The Rožmberk family legend, which derived the origin of Bohemia´s leading aristocratic dynasty from the Roman Orsini, is usually attributed to Oldřich II of Rožmberk. This attribution however relies on indirect arguments. This article argues that the Orsini claim emerged at least a generation earlier. The conclusion relies on a letter which King Sigismund of Luxembourg addressed to the city commune of Trogir in Dalmatia in 1411 and which contains an allusion to the supposed kinship. The document surveved only as a seventeenth-century copy among papers of the Dalmatian scholar Giovanni Lucio. The internal signs of the writing as well as Lucio´s scholastic profile seem to exclude the possibility that Lucio would have forged it. The early emergence of the claim contradicts neither the broader context of the Orsini legend in various regions of the late-medieval Europe, nor other fifteenth-century documents so far known on the existence of the Orsini myth within the Rožmberk family. These documents, I suggest, shouldbe read in a different way as usual., Petr Maťa., and Obsahuje poznámky pod čarou
podle originálu z roku 1585 vydává Čeněk Zíbrt., Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy., Přívazek k : Staročeský rukohled a novočeský rukozpyt / Čeněk Zíbrt, and Desky nejsou k dispozici, použity desky z MVS.
Slunéčka (Coccinellidae) se páří často a dlouho, přičemž opakované páření zvyšuje jejich plodnost. Spermie vydrží celé měsíce a samice má pak potomstvo s mnoha samci zároveň. První samec v pořadí, samec početnější barevné formy a větší samec mají výhodu většího počtu potomků., Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) mate often and for a long time. Multiple mating increases their fertility. The sperm lasts for months and females lay eggs fertilized by multiple males. The first male in order, the male of the more common colour form and the larger male have a reproductive advantage., and Oldřich Nedvěd.
Data on divorces are gathered by the Czech Statistical Office and thus widely accessible and well known, but much less information is available about the stability of unmarried cohabitations. This paper focuses on the differences between marriage and unmarried cohabitations in terms of their stability. The authors study the impact of various factors on the stability of marriages and unmarried cohabitations taking into account the different socio -demographic indicators. To explain this phenomenon they use various theoretical approaches emphasizing different factors of partnership instability (from socializing factors to premarital cohabitation, values, education and gender, to factors based on the theory of rational choice). The analysis identified factors that operate in the same manner within both marriages and unmarried cohabitations (e.g. children in the partnership, experience with the previous partnership break-ups) as well as factors that play a different role in the stability of marriages and unmarried cohabitations (e.g. education, duration of partnership, generation). The paper is based on quantitative data from the survey ‘Life-course 2010’, which included 4010 respondents. The authors used the event history approach in their analysis which enabled them to track the dependences of the variables in time., Marta Vohlídalová, Hana Maříková., 1 graf, 1 tabulka, Poznámky na str. 14-15 (14), Biografické poznámky o autorkách článku na str. 15, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 3