Profesora Jiřího Neužila neulovíte v Praze pokaždé. Nádorové buňky totiž sice v posledních letech zkoumá v laboratořích krčského Biotechnologického ústavu AV ČR, ale od roku 1991 působí hlavně u protinožců, od roku 2002 na australské Griffith University, s intermezzem v Německu a Švédsku. Za svými týmy překračuje časová pásma několikrát do roka; v Praze je prý větší legrace, v Austrálii si zase brzy ráno zapádluje na moři, ovšem podmínky v laboratořích jsou téměř shodné. A tak týmy dospěly společnou prací k mimořádnému objevu o funkci nádorové buňky. and Marina Hužvárová.
The European Molecular Biology Organization organized a meeting in Prague October 1-3. At this symposium several topics were discussed: biology and genetics of mitochondria in relation to cancer; the role of mitochondria-targeting compounds in cancer suppression (including BH3 mimetics); mitochondria as transmitters of death receptor-induced apoptosis; regulation of apoptosis and the interplay of mitochondria with other organelles p53 and mitochondria in apoptosis regulation; and the role of mitochondria in targeting cancer stem cells. and Jiří Neužil, Ladislav Anděra a Alois Kozubík.
A Seminar of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) was organized in collaboration with the Institute of Ethnology of the CAS and the Czech Association of Social Anthropologists on the occasion of the EASA Annual General Meeting on October 14-15, 2015. The seminarMaking Anthropology Matter was intended as a forum to discuss the role that anthropology as an academic discipline and intellectual endeavour plays and could play in the contemporary European public sphere. Some of the themes under discussion were mobility, migration and multiculturalism; economic crises, neoliberalism and human economies; and environment, sustainability and responses to climate change. The event was tied to the current Executive Committee’s priority of strengthening the position of anthropology at different levels across Europe. and Zdeněk Uherek.