The European Network for Housing Research organized a conference in Prague June 28-July 1. This meeting of experts focused on the role and “power” of housing and mortgage markets, which is rapidly changing, especially by increasing the influence these markets have on the wider economy and sustainable development of many societies. and Tomáš Kostelecký.
Plán předsedy Evropské komise Jeana-Claude Junckera, jak mobilizovat a podpořit investice v Evropě (tzv. Junckerův investiční plán), dostal konkrétní obrysy již na sklonku roku 2014, kdy Evropská rada schválila jeho podobu, a podpořila tak vznik Evropského fondu pro strategické investice (EFSI). Investiční plán má za cíl pozvednout veřejné i soukromé investice do evropské ekonomiky, a to ve výši minimálně 315 miliard eur na období 2015-2017. and Kateřina Slavíková.
A mobile exhibition, German Science Train, which is organized by the Max Planck Society as part of the Year of Science 2009, takes the public on a research voyage! The idea is to show different aspects of science with an eye to the future. In 12 converted train cars, visitors can dive into different subjects: from cosmology to particle physics, nanotechnology and brain research to applied and industrial research in production, agriculture, energy, environment and mobility. The exhibition is making stops throughout Germany until December. and Luděk Svoboda.
Přibližně 520 dní trvá let na Mars a zpět - 520 dní trvala simulace takového letu a bezmála stejnou dobu i příprava a vydání publikace Psychologického ústavu AV ČR „Mars-500: Fakta a postřehy ze simulovaného letu na rudou planetu“, která se tímto ojedinělým experimentem zabývá. and Marina Hužvárová.
The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) has contributed to the success of the Czech pavilion at the World EXPO 2015 in Milan, the motto of which is: Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life. The motto was also reflected in the nine Days of Czech Science, held in early July under the partnership of the Joint Research Centre in Ispra. Several institutes of the CAS presented results of their most recent discoveries. The Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, among others, displayed its research aimed at seeking new human medications for lifestyle diseases and showed, for instance, a human cell as a miniature “chemical plant” in which thousands of actions bring about the healthy functioning of an organism. The institute also prepared an exhibition entitled Czech Science fighting viruses, which also introduced one of the protagonists in this field, outstanding Czech scientist Antonín Holý.One of the Czech lecturers who addressed the audience both at the EXPO and in Ispra was Lenka Maletínská. She focused on the potential role of modified neuropeptides in the fight against obesity, which is also explained in the article by Lenka Maletínská and Jaroslav Kuneš in this edition. and Marina Hužvárová.
Festival took place 20-22 June 2008 in Velké Meziříčí and it was organized by the Institute of Philosophy ASCR with cooperation of the town Velké Meziříčí. The idea of festival arose seven years ago in the north Italian town Modena. The festival has a goal to celebrate the philosophy and the literature, to go out from the academic grounds to the squares, parks and to address perceptive listeners and the young people especially. and Josef Gabriel.