Small molecules that regulate the cell division cycle are a joint research project of the CAS Institute of Experimental Botany and Palacký University’s Faculty of Science. An interview with Professor Miroslav Strnad, head of the Laboratory of Growth Regulations, describes the significance of this joint project. The laboratory concentrates its research on small molecules that regulate cell division cycle, proliferation and growth of both plant and animal cells. Cytokinins and cytokinin-derived purine inhibitors of cyclindependent kinases are the most intensively studied compounds. The multidisciplinary research team is composed of experienced plant physiologists, biochemists and organic and analytical chemists. Many students are involved in the research phase during their pre-graduate and postgraduate studies in botany, analytical and organic chemistry, biochemistry or medicinal biology. Several research projects are in progress in collaboration with international partners (University of Berlin; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; University of Natal Pietermaritzburg, South Africa and the Vienna Medical University. and Marina Hužvárová.
Project PrOVAZ is the outcome of enthusiasm by young researchers for increasing connections between the fundamental research performed at the Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR, Brno, and Czech universities aimed at practical applications in nature conservation management. One of the project’s most important activities is organizing conferences and practical workshops related to ecology and environmental management. PrOVAZ refers to the networking project "Connecting education and new approaches in zoological and ecological research." "Science for all senses" (2012-2014) is supported by the Institute’s Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP). Its focus is popularization of the research activities to assist high schools to identify biology students motivated biology. They have produced "Stories of Curious Scientists," a documentary to be televised by Czech Television in the autumn. and Anna Bryjová.
Aquatic microbial ecology group at Institute of Hydrobiology (Biology Center AS CR, v. v. i.) primarily deal with carbon and nutrient flows through microbial food webs in systems of different trophic status. In particular, members of this group have begun to study relative interaction of organisms and their function in nutrient cycling in the impounding reservoirs and the lakes. and Jaroslav Vrba.
Sweden assumed the European Union six-month rotating presidency from the Czech Republic on 1 July 2009. Under the motto “Taking on the challenges”, Sweden has taken charge of the EU administration in difficult times of economic recession and faces an uncertain institutional future. The Swedish government has defined the aims of its EU presidency as: conducting an effective, open and results-oriented presidency in the interests of the whole of Europe; advancing the EU’s common issues and Sweden’s priority issues; strengthening Sweden’s role in the EU, serving in the EU's interest and strengthening the EU’s role as a global actor in issues, such as climate changing and CO2 tax. and Lenka Hebáková.
Kardiovaskulární onemocnění jsou bezesporu jednou z největších civilizačních hrozeb a projevují se i v poměrně mladém věku. Je proto samozřejmé, že vědci hledají nejen ještě účinnější způsoby jejich léčby, ale zkoumají i rizikové faktory a způsoby, jak je nejlépe ovlivnit - ať už přímo léky nebo přírodními živinami a přírodními potravinovými doplňky. Grant N. Pierce, profesor fyziologie a farmakologie na University of Manitoba v kanadském Winnipegu a výkonný ředitel výzkumu fakultní nemocnice St. Boniface, se zabývá právě touto problematikou. Se svými poznatky se přijel podělit s odborníky ve Fyziologickém ústavu AV ČR, kde přednesl další z cyklu Burešových přednášek, a to na téma „Klinické testování vlivu přírodních potravních doplňků na kardiovaskulární onemocnění“. Prof. Pierce převzal zároveň ocenění České fyziologické společnosti: Laufbergerovu medaili za zásluhy ve fyziologických vědách. and Jana Olivová.