of things by different generations. The young are more inclined to accept the new life forms and the future of the ethnic group they see in its drawing nearer to the surrounding Mexican society. They don't want to stay isolated any more and to resign on the possibilities of the modern world. Within this group there are some individuals who feel that for maintaining the peculiarity of the Seri culture it is necessary to turn back to the culture of the forefathers and to develop it. However, in their interpretation these aspects acquire other functional value, because the smooth continuity to the life of the forefathers is missing. The making of new functional forms is apparent also in other areas of life of the Seri youth, in their endeavour to use traditional dress and decoration, their return to the declaration of sacred places etc. In their behavior the young Seri have been influenced by their knowledge of the image of the „traditional Indian“ of Mexicans or turists and they try to fulfill this perception. So, many aspects serve to the young generation to create an all-compassing cathegory of an „Indian without a deep concern for the peculiarities of their own culture. The older generation, on the other hand, tends to preserve the isolated State of the ethnic group and to keep and fortify the ,,traditional" life of the forefathers. Thanks to their dominance of the key offices in the Elder Council because of the age hierarchy the older persons can with more ease make decisions on the cultural life of the community. The future life of the community depends mainly on the attitudes of its pr esent-day young people. and They are at the down of crucial changes and its up to them if they allow the assimilation of their community in the process of its coming closer to the Mexican society, or if they will be able to find such social model that would preserve visible, characteristie cultural aspects. But its also up to the slowly dying-out older generation to know and to have strength to pass the experiences and knowledge to the coming generations.
The article outlines the book culture of the Rudolphine period on the examples of several works by Tycho Brahe (Instruments of the Renewed Astronomy), Johannes Kepler (Somnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy; Conversation with the Starry Messenger) and Galileo Galilei (The Starry Messenger). It is based on both research outcomes that have already been published and those that are being prepared for printing. and Alena Hadravová.