The "Prognoz" routine has been worked out at the Astronomical Council permitting high-accuracy prediction of artificial satellites´ motion in an interval of several days. Numerical integration of equations of the motion of artificial satellites was used; the geopotential and the point-mass model to substitute it, gravitational influence of the Moon and the Sun, solar pressure, the influence of solid Earth tides and upper atmosphere drag are also taken into acount. The routine can be used to improve orbital elements, station positions, determination of coordinates of the Earth Pole and instability of the Earth rotation. Using laser ranging data of Lageos, during preliminary MERIT campaign, an accuracy of less than 1 meter for orbital elements was obtained, pole positions and LOD were calculated for intervals of 2,5 to 5 days.
Cílem studie bylo zjistit, jakým způsobem učitelé vnímají vyčleňování ve svých třídách a jak toto vyčleňování diferencují z hlediska pedagogické intervence. Metoda a soubor. Kvalitativní výzkumná strategie, polostrukturované rozhovory vedené s učiteli (19), tematická analýza. Výsledky. Na základě získaných dat z rozhovorů byly zachyceny 4 kategorie: 1) Vyčleňování jakožto konstrukt blízký šikaně; 2) Problematické vyčleňování vyžadující zásah učitele; 3) Legitimní vyčleňování 4) Vyčleňování jako inherentní skupinový fenomén. Učitelé pokládají vyčlenění za předstupeň nebo za počátek šikany. Odlišují nezávažné projevy exkluze od problematických forem, které podle nich vyžadují pedagogický zásah. Závažné vyčleňování vymezují pomocí kritérií šikany, jimiž jsou: nerovnováha sil, opakovanost projevů vyčleňování či trvání stavu exkluze a záměrností., Zvažují také míru negativních emocí vyčleňovaného žáka. Za legitimní vyčleňování pokládají situace, kdy považují exkluzi za výsledek dobrovolného rozhodnutí vyčleňovaného žáka. Dále je pro ně nezávažné takové vyčleňování, které představuje adekvátní situační zpětnou vazbu spolužáků vůči nevhodnému jednání žáka. Poslední nezávažnou variantou je podle nich dočasné legitimní vyčlenění za účelem naplnění skupinového výkonového cíle. Vyčleňování je podle některých učitelů přirozeným doprovodným jevem života školních tříd, k němuž se může postupně připojit předpojatost skupiny a dehumanizace. Impulzem pro zásah do skupinové dynamiky třídy je pro učitele ztráta respektu k vyčleňovanému spolužákovi. Zjištěné nejasnosti učitelů v rozlišování mezi šikanou a vyčleňováním naznačují, že je zapotřebí diferencovat aktivní a pasivní formy vyčleňování a specifikovat pro ně intervenční postupy. Limity. Nízký počet účastníků výzkumu. Soubor sestával především z pedagogů se zájmem o vztahy ve třídách., The goal of the study was to investigate how teachers view exclusion in their classrooms and how they differentiate exclusion incidents in terms of teacher intervention. Methods and sample. Qualitative research approach, semi-structured interviews conducted with teachers (19), thematic analysis. Results. Based on the interview data, 4 categories were identified: 1) Exclusion as a construct related to bullying; 2) Problematic exclusion deserving teacher intervention; 3) Legitimate exclusion; 4) Exclusion as an inherent group phenomenon. Teachers considered exclusion a pre-stage or a beginning of bullying. They differentiated less serious forms of exclusion from problematic forms that deserve teacher intervention. They conceptualized the problematic forms using criteria for bullying: asymmetry of power, repetitiveness or long-term duration, and intentionality. Moreover, they considered levels of negative emotions of the excluded student. Teachers identified legitimate exclusion as situations, in which they viewed the exclusion as a result of a voluntary decision of the excluded student. Next, they viewed as legitimate exclusion situations that presented an adequate feedback to inappropriate behavior of the excluded student., and A final form of exclusion that teachers considered legitimate presents a temporary exclusion for a purpose of meeting a group achievement goal. According to some teachers, exclusion presents an inherent part of classroom life that may get more serious due to a risk of gradual development of group prejudice and dehumanization regarding the excluded student. When teachers perceive this process, specifically, when students start to treat the excluded student without respect, teachers view it as an indicator of a need for teacher intervention. The found lack of clarity in distinguishing exclusion and bullying underscored the need for differentiation of active and passive forms of exclusion and corresponding intervention approaches. Limitations. Low number of participants of the study. The sample included mostly teachers who are interested in peer relations in the classrooms.
This study examines osteological remains from an urban Medieval settlement in Brno. Plots at Dominikánská and Kobližná streets and the organization of meat supplies in Brno city in the High Middle Ages were investigated. Evidence for 21 animal species was found with the dominant source of meat coming from cattle and the proportion of poultry increasing in the 15th century. The age structure of slaughter animals and anatomical composition corresponds to normal conditions in Czech, German and Polish territories. Development of the butchery trade could be linked with municipal cities. Butchers‘ guild in Brno took its statute in the 14th century and animals were slaughtered in dedicated slaughterhouses. Occasional fishing also took place. The meat was sold in established meat shops as well as specialised marketplaces., Miriam Nývltová Fišáková, Rudolf Procházka, Zdeňka Sůvová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Since the Middle Ages, inns served almost exclusively to men, women appeared there only exceptionally. This fact was given by the historical development, typical (not only) for the area of Central Europe. The position of women changed only during the industrial revolution, as they started to take part in the social process of common work, which created conditions for their emancipation.
The process of female emancipation was also expressed in
violation of male domains, especially all kinds of places of recreation. While in the 19th century women were allowed to enter an inn only exceptionally and exclusively in the company of their husbands, fathers or other male relatives, in the 20th century they started to appear here regularly. Women associated in clubs and societies and held their meetings in inns. Particularly female intellectuals and artists followed by other strata of women in twos or alone more and more often sought out suitable facilities, especially coffee houses.
Tato studie se věnuje komentářům a glosám k první kapitole druhé knihy Boethiova Úvodu do aritmetiky, jejímiž autory v poslední čtvrtině 10. století byli Gerbert z Aurillacu (Scholium ad Boethii Arithmeticam Institutionem l. II, c. 1), Abbo z Fleury (komentář ke spisu Calculus od Viktorina z Akvitánie, tzv. De numero, mensura et pondere), Notker z Lutychu (De superparticularibus) a anonymní autor textu De arithmetica Boetii. Studie sleduje dva hlavní cíle: nejprve upozorňuje na to, že Boethiův text o převodu číselných posloupností na stejnost lze interpretovat dvěma rozdílnými způsoby, následně se zaměřuje na využití této problematiky v dalších svobodných uměních a při hraní deskové hry rithmomachie., This paper deals with commentaries and glosses to the first chapter of the second book of Boethius’s Introduction to Arithmetic written by Gerbert of Aurillac (Scholium ad Boethii Arithmeticae Institution l. II, c. 1), Abbo of Fleury (commentary on the Calculus of Victorius of Aquitaine, the so-called De numero, mensura et pondere), Notker of Liège (De superparticularibus) and by the anonymous author (the text De Arithmetica Boetii) in the last quarter of the 10th century. This paper follows two main topics: firstly, Boethius’s work implies possibility of double interpretations of converting numerical sequences to equality; secondly, applications of this topic in other liberal arts and in playing board game called rithmomachia., and Marek Otisk.
The article describes and analyses scientific and organizational activities of Otakar Nahodil at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, within the wider context of Czech ethnography and folkloristics in the 1940-1960s. Based on the study of sources that have never been used for this theme to date and that originate in the management of the Faculty of Arts Charles University, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and various security forces, it was possible to trace the Nahodil´s way to the position of a probably most influential eminent authority in the ethnological science at that time, as well as his subsequent steep power fall. The study points to a lot of extraordinary problematic features of Nahodil´s research work and personality, which - within specific contexts of that period (ongoing marxization, or stalinization of scientific research and transformation in its themes, cleansing and settling of personal scores at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, development of
the study of extra-European territories under the monitoring of intelligent services etc.) - strongly influenced the direction of Czech ethnology at that time.