Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19)(EE patch 2015/05/15), von Alex Pařízek, and Converted from MODS 3.5 to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2015/06/25)
The paper analyzes the ways in which the state approach to homosexuality in Communist Czechoslovakia intersected with actually lived lives and experiences of ordinary non -heterosexual people who identified (mainly retroactively) as gays, lesbians or transsexuals. In the Czech context, this is the first research of its kind and combines oral history with a gender analysis of sexological literature from the communist period, to put together a complex mosaic of sexuality in recent past. This confrontation of methods exposes the processes by which gender and sexuality in this era worked as tools of regulation and control, and shows how non -heterosexual people responded to this pressure. The paper offers a multilayer reading and analysis of normality/deviance, public/private and submission/resistance in communist Czechoslovakia., Věra Sokolová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This study examines the religious composition of the population on so-called state estates, which included estates administered by an official body, but also by the Religious, Study and Endowment Fund, or Charles-Ferdinand University. The research is based on a survey event that took place on the estates in 1802 and covered a broad range of themes. For the purposes of this study only questions on religious topics were selected. For supplementary information and as a comparative source a topographical-statistical handbook compiled by J. G. Sommer in the second quarter of the 19th century was used. Analyses of the questionnaires revealed that a majority Catholic population lived on the estate. This was particularly typical of traditionally Catholic western Bohemia. Conversely, the Protestant tradition was confirmed in the eastern Bohemian estates, especially Poděbrady and Pardubice, and also the estates of Větrný Jeníkov and Středokluky. While on the estates of Pardubice and Větrný Jenikov Protestants were concentrated in particular, more or less segregated areas, in Poděbrady the co-existence of Catholics and Helvetians was quite common. In 1802 Helvetians made up almost one-third of the local population here, and a study of the registries of Poděbrady parishes shows that weddings between people of different faiths were quite frequent, constituting approximately one-quarter of all marital unions. Mixed marriages had of course a negative impact on the proportion of Protestants in the population, as the majority of children born into these families were raised as Catholics. With regard to the Jewish population, unlike the Protestants there were Jews living in most of the state estates, but the proportion of the population they represented was much lower, around less than 1%, and it was more a matter of individual families.
This event was a collaborative workshop involving scientists, power industry leaders and government officials to outline the future and role of energy storage in ensuring secure energy and to discuss the promising topics for research into energy storage. The workshop sought to present ideas, examples, and projects related to experience with energy storage with a strong emphasis on promoting national awarness and inspiring action towards solving emerging problems. Through this event the scientists hoped to present promising research themes and technologies and challenge the attendees to discuss the feasibility of the technologies and trends for energy storage. The workshop was a part of the Strategy AV21 and was organized with the patronage of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Professor Jiří Drahoš by the Institute of the Thermomechanics of the CAS and the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS. and Magdalena Bendová, Jan Hrubý, Miroslav Chomát, Patrik Zima.
Pro rok 2013 se stal evropským pavoukem roku sklípkánek hnědý (Atypus affinis). Jde o jednoho ze tří druhů sklípkanů vyskytujících se v České republice. V článku popisuji morfologii, způsob života, stanovištní nároky a rozšíření sklípkánka hnědého. Je naším nejhojnějším zástupcem rodu, vyskytuje se na suchých osluněných kamenitých stráních s řídkou stromovou vegetací. Jeho stanoviště nejsou bezprostředně ohrožena sílícím zarůstáním krajiny., The Purse-Web Spider (Atypus affinis) became the European Spider of the Year 2013. The genus Atypus comprises three species in Europe. The morphology, natural history, habitat requirements and distribution of A. affinis are described. In Central Europe, it is the most common Atypus species and it occurs on dry sunny rocky slopes with sparse woody vegetation. These habitats do not tend to be overgrown by expansive tree or grass species., and Milan Řezáč.