The Learned Society of the Czech Republic two-day General Assembly took place at the Hall of Patriots of the Collegium Carolinum and at the ASCR's main building on 14-15 May 2012. At this gathering, Jih Grygar, well-known astronomer and popularizer of science, and Martin Hi'sky, renowned professor of English literature and translator, were bestowed the Society's Medal for their contributions to the advancement of science. Scientist Awards were presented to historian Petr Comej and chemist Jaroslav Stejskal. Junior Scientist Awards were given to chemists Otakar Frank and Jan Vesely. Awards were also presented to pedagogues and to students from Czech high schools. Professor Petr Pokorny was elected the president of the Council of the Executive Board of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for the period May 2012 - May 2014. and Luděk Svoboda.
Za účasti významných představitelů britské Královské společnosti nauk (The Royal Society) - Martina Reese, Geoffrey Boultona a Briana Heapa - se Učená společnost ČR sešla 18. května 2015 na slavnostním zasedání ve Velké aule Karolina, následující den pokračovali její členové v interním jednání v sídle Akademie věd ČR na Národní třídě. Zatímco dopolední část patřila proslovům a tradičnímu ceremoniálu předání medailí a cen Učené společnosti, ale i obecným vystoupením výše zmíněných hostů, v odpolední části proslovili britští vědci vůbec poprvé v Modré posluchárně Karolina populárně-vědecké přednášky přístupné veřejnosti, jež se těšily velké návštěvnosti. and Jana Olivová, Luděk Svoboda.
The Academy Assembly is the highest body of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic responsible for the topmost priority decisions related to the AS CR. It convened its XXXII Meeting in the Municipal House in Vinohrady of the 24th April 2008. One of the distinguished guests of Assembly was Dr. Jüri Engelbrecht, president of the ALLEA board who talked about the role of ALLEA in uniting European Academies. and Miroslav Šmidák.
The Academy Assembly, the highest body of the ASCR responsible for the topmost priority decisions related to the ASCR, held its XXXVIII Meeting on April 21, 2011. Among invited guests were Alena Gajdůšková, 1st Vice-President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Stanislava Hronová and Vladimír Haasz, Vice-Chairpersons of the R&D Council and others. The main agenda item of this meeting was discussion the report of the Steering Committee of the Evaluation of Academy Institutes. Through the Committee's evaluation, the Academy Council is provided a full report of the research effectiveness of Academy Institutes. and Luděk Svoboda.
The 37th Council meeting of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies took place in Prague on September 25, 2010. FEMS brings together 46 member societies from 36 European countries, covering over thirty thousand microbiologists. Members may apply for research fellowships, visiting scientist grants, young scientist meeting grants and/or support when organizing a meeting. These benefits are restricted to members only. FEMS facilitates the exchange of scientific knowledge to all microbiologists in Europe and worldwide by publihing five microbiology journals. Grants Board Meeting was held in Prague on March 3-4, 2011. FEMS provided Meeting Attendance Grants to young European scientists wishing to attend meetings that are not supported by a FEMS Meetings Grant. The maximum amount of this grant is 600 €. and Jaroslav Spížek.
We highlight an interview with Věra Kůrková, the head of Department of Theoretical Computer Sciences at the Institute of Computer Sciences of the ASCR. Her research interests are nonlinear approximation theory, mathematical theory of neural networks and the mathematical theory of learning. and Gabriela Adámková.
The history of Czech-Korean botany co-operation has been covering nearly 20 years. Czech scientists helped to form multi-national team that brought together two distinctive publications: Forest Vegetation of Northeast Asia and Distribution and Phytoceonology of Selected Woody Species of North Korea. The official partner of the Academy of Sciences in Korea is KOSEF (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation) that has already supported unique range of 2042 research projects. and Jiří Kolbek.