Political forces dominating the mainstream of the Czech political scene accuse independently living individuals of selfish privatization and extrapolated consumerism. However, the shared household model of living (not in a couple or within own family) extensively spreads among independently living individuals alongside this ''privatization''. The milieu of this specific households, which represent so called ''chosen families'' consisting of flat mates and friends in the flat or house rented in group, is along with single occupied households the source of what is described as ''urban tribes''. Precisely these independently living individuals and their specific structures in contrary prevent and confront the societal erosion and disintegration. Their life-styles and everyday practices extensively lead to activities contributing to community revival at the local level as well as to maintaining of an open character of the society more generally.
Článek přibližuje biologické a ekologické zvláštnosti 7 našich druhů bublinatek (Utricularia), které tvoří dvojice nebo trojice velmi podobných druhů. Přináší také nové poznatky o ekofyziologických procesech v pastech vodních bublinatek. and The biological and ecological peculiarties of seven domestic species of Utricularia plants are described. These plants can be grouped on the basis of their similarity (groups of two to three similar plants). New discoveries involving the ecophysiological processes taking place in the traps of the given insectivores are also described.
V článku jsou shrnuty dosavadní omezené poznatky o kutilkách rodu Ammoplanus. Je zhodnocen výskyt v Evropě se zaměřením na současné poznatky o rodu v České republice. Součástí příspěvku je i obrázkový klíč všech 6 druhů žijících v České republice. and This article summarizes current limited knowledge of sphecid wasps belonging to the genus Ammoplanus. Their occurrence in Europe is assessed and special attention is paid to the Czech Republic. An illustrated key for all 6 species of the genus inhabiting the Czech Republic is also included.
Pavouci třesavky rodu Pholcus jsou zajímavé neobvyklou stavbou sítě a způsoby lovu kořisti, např. pomocí vrhání vláken. Podrobnosti z jejich života jsou ukázány hlavně na příkladu kosmopolitní a synantropní třesavky velké (Pholcus phalangioides). and Cellar spiders of the genus Pholcus are remarkable for their net structure and prey-capturing techniques, e.g. by wrapping an insect in a large quantity of spider silk: the spider quickly envelops its prey with silk. Bionomic details are described by the example of the synanthropic Daddy Long-legs Spider (Pholcus phalangioides).