The Swedish Royal Technology Mission 2012, which included King Carl XVI Gustaf, met on May 9, 2012 at the headquarters of th n n the ASCR with the representatives of Academy of Sciences. At the opening, President of the ASCR Jiří Drahoš briefly introduced the ASCR and its role in our system of science and research, including international cooperation projects. The Swedish delegation then was acquainted with the Tokamak COMPASS project, the PALS system and with the future superlaser ELI. The day before, the Swedish guests were welcomed at the Institute of Botany in Průhonice, where the Swedish King also inspected and expressed great interest the complex of Průhonice Park. The purpose of the Royal Technology Mission visit was to acquire more detailed information of the strategies, initiatives and opportunities in countries of the EU that have industrial, technological and scientific traditions similar to Sweden's. Of the new members of the EU, the ČR is the second largest trading partner of this advanced Scandinavian country; approximately 200 Swedish companies operate here. While in the ČR, the Royal Technology Mission discussed cooperation particularly in three key areas in information technology, nanotechnology and medicine. and Petr Zuna.
The two hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the Don Giovanni premiere, in 1787, and the one hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the foundation, in 1837, of Pragues Mozart Denkmal, the first ever Mozart Memorial Collection, housed from then until now in Pragues Klementinum, offer the opportunity to take a look at Mozarts standing in the early 19th century in Bohemia through the eyes of press and writing on music of the time (August Wilhelm Ambros, Wenzel Johann Tomaschek, Joseph Proksch, Ed. Murelli), as well as period arrangements of his works and the ways of their interpretation., Michaela Freemanová., Obsahuje seznam literatury, and České resumé na s. 102.
Studie Evy Veselovské se zabývá notovanými kodexy, které vznikly na území dnešního Slovenska od 14. do začátku 16. století a do jejichž způsobu notace se promítl vliv českého kulturního prostředí., Recent research of Slovakian medieval notated codices and manuscript fragments raised an important fact: the written culture of the late 14th and 15th centuries in Slovakia was strongly influenced by education from Czech lands. Particularly between 1370 and 1520, the direct impact of the scribal notation tradition from Czech lands to Slovak area can be detected in a number of Slovakian music sources. Codices and dozens of manuscript fragments documenting Bohemian notation in the Slovak geographical area have become the subject of research, along with the systematization, analysis and evaluation of all currently known and edited medieval notated sources from Slovakia. The main purpose of this research is to organise the information gained from these sources, and to determine the general structural features of Bohemian notation in Slovakia., Eva Veselovská., Rubrika: Studie, and Slovenské resumé na s. 376, anglický abstrakt na s. 337.
Příspěvek Jany Vozkové je zprávou ze zasedání České národní skupiny IAML, které se uskutečnilo v Českých Budějovicích ve dnech 19. až 20. září., Jana Vozková., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.