Knowledge about relations between changes of air pressure, temperature or other meteorological variables in different locations on the Earth is a key to understand what impacts global change. A new mathematical and computational method uncovers causal relations, gateways and mediators that help to comprehend input and spreading of pertubations in complex spatiotemporal systems such as the climate and assessing the effect of geoengineering interventions of global impact of local weather extremes. The method can also be used for uncovering paths for information dissemination in financial markets or for tracing information transmission in the human brain. and Milan Paluš.
Nezbytnou součástí plánování času je kalendář, který se navíc postupem doby stal přímo ideálním nosičem propagačního sdělení. Ať už je to skromná kartička, stolní kalendář anebo jeho luxusní nástěnná varianta - všechny poskytují spoustu prostoru pro obrazový i textový doprovod. Své kalendáře má pochopitelně i Akademie věd a my si jich pár prolistujme. and Marina Hužvárová.
Another article is by Associate Professor Stanislav Kozubek, the director of the Institute of Biophysics of the ASCR. He explores one of the possibilities of evaluating the quality of basic research and points out some defects of the methodology utilized by the Research and Development Council. and Stanislav Kozubek.
This comment was made by Professor Jiří Drahoš a renowned physical chemist, interviewed for a feature article in this issue. The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR) has been observing this year the 20th anniversary of its inception, this one being another in the series. Professor Drahoš has been president of the ASCR since 2009. Since then, Professor Drahoš has been facing the government's decisions to cut the Academy's budget every year. He has worked at the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the ASCR since 1977, holding various positions, including research scientist, senior research scientist, Department Head, Deputy Director (1992-1995) and Director (1996-2003). His principal research interest is multiphase chemical reactors. He has published more than 60 original papers in impacted international journals and is a co-inventor of four international and holds 10 Czech patents. According to Science Citation Index and other sources, his scientific papers have been cited more than 700 times. In 1977 he was awarded the Medal of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS). and Marina Hužvárová.