The study illuminates the reign of King of the Romans and Hungary Sigismund of Luxembourg in the North of Veneto (Belluno, Feltre, Serravalle). This region was in Sigismund’s power only for a short time in 1411/12-1420 in connection with his military conflict with the Republic of Venice. Based on for the most part unpublished sources from the archives of the city of Bel- luno, attention is devoted to the people with whom the king entrusted administration of the area (imperial vicars and captains/castellans). It shows that the majority of these people and the garrisons assigned to them, the number of which reaches several dozen or even hundreds, apparently came from the Czech lands mainly in the period 1415-1420. Following step-by-step various aspects of the activity of the royal representatives and their garrisons, frequent conflicts with the local self-government and population stand out. and Ondřej Schmidt.
The article focuses on the political views and attitudes of the poet Viktor Dyk, his activities in the internal resistance during World War I and his literary reflections on the establishment of Czechoslovakia in October 1918. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
V tomto roku si pripomíname 40. výročie skonu prof. Viléma Kunzla. Pri tejto príležitosti chceme čitateľom Československého časopisu pre fyziku priblížiť osobnosť tohto významného československého fyzika, jeho vedeckú pedagogickú i organizačnú činnosť nielen na materskej Karlovej univerzite v Prahe, ale aj na bratislavskej Univerzite Komenského. and Juraj Šebesta.