Cremation in Late-Stage Bell-Beaker Culture Amphoras in Southern Moravia (Including a note on the internal arrangement of Bell-Beaker Culture society). There is an interesting fi nd among the graves of the Bell Beaker Culture in south Moravia (Hostěradice and Jiřice, Znojmo region), in which cremation burial were disposed in urns – especially amphoras covered with another, upside-down vessel (usually a bowl, sometimes a smaller amphora). This intriguing fi nd is the contents of a cremation in Božice – Česká kolonie near Dvůr Hoja. There is a unique, irreplaceable item in the collection of funerary pottery from Božice – Česká kolonie (near Dvůr Hoja) – an urn containing the remains of a cremation. It is a large, wide amphora with four handles and a bulge. The “comb” decoration on its bottom with densely placed thin grooves is very rare in the Bell-Beaker Culture. The cremation inside was covered with a toppled bowl with a wider rim. The grave pit is of cylindrical shape. The grave contained the burned bones of one or two people. One group consisted of more robust human bones, while the second group was more delicate., Jaromír Kovárník., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Ještě nedávno se tuková tkáň považovala za pouhou zásobarnu energie a symbol nežádoucí obezity, která má značný podíl na tzv. civilizačních chorobách. Stále víc vědeckých poznatků však začalo podobně jednostranný pohled nabouravat a ukazovat, že tuková tkáň není zbytečné zlo, ale má mnoho důležitých funkcí, bez nichž by se naše tělo neobešlo. and Jana Olivová, Stanislava Kyselová.