The paper analyses the fact that the Czech communist party (KSČM) can rely on substantial and stable (occasi- onally even rising) electoral support. The phenomenon has been discussed extensively in academic as well as social and political discourses. On the basis of available empirical data, sociological analyses and statistical information, the paper categorizes some basic socio-political conditions and predispositions which may help explain the fact that the political party once considered to be the anti-system heir of the non-democratic regime is now one of the most stable elements of Czech politics., Daniel Kunštát., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
20. dubna 2005 tomu bude deset let, co byly vyzdviženy ostatky Marie a Pierra Curieových z hrobu v Sceaux u Paříže a slavnostně uloženy pod Panthéonem. Marie Curie se tak stala první ženou, která byla takto poctěna. O pohnutém životě této neobyčejně nadané vědkyně bylo napsáno mnohé a její příběh se dočkal i hojného uměleckého ztvárnění. Mezi jedno z nejúspěšnějších děl patří bezesporu divadelní hra Jeana-Noela Fenwicka "Pierre et Marie", kterou u nás uvádí Divadlo Radka Brzobohatého v překladu Alexandra Jerie pod názvem "...nebylo by libo Nobela?" and Andrea Cejnarová.
V souvislosti s ukončením procesu hodnocení výzkumné činnosti pracovišť Akademie věd České republiky za léta 2005-09 se hodně času věnovalo diskuzím nad budoucím směrováním Akademie věd ČR. Základním cílem je zvýšení vědeckého výkonu Akademie věd a jejích jednotlivých ústavů vytvořením koherentního programu AV ČR jako celku, který by zahrnoval aktuální trendy světové vědy a vývoje poznání a zároveň reagoval na základní společenské výzvy v oblasti vědy a výzkumu. Přípravu této strategie lze vnímat jako pokračování pohybu Akademie věd ve směru nastoupeném po mimořádném Akademickém sněmu v červnu 2009, kdy byla v novodobé historii České republiky poprvé ohrožena její existence., In connection with the completion of the evaluation process for research activities at our institutes for 2005-09, we have devoted a great deal of time to discussions of the future direction of AS CR. The fundamental aim is to raise the scientific performance of AS CR and its institutes by creating a coherent programme for AS CR as a whole, reflecting current trends in world science and development of knowledge and at the same time reacting to the essential social challenges in science and research. I perceive the preparation of the Strategy as a continuation of the shift in direction taken after the extraordinary Academy Assembly in June 2009, when its existence was in jeopardy for the first time in the modern history of the Czech Republic., and Jiří Drahoš.
The author devoted her study to íhe process that lead to the conclusion that certaln types offood can be considered an ethic feature of a nation. As an example she chose the Slovák nationalfood, Bryndz halušky (a type of roundpasta dumpling with goats cheese). In the first part she explains the origin and genesis of the basic ingredients for this food and its sociál and geographic correlation. Another part is devoted to an evaluation of relevant materiál from ethnographic, historical and cultural sources. She points out that the adjective Slovák or national was applied to a wide range offood and drink in the 19th and beginning of the ťwentieth century and that Bryndz halušky were first labelled the
Slovák national dish by Czech author B. Němcová, Later the author devotes attention to the self-identijication of Slovaks after the formation of Czechoslovakia in 1918 from a point ofview limited to national cuisine. She explains why the nationalfood ofSlovakia,
as one of its ethnic symbols, has its origins in the culture and traditions of the Carpathian mountain region. Further examples are given from the area of Slovák national art. In concluding the study, the author States that the process, by which a food, originally
a regional speciality associated with a specific sociál group, came to be presented as a national food, is not unique in Europe. On the contrary it is quite common and in most cases dosely linked with the forming of the national consciousness.
Social memory embodied in symbolic stories, passed on within the society, take part in determination of the understanding of present time, because it lays normative claims to the society and shows a formative power. The structuration of time that we find in autobiographical stories reflects the understanding of history, and its present interpretation. The autobiographies don't employ only the individual time, but there appears also a social dimension of life. The individual „breaking points“ that emerge in the embodiement of the past not only divide quantitatively the differently experienced time periods, but they also indicate the existence of diffferent „communities of shared memory“. The text deals with the situation in the village Stonava in the Czech part of Ciezsyn Silesia. Just here we find the highest number of Polish victims of the Czechoslovak-Polish armed conflict of January 1919 that died in one village. The remembrance of this event or its forgetting, as well as placing these events to the broader interpretative frame, serves as a device to understand the structuration of the inhabitants of Stonava based on different foundation than simply the national identification or political preferences.
The library of the chateau in Strážnice contains a binder’s volume of 25 German printed books from the 16th century, three of which may be considered as unique. Several of them were owned by the famous Lutheran theologian Matthias Flacius Illyricus, who gave them to his fellow believers, Erasmus Minckwitz von Minckwitzburg and Nicolaus von Ansdorf. and Petr Mašek.